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9/16/2014 8:01:39 PM

Destiny changed how i see game reviews

i just wanted to say that because of destiny i am officially ignoring game reviews from now on. Yes many of the bad things pointed out by reviewers and players alike are very true(story,repetitive,voice acting,etc). But for me none of those things take away from the fact that attempting alien genocide with a handful of buddies is just so blamin fun! I love the cycle of kill,loot,back to town,reapeat. Iv never played a dungeon crawler(yep,thats what im calling it) that was such a joy gameplay wise(looking at u diablo 3!). So b4 i just keep rambling about why im so hooked on this game,ill just say that iv concluded that formerly trusted review houses dont have my interests and game sensibilities in mind when writing their reviews. Iv never held reviews as the primary factor when deciding to buy a game,but it was a consideration. But now after seeing the almost fervently angry reviews(gamespot,polygon,and escapist in particular) these people clearly are not in line with my interest and their opinions will get 0 consideration in my decision making process in the future.

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  • Indeed. I could care less about reviews, they are just in depth opinions expressed by extremely critical individuals that have no clue how difficult it is to actual develop and produce a game. At the end of the day, it's a simple critique. If you enjoy Destiny, play it to the full experience.

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  • Even through the myriad disconnection errors I've had(good internet, ports forwarded, Ethernet cable, static IP) this game is still a,"just ONE more strike, just a little more patrolling…" Very satisfying gameplay.

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  • the pure gameplay is amazingly fun and top notch no one is denying that but literally everything else is sub par is the issue

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  • give the game som time to get updates and stuff like that... no game come with 100% story every game that is mmo'ish comes with updates to the storys and stuff dont see why ppl are crying so much about the story its a ok story so farm waiting for more tocome ^^

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  • Inside gaming pretty much summed this up when they said that the servers weren't turned on early for the reviewers because bungie believed that they wouldn't get the full experience and then when the servers went live all the journalists were frantically grinding through the story in order to get through it and write out a review in time so they ended up playing something they didn't want to play for 15+ hours in the time span of 2 days so at that point they hated the game and that is why the reviews were so negative.

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  • Not going to lie, I didn't read all that lol but reviews can be helpful but just ignore the number and read the reviews themselves or watch them. Alot of the time I'll see that things they don't like are exactly what I like and vice versa

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  • Every since god of war got the first ever "perfect score" on a review I have compared game reviews by companies/reviewers to being as useful as a blind man picking out porn If I want a solid review without reading I'll check my friends list enough said

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    2 Replies
    • I never pay attention to reviews for anything, becuase I'm going to like it or I'm not. Someone elses opinion will not change that one bit.

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    • Well put...kinda.

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    • that's it

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    • #GamerGate

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    • I never really care what reviews says about any title i make my own opinion based on the information avaiblle if i like it or believ it has potential i buy it simple as that. When i noticed Destiny about a year ago i didnt even havea console i used to have a ps3 but i sold it due to the lack of interest adn here i am purshed Destiny with a Ps4 thats quite an investment but it surely paid of already not just Destiny but the other titles i own as well. Not much beats sitting in the livingroom playing on the TV my only problem is i barely know anyone that owns a console since i am from a PC generation.

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      2 Replies
      • Hey guys. I really like this game. It is a load of fun and I enjoy almost 95% of it but I am afraid this game will die and lose a lot players in the next month if changes are not made. Here is a list of my complaints with Destiny. 1. Private Matches - I am a huge Gamebattles player. If I am not able to even play private matches to explore maps, play private matches with friends, and play gamebattles, then I will eventually leave the game sooner rather than later and move on to something that allows me to play competitively. 2. Amount of special weapon ammo on the maps in Crucible. -I'm a rank 2 crucible player and have come to the conclusion the game is broken with the amount of special ammo in crucible. Players can literally run around with a shotgun and do massive damage and they don't have to have any skill. The shotgun either needs to be nerfed or they need to reduce the amount of special ammo on each map. If the shotgun is going to be a one hit kill from 5 feet away then my sniper rifle needs to by a one hit kill in the body. 3. Fix the Forums -Right now the forums are to sloppy and unorganized. I'm afraid this post won't even be seen and be shuffled through like everything else because of the mass posts on the forums. Please add Crucible, Raids, Strikes, Campaign, and anything else relevant as sub forums in the Destiny forum to have a much more organized and easy navigation system to communicate with players better. And do this with all of your forums Bungie to be more organized. 4. Bungie doesn't listen to its players -My last complaint is that Bungie is not listening to its players right now. If the majority is saying there needs to be changes then make the changes Bungie or at least come out with news saying youre working on it! This goes back to my opening statement. If Bungie continues to allow public opinion one ear and out the other then they will continue to lose players and the game will eventually die. You may all think i'm crazy but with the amount of games coming out by the end of this year on next gen consoles and PC, Destiny will not be on top for much longer. Please listen to my complaints Bungie and fix these two simple things pronto before I leave Destiny like many other people are beginning to do. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks, ThePapaGamer

