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9/16/2014 8:01:39 PM

Destiny changed how i see game reviews

i just wanted to say that because of destiny i am officially ignoring game reviews from now on. Yes many of the bad things pointed out by reviewers and players alike are very true(story,repetitive,voice acting,etc). But for me none of those things take away from the fact that attempting alien genocide with a handful of buddies is just so blamin fun! I love the cycle of kill,loot,back to town,reapeat. Iv never played a dungeon crawler(yep,thats what im calling it) that was such a joy gameplay wise(looking at u diablo 3!). So b4 i just keep rambling about why im so hooked on this game,ill just say that iv concluded that formerly trusted review houses dont have my interests and game sensibilities in mind when writing their reviews. Iv never held reviews as the primary factor when deciding to buy a game,but it was a consideration. But now after seeing the almost fervently angry reviews(gamespot,polygon,and escapist in particular) these people clearly are not in line with my interest and their opinions will get 0 consideration in my decision making process in the future.

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  • At least Jack(from Mass Effect 2 & 3) did a half decent voice acting job. But overall I would say this is "average" it excellent in areas and utterly lacks in others. Overhyped to all hell...

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  • Edited by StardustWaltz: 9/17/2014 8:52:15 AM
    I never read game reviews they are always wrong, when they say a game is great I think it sucks and when they say it sucks I love it.

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  • And you trusted them before?

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  • To be honest I am super addicted to Destiny. The farming of it makes it like a feeling of Diablo 3. Except it's a FPS, FPSRPGFARMINGASIANSTYLE type of game. Me gusta.

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  • That's a pretty strong self-serving bias ya got right there.

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    2 Replies
    • I've never used reviews, I've only used what they show me, footage of someone actually playing it and my own and friends judgments.

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    • I cant help but formulate this crazy conspiracy in my head where Activision paid off all these critics to avoid having to give Bungie that 2.5 million dollar bonus.

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      • When it comes to Destiny, I think the game is suffering from overhype more than anything. People are complaining that it is like an MMO but not as big, or like a FPS but not a good of a story. That is a glass half empty look. It is like an MMO, but better story and gameplay. It is like an FPS, but much larger and with more to do. The most important thing about Destiny is whether it is fun. Destiny has that going for it in spades.

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        • The game is what u make of it and at 20 the game really does change.

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          • Lol. I've never taken reviews to heart. A lot of reviewers are very opinionated about the small details and a lot of reviewers don't actually know what others like. I've played many games that had bad reviews and all of them I've enjoyed a lot more than the top games. Your best source for game reviews is yourself. That's why renting a game is a great idea.

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            • I have a very low opinion of critics of any type (except for possibly literary critics, they actually seem capable of objective thinking.) The problem with game critics is, if a game is not a cookie cutter build they don't know how to handle it. Destiny for instance is a hybrid FPS/MMO. The critics have been treating it as an FPS or a MMO and completely failing to get what the game really is.

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            • What baffles me is people trying to convince people that enjoys the game that they should hate it and dislike it because they do, but it also goes the other way, people that likes it trying to justify to the haters.

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              4 Replies
              • Edited by Demodog2112: 9/17/2014 3:23:41 AM
                Part of the biggest problem with reviews is that they've become almost totally subjective opinions. In almost every review one reads, listens to, or sees a video on there is very, very, very little objectivity in them. That's a massive and glaring issue. Reviewers seemingly have no objective criteria they take into consideration or just plain ignore what objective criteria their employers have set forth. A good example of this is Jim Sterling over at the Escapist. He wrote the most scathing review of Destiny yet. However, earlier in the year, in his Titanfall review, he stated "Titanfall lives up to it's hype!" Then went on to praise the game up one side and back down the other. He did mention the story for Titanfall being hard to follow, semi-incoherent, and extremely hard to pay attention to as it is presented during multiplayer matches. From there he gave Titanfall a glowing review. Never once did he touch on how derivative of CoD and Halo Titanfall actually is. How abysmally short the leveling process is and how few weapons the game has. More importantly, he never addressed the game breaking bugs of people glitching out of maps, terrible net code, server crashes and how imbalanced the PvP in an online only PvP game is. Nope, he just gave it a great review. Now, with Destiny, Mr. Sterling ripped up the story, voice acting, repetitive nature of missions, barely played the strikes, said "I've really been playing a lot of this game and can see myself playing it a lot more." and "Multiplayer is when Destiny feels the most like Halo". or something to that effect. Then he turned around and called Destiny derivative and repetitive and that the game didn't live up to the hype. Then he gave Destiny a 3 stars out of 5. This after not saying anything about how Titanfall is extremely derivative of CoD and Halo. All of this after the Gamer Gate debacle. All of this after Mr. Sterling posted a video of his Jimquisition talking about there is no "Grand Conspiracy by journalists" the only conspiracy would be by the "Invisible players/rich folks with some agenda". I find it highly suspect, that in the wake of Gamer Gate, Destiny gets universally bad reviews as if these "journalists" are attempting to regain some credibility or integrity. Especially after most of these exact same reviewers/outlets gave Titanfall positively glowing scores or perfect ones.

