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originally posted in: Any solution for "bee" error?
9/15/2014 1:09:50 PM
To be honest.. I wonder why they still did not release a patch or something like that. I had this problem during the beta as well.. that's why I didn't play it for long. But I don't think this mess is new for Bungie. They must have known about these connection issues since the beta. Normally.. beta tests are there to figure things like this out and make sure they are gone as soon as a game ships. For that reason I am not sure if we can expect Bungie to do anything about it. They've learned about it during the beta and did obviously nothing about it. But at least sometimes my bee becomes a beaver.. maybe that's some weird sort of progress. At least beaver is something they are working on.. error code bee says our connection is to blame.. even if everything else (other games, hd streams etc.) work fine... I've opened all the recommended ports, opened my NAT (Xbox One), switched from WiFi to an ethernet cable.. nothing worked. Some people think buying a new router might work.. but I am not willing to buy a new router for one game because it "might" help. This whole bee thing is clearly something on Bungies end of the line. There are just too many people who are experiencing these annoying bee error codes. Hopefully Bungie fixes it soon. Otherwise they will loose a lot of fans and customers I think.

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  • no way the whole world has to change network hardware to play this...

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  • That's what I think. In my opinion Destinys launch is on one level with Battlefield 4's launch phase. Both games were clearly made for multiplayer purposes.. both games did by a lot of people not work correctly when they came out. I've never been a big fan of Battlefield, but as far as I know it took DICE/EA a long time to fix this mess. I hope Bungie wont take so long for it. Competitive multiplayer is that one thing why I bought Destiny.. without it there is nothing left to do for me in this game. Doing the same strikes or "quests" over and over again just isn't my world.

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