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9/20/2014 5:37:03 PM
Thanks for your comments guys, it's really nice to know my friends and I are part of the majority. To be honest, the arguments against this post seem very flimsy, I can sit back and speculate about how great of a base this game is in terms of future potential, but then again, I could also do that about an imaginary game I think up, it still doesn't mean I have a great product now! I still have not received any word from Bungie on this post regarding any of the issues I have brought up on behalf of myself and numerous friends of mine, so I'm starting to feel left out and abandoned. I posted this thread in the help section so I would receive some answers from the team themselves, yet it seems my thread and many others have since gone on without any acknowledgement, a very disappointing fact given our combined support of the company over the years. Destiny is a game that I keep playing. I get excited about playing, boot up the game and then five minutes into playing I'm completely uninterested and unsatisfied and remember how I feel about it. I think (and I'd like to think I speak for a large number of guardians here) I'm in love with the concept of Destiny. I'm in love with the idea of what it could be, what the lore could be, the story could be, the gameplay could be, I guess I've bought into the 'promised land' of curiosity and possibility that Bungie depicted and keep booting the game up in a futile attempt to be satisfied and discover something along those lines - without any success obviously. Bungie spoke out about how much the team has grown and how they've learned so many lessons about gaming etc over the years, but I feel like that was yet another marketing ploy. Whilst the multiplayer of a game like Halo feels energetic, exciting and involved (to a degree), this game's multiplayer feels very flat and spacious, as if there's no one really around and it feels like a really bad counterstrike or something. The game types can't even support the same number of players that Halo does, despite apparently being way more interactive/advanced and whatever else. Take this new playlist 'Combined Arms' - it says it's all out vehicle warfare etc and that sounds great. In fact, it sounds a little like heavies in Halo, something which is a lot of fun. Play this game type and you'll soon be greeted by a single pike and a single interceptor on each team of six, playing 'Control' or 'Clash' as you would usually. I'm sorry, but where is this all-out vehicle warefare? Have Bungie literally just made a playlist that selects a random standard playlist and named it 'Combined Arms'? Where's the explosions, the vehicles clashing together, racing around and heavy weapons being used all of the time? I only mention Halo as a fitting reference for my point, but in no means do I want Bungie to just replicate that with a new skin. I would however like to see where the years of experience crafting one of the most memorable and still exciting multiplayer arenas has disappeared to. Less players, less game types, less variety, less sounds, less energy, what's the deal here Bungie? Are any of the original team with you still? It's just like the rest of the game - dry, soulless and repetitive. There's no fluidity here, it's a complete shambles. If people could perhaps keep commenting on this thread to keep it alive with any complaints they have about the game's content, perhaps we can get Bungie to at least dignify their fanbase with a constructive and non-evasive set of answers. All that the company are doing by ignoring us is making people think that they don't have any plan and are silently and quickly scurrying around behind the scenes trying to come up with a quick and cheap way they can plug the numerous holes that is sinking their precious Destiny. I'd love it if you could continue to show your support and discuss your ideas with me here, I'm really enjoying reading your answers! All the best, IS2

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  • I have to say you sum up my feelings on the game perfectly. I believe it has a lot of potential and could be nothing short of amazing. Yet it really reminds me of playing Rage in that it is so short(story wise), ends when it starts getting legs, and feels rushed out by the publisher. I also have to agree with you on the multiplayer, I feel like the maps are to big for the amount of players Bungie wants on them. I just find it odd that the game feels so flawed after such a large test crowd in the beta and all time it spent in development. I hope at some point they give you a response, but to me this feels like Bioware and Mass Effect 3 all over again and I have a feeling we all may have lost some money on this title.

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