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originally posted in:Shattered Oath
Edited by Frogbiscuit: 9/16/2014 3:19:04 PM

Vault of Glass tips

Alright, so I managed to attempt the very first part of the Vault with a group of people and zHomi, we managed to complete a stage of the boss fight, and got near to completing the second before the group quit, all in about 2 hours. Here's everything I know so far. Upon entering, jump and glide your way down the steps and pillars until you find the ... TEMPLAR (Giant Hydra Boss) -STAGE ONE- Defend the Confluxes First off, TEMPLAR is invulnerable here, leave him alone. If any of you die, you will be down for 30 seconds,a t which point you're able to be revived, but only by an ally. As soon as you land at the beginning of the vault, you will be tasked with defending the central conflux. The conflux is right where you land, and enemies come from left and right, but swarm mostly from the middle. Split your team, 3 left, 3 right, with some people paying attention to middle always. Watch out for the diseased looking Vex called Fanatics. when hit you, you will be Marked for Negation, when they die they also leave a pool of green space magic, avoid this as touching it will also mark you for Negation. Every minute or so, TEMPLAR will begin the Ritual of Negation, anyone marked will die instantly. There IS a circle of light on the ground near Templar, it's possible that touching it will cure being marked. Stay near the conflux, as some goblins will teleport, and if you push up, they might get past and sacrifice themselves on the conflux. You have what seems to be only 5 sacrifices tops before you all insta-die. After a while, TEMPLAR will summon his 'Legion', this consists of a swarm of Axis Harpies and Fanatics, perfect time for supers in the middle. The conflux should disappear now. After defending the initial conflux, and defeating the first 'Legion', you will now have to defend two confluxes, either side of the TEMPLAR. Keep your team split 3 and 3, take care not to die or be marked, and remember, stopping the sacrifices is key. After defending the left and right confluxes for a while and slaughtering countless time-travelling robots, TEMPLAR will summon a second 'Legion'. The confluxes will disappear. It's a good idea to pull back now, as the Legion is very strong and if anyone goes down, you want to be close to an ally. Once you've defeated the second Legion, you will now have to defend ALL 3 CONFLUXES. Keep your team split, 2 left, 2 middle, 2 right. Help whichever side needs it, but for everybody's sake, don't forget about the confluxes v__________________V. If you can manage to hold out against the onslaught, there MAY be a third legion (Can't remember), in any case, defending these 3 confluxes is the last phase of defending confluxes, you get a checkpoint here, and move onto.. -STAGE TWO- Where the f**k is the Oracle!!?! You'll hear strange noises, and what seems to be musical tones playing now. Finally, a green ball of space magic called an Oracle will appear in the middle, and with each changing tone will jump to several places around the map, from left to middle and right. This is showing you all the possible spawn locations for the TEMPLAR's Oracles. You will again need to keep your team split up, so you can see all of the locations these Oracles can possibly spawn. (2 left, 2 mid, 2 right is always good.) You will face a constant onslaught of Vex Minotaurs and Goblins, and Hobgoblins will appear on pillars surrounding the map. Every now and then, the TEMPLAR will 'summon his oracles', and the green balls of space magic will appear in and random (4?) of the possible spawn locations. You will need to kill these oracles as quickly as you can, not doing so seems to somehow result in everyone dying, I believe it is through being 'Marked by and Oracle' for Negation once again, the TEMPLAR will still occasionally cast his Ritual of Negation and instagib anyone who is marked. You CAN cleanse yourself from the mark with the circle of light in the middle I believe. He summons his oracles many times, and it is a damn tough onslaught, you all need to be on the lookout for the indicator - The Templar is summoning his oracles - and drop what you're doing to try and stay alive and simultaneously kill any nearby oracles. After doing this for a while, (my memory is hazy on the transition), the TEMPLAR disappeared, and a relic was left in the middle of the map where the circle of light was. This is the next phase of the oracles fight, the most confusing by far and the one we could not get past, this begins the actual FIGHT with the TEMPLAR. You get a break here I believe, as well as a checkpoint. PICKING UP THE RELIC WILL START THE NEXT PHASE. Only one person can hold the relic, and it functions somewhat similarly to the Sword of Crota, with some major differences. The relic holder should preferably be the one calling the shots, raid leader i suppose, he will be doing no damage to the boss, but he will be responsible for everyone's lives and for initiating when people can actually fight the boss. I repeat, do not try and smack the boss up with the relic, relic holder has to stay alive as much as possible. Up until now, the TEMPLAR has been surrounded 360 degrees by an impenetrable shield. Whoever holds the relic will have a super bar constantly charging, you have to get relatively close to the TEMPLAR to hit him with it, but when you do, it removes his shield - HOWEVER - This shield is sent to surround everyone else in the raid, and will kill them all if not removed. The only way to remove this detaining shield, is for the relic holder to smack all the shields with the relic. For this reason, we found that sticking together behind one of the giant pillars worked really well, as when everybody was 'detained', they were out of sight from the TEMPLARS crazy void cannon. The aim of the game here is for the relic holder to break the shield with relic super, and take off the detaining shields quick enough so that the raid group can damage the TEMPLAR as much as possible. (Good time for cooldown reduction sunsinger radiance) That's not all though, all the while this is happening, you're fighting a constant swarm of Harpies, AND Oracles are spawning. If you fail to destroy an oracle, you will all be marked for negation, BUT here is the saving grace. The relic holder can hold L1 to deploy a area of effect cleanse around him, removing the mark of negation from everyone it touches. So, the Oracles become not the biggest worry. This is as far as I got before half the group went to sleep. Good luck everybody, I look forward to smashing this out with you guys soon.
#vault #Raid