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        9 Replies
        • Usually reviews can be accurate, but not with a game like this. Enjoying this game fully is a time consuming venture, and these reviewers just wanna smash through it as fast as possible, write a review and move on to the next project. This game isn't done, as content will be slowly put in to keep us playing/waiting for that next piece of the story. All reviewers are speed players. They cant properly review an MMO in a week.

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        • no time trying to get my new mon rep up

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        • compiles a bunch of reviews and finds an average. 51 reviews last time I checked and the metascore seems to hover around 76 to 77 out of 100. Personally I would agree with that as the game is OF NOW. But I would give it a 9 if Bungie will stay true to DLC promises. Don't get me wrong though I love Destiny and everything about it. But takeing the most un bias opinion I can I think that's fair... For now.

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        • I agree. The game is and I have a blast playing with my friends. Well worth the $60 I paid for it and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes shooters.

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        • Take reviews with a pinch of salt. When a game gets mixed reviews it just makes me think "There is clearly something not quite right with the game" and that's what I think about Destiny. It's a good game with problems. I don't place much faith in the review sites though. Some more than others I suppose. Polygon gave Halo 4 a 9.5 and Destiny a 6, and this doesn't sit well with me because I consider Destiny vastly more interesting and fun than Halo 4. Destiny; the storyline is awful but the story isn't over. I will give it some time to sort itself out, perhaps post game updates will help flesh the game out. More gametypes, a Forge mode, new vehicles, subclasses, weapons etc. For me the weakness in Destiny isn't the story (as weak as it is), it's the lack of variety. Look at Halo Reach. We've got on-foot FPS combat, a multitude of ground and air vehicles, some vehicles have passenger seats, space combat, air vehicle levels, lots of gametypes, Forge mode, great variety of human and alien weapons. If Destiny had this sort of level of variety then it would be incredible. My own opinion of Destiny is the only review I need. It's good, it's not great but it might just be great one day.

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        • cod was repetitive that did not stop all people from playing it

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        • 1.) gamespot has already been proven to provide good reviews to game company's that provide Ad money to them (Jeff Gerstmann got fired for writing a bad review for an eidos game) 2.) polygon over looks any game that doesn't have any strong female roles or is possibly just a little to offensive lol it's quite funny actually The fact that these sites have wrote a review on a game that has just had the hardest and most difficult aspect of it (raids) come out and give it a score based on just the few days it has been out, I find it completely irresponsible on their part, yes the story isn't there in front of your face in black and white, but I have been reading the grimoire cards and I gotta tell ya... The lore is amazing! That being said yeah i only trust ign because of the fact I have been following/listening for so long, but even then it's hard to trust anyone but ourselves because we have such diverse likes and dislikes..

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        • Were have you been? Game reviews have been paid off for years. Welcome to #gamergate

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          2 Replies
          • I feel same way. Those same places gave high marks this year to games with ( stupid acting, no story, no customization, bare bones content and some of the dumbest AI in recent memory ). Why? Because it was fun. Guess what? So is destiny, it's a blamin blast!

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          • Reviews are just opinions anyways sometimes their spot on other times not. Can't fault people for their opinions.

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          • Exactly! Most gaming sites get paid off. It's been since like MW2. Never trust a websites review it's all paid off, biased, and opinitive. Always try the product yourself

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          • Almost all of the game's reviews say "it's fun with friends". But it has gaping flaws.

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          • I actually liked the story, only problem I had was there wasn't more of it.

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