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                1 Reply
                • Personally, I think Destiny is a great game, but some reviews out there should have put some more details on where the game went wrong, but also present its strong points accordingly.

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                  3 Replies
                  • I agree, Ive herd that Destiny has beaten the record for halo and COD already, which i find amazing since it has not been out long at all. Never trust critics these days, all they wanna do is complain about things i doubt they tried themselves.... its best to decide things for yourself anyway:P. i personally LOVE this game its pretty amazing, especially when playing with your friends. as long as bungie fans still love them, i think they will be at very good standing point. critics do not care about fun anyway, they only like to make great things look bad...

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                  • I felt the same way when I started getting into the Monster Hunter series and realized that most reviewers have the attentions spans of 4 year olds. (Seriously those reviews mostly complained about the first 30 minutes in what was meant to be a 1000+ hour game.) And MMO's, I have NEVER seen an MMO get off to a good start and Destiny's Psudo-MMO system has had a better launch then any MMO I've ever seen. Ya glad to see some eye's being opened, welcome to the club of gamers who get it.

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                  • Gamespot gave it a 6/10

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                  • I used to take Kevin Van Ords reviews as gospel when it comes to buying games.. That has deffinately changed after he gave destiny a sloppy 6.

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                  • well. I think that you just have to find a normal reviewer. A lot of publishers gave Destiny (average) 75/100 or 8/10. I dont agree with them... But one of my favorite reviewers said that this is the a great game! and people who compares this game with other games are stupid. A lot of them saying "It is bonderlands or warframe with cool music and setting"... But it is not! I hate bonderlands sooooo much! and I dont realy like warframe... if they are looks similar than it would be shit to me...

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                  • Don't trust Gamespot of Polygon: They both gave The Last Of Us a 7.5/10 :P

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                    3 Replies
                    • Edited by Just Dawggy Dawg: 9/17/2014 7:24:01 AM
                      Maybe they just don't like it? I personally give it a 6/10. Very generic. A rip off of Diablo, Borderlands, Warframe, and Defiance. Coming from a guy with 52 platinums and who has played this game for a week straight because he is an OCD completionist who just realized completing this game is impossible due to the completely insulting Flawless Raider Trophy/Achievement.

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                      • Edited by Malismo: 9/17/2014 7:32:15 AM
                        Hear, hear. None of them seemed to have even tried to enter the experience open-minded with as few preconceptions as possible or at least be aware of said preconceptions. No wonder they think it is not good when they are comparing apples and oranges. They are better off baking fruit cakes with those to feed the hungry, might give them some actual purpose :)

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                      • Edited by Hard_Corsair: 9/17/2014 6:51:26 AM
                        I generally don't follow reviews, EXCEPT those done by Yahtzee Croshaw and Jim Sterling (thank God for him) on The Escapist.

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                      • Reviews are made by critics, generally critics aren't fans, they're just playing the game because they have to. But I think their points are valid and a lot of the reviewers are giving perfectly accurate scores.

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                      • Good point, the only people hating on the games are the ones who are haters, like PC gamers who cant own it, or CoD lovers who cant enjoy anything BUT CoD and etc. People dont know a good game when they see it. Also, peple think the story is short WHEN IT IS AN 'MMO' (not fully one) it has extra story to come in the future, the story isnt even 10% done!

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                      • please. There's a laundry list of reasons why not to just outright trust reviews or follow them without question, but you people can't see honest complaints and criticisms. It's only because Bungie made this game and then you bought it that you are trying so hard to deny it all. Wanna know SOME of the reasons why Destiny scored bad? -Utterly garbage SP which was far too short (which is the biggest sin for this game, given all the promising lore of this world and Bungie's pedigree) -Bad voice acting -Lacking weapon variety -Lacking mission variety -No skill-based systems in place ANYWHERE -Enemies are all just bulletsponges -No private matchmaking options -3 player parties are too limiting -No game chat or communicate with players outside of your party using in-game features aside from basic gestures. Literally the biggest defenses for this game right now are "it's an MMO" (no it isn't) "all of the X isn't done yet. Wait for Bungie to release MOAR!" (it's ok that they sold us an unfinished game for $60+ because they'll finish it later?) "you're not supposed to get everything right away. this makes things better". clearly it doesn't. it's an artificial ceiling and its not helping to say no matter how good you do in PVP, the worst player can get the best gear and you might not get anything. it doesn't help to have to spend hours already trying to RNG gear only to have it be further RNGed and be worse items/equipment than you have. no reason to work to achieve ANYTHING in this game. It's all just an artificial ceiling. Who cares if people could hit max rank and get the best gear far faster? They'd have EARNED it. And if the grind towards getting all of that is the ONLY reason t o keep playing the game, it's obvious you didn't put enough into it to make people want to play for the experience itself. Bungie spent 6 years and 500 million on a game with far too little content and far too little variety. Yes, we overhyped it, but there was definitely an acceptable standard to expect and they failed to even reach that. The game works mechanically, but that's about all it has going for it. Go ahead and troll with more lame remarks about how I'm wrong without giving any valid counterpoints or saying I should just not play the game then as if further wasting my money spent would be a logical answer.

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