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  • First thing I would like to note is that the groups we had set up didn't go as planned, this first week is going to be a bit out of wack. We were expecting the raid to require ALL level 26's which caused us to shift things around last second to get people in there. I apologize to anyone who didn't get to come along. We are working to establish finite raid groups for the future. Some things to note with these raid groups: When you sign up to one you are expected to FULLY commit. You are expected to be there ON TIME and ready to go. Showing up late is inexcusable and is disrespectful to the rest of the raid group. As life does often get in the way, if you think you won't be on time or are unable to make it, post on the clan page letting your group know, so they can work to replace you as soon as possible. We had a blast jumping into this first raid and it's proven to be all it's chalked up to be, so here's what we did day 1 of VoG. The start Getting into the raid isn't as easy as you'd think. When you first arrive on Venus you and your team must open the gate to enter. To open the gate you must hold 3 objective points (similar to control objectives) for about 1.5-2 minutes straight. While doing this, waves of vex spawn from numerous locations. Split into 3 groups of 2. We found it best to NOT stand on the objective after you capped it. This way when the praetorians spawn you can bait them away, because if they step foot in an objective the timer is reset and all progress is lost. This was very tedious and and took us roughly 30-40 minutes alone to complete. Luckily this was free roam and a random level 26 actually came and helped us out. (made a tremendous difference) TEMPLAR: I took the relic. I stack int and have 99% effectiveness, unsure as to whether or not this actually applies to the relic's super, but that's what we did. We split into two groups, one on each side of the room. 2 Defender Titans, one on each side for those clutch shields. As the relic holder, when waiting to be supercharged, I did nothing but kill harpies. Each group handled their respective sides for Oracles. Being split up, we could not cleanse the debuff that goes out on both sides, so if a single oracle is missed it will most certainly cause a wipe. I pop the Templar's shield AS SOON AS my super is up, every time. This is extremely important because the boss has a very short enrage timer (after a certain amount of time and or boss teleports he spawns an increased amount of Oracles and harpies, and now begins to spawn Minotaurs.) When the relic holder pops the shield he is likely detained. This is important to note because unlike the rest of the group who may or may not get detained, the relic holders prison shield has an aura around it (Can't recall the name of it, too tired.) that damages you if you try to move out of it. So just stand still, wait for the boss to teleport away, and have a teammate shoot your shield to break you out when it's safe. Also nothing willshoot at you when you're in this detainment shield. Another thing to note is he does not detain the relic holder every time, so don't be caught off guard standing there being shot at, if the relic is down and isn't picked up within a few seconds everyone dies and it's a wipe. In regards to everyone else's detainment shields, you can continue to shoot out of them which will damage and eventually break your shield. (NO rockets, you'll kill yourself, and no grenades either.) We found it unnecessary to have the relic holder break the shields. It's literally rinse and repeat for this. Make sure your relic holder is fast on his feet, and everyone else is fast to lay the hurt of the Templar when his shield is down. Play smart, play safe, but remember you're running against the enrage timer which we found to be pretty short. Do not get discouraged, a lot of us are WoW players and are used to wiping a lot. Just keep going, learn from your mistakes, communicate with your team, make progress and you'll eventually get him down. Next we have the maze. In this part, everyone must sneak past multiple patrolling super harpies called gorgons (you can't kill them). If ONE person is spotted, EVERYONE will die. The tunnel you need to find to move on isn't that far in, so don't venture too deep looking for it, I can't recall in detail the exact route we took to find it. There are also a few chests scattered throughout the maze as well as, and this is the best part, a chest that has almost a guaranteed legendary or exotic item for the entire raid. All but one of us got one. This chest is actually easier than you'd expect to find. When you first reach the maze, get caught, die, and when you reset, look up and to the left for a small cave opening. You'll have to scale the wall a bit to get up there but with a tad bit of jumping you'll be in there in no time, with relative ease. There are no enemies in this cave so it's a free ride to the chest. After completing the maze, there is a small jump puzzle. You'll come to a huge room with a massive gap between you and the other side. Platforms will spawn and disappear in order, so just jump from one to the next and make it to the other side. Hug the wall and do just normal jumps to progress further here. You'll soon find a door which will open once your whole group gets there. This leads to the beginning waves of the next boss, and where we called it for the night. Note that the mobs here are now level 27 and the difficulty jumps massively. I will say, the content we cleared was very difficult, running with 5 level 26's and 1 level 25, that's something to keep in mind. Overall very fun content with some cool mechanics that are unlike any strike mission that we've grown accustomed too . 5 hours in, 1 boss down and at the start of the 2nd. (Of 8 bosses.) Good luck to you all, post your experiences, tips, and tricks here!

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