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9/15/2014 3:05:38 AM

PvP no longer fun?

I find myself no longer enjoying the PvP in this game like I used to, and I will explain why. I want to keep the discussion civil on both sides, and I would like to hear your input. At first I found the PvP to be immensely fun. It was mostly just gunplay, and the fight came down to who had the better aim. You would occasionally die from a super but I was ok with that. Now I find the PvP to be immensely frustrating. Everyone has a good shotgun with ridiculous range. It seems like every time I come around a corner I'm eating a shotgun to the face or getting sniped from far away. At this point I think there is too much special ammo on the map. You can literally run with a shotgun, sniper, or fusion rifle the entire match. The shotgun seems to be best, since most the maps revolve around close quarters combat. This is a problem, because one hit kill weapons especially the shotgun are much easier to use than the primary weapons. Any noob can use a shotgun and slide around and get kills. This problem is further impacted when blink is unlocked as now everyone is blinking around with a shotgun. The one hit killing really gets out of hand now that everyone is level 20. Everyone has so many one hit kill abilities. Whether it is the titan's stormfist or the hunter'a bladedancer. It just seems at this point that I am mostly dying from one hit kill weapons, or abilities instead of having those intense gun fights. Special weapons and abilities are fine to an extent, but at this point it just seems like overkill. My suggestion would be for Bungie to reduce the amount of special ammo drastically. I don't think it's fun running around with my shotgun that holds 20 rounds all game long, and I don't think it's fun dying instantly 50% of the time. What do you guys think? Do you think the PvP has gotten worse as the game has wore on? For me it started fun as it mostly revolved around gun fights but now it seems it's just one big shotgun war, or I'm dying from some random ability. Also if you think it's because I'm bad I am not, I'm actually a pretty good player. Let me know what you guys think, and remember to keep it civil! TLDR: As the game has wore on the amount of one hit kill weapons/abilities in the PvP has become ridiculous. What do you guys think?

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  • I find the Crucible quite enjoyable. Sure, I get annoyed when a bunch of people run around with shotguns, but it's easy to kill them once you know how they're playing. I use my auto rifle and sniper and do just fine against all the shotty-wielding players. As for the supers, I don't mind them, but wouldn't mind if they were removed either.

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    4 Replies
    • I think PvP has turned into a bit of a mess. The balancing is still frustrating. People are obsessed with the shotgun. Some classes have cheap and ridiculous advantages. It can be really fun, but it call also be a complete pain in the butt. I think it needs work.

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      • Edited by xMr Poor: 9/15/2014 4:39:13 AM
        TLDR version: the game is fun when you can boost off noobs but it sucks when people know how to play. And I agree with you, the game -blam!-ing sucks. Wait until 2 good teams face eachother. It is literally both teams hiding until their supers are up. Most matches run out of time with a score of 3000 to 2000. Zero skill in this game.

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        6 Replies
        • I find shotguns to be shit. Fusion rifle op

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          • Lol, I would have to disagree with you. I love PVP more and more I play and as I level up. I hate to say it, but I think it's fun when you are good and not fun when you are bad.

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            6 Replies
            • I think it's gotten bad to. Everywhere I go there a shotgun or a sniper. Like to me if a guy is challenging you with a auto rifle or some primary weapon you should have the skill to get him with one to. It's annoying.

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              • I would agree the shotgun stuff is rough to deal with but at the same time its just part of the game. If anything take a break from pvp and come back later. Sometimes a break helps. But as for the loot I wpuld have to agree that does feel "broken"

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                  yea supers should be maybe 1/3rd as frequent and special ammo should be delivered like heavy, but more frequently

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                  • I personally used to get really frustrated by shotgun users but now I have taken upon the mentality "if you can't beat them join them" so that's what I do now but I do use my hand cannon a shit ton tho

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                    • Yeah I don't really like it. Just too many shenanigans and 1-hit kill stuff going on; I personally don't find it very fun.

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                      1 Reply
                      • Just wait for the rebalance, if Bungie wants to keep this game from failing in further reviews the PVP will need ALOT of rebalancing, ignore the fanboys, they dont know any better, in their minds, they think Bungie can do no wrong, but from my vast experience, you should never be a fan of any game developer. Any of them can make mistakes and screw up badly. Thats why you never set expectations high for any game, that way you wont be heart broken about it later. Always ignore hype, be reserved. Hopefully Bungie will fix all the pvp problems, since its completely unenjoyable for me too, and I am playing a class thats underpowered in PVP compared to the other two.

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                        3 Replies
                        • I recently just entered the Crucible and only have a handful of games notched, and only played 2 Beta Matches, so I don't know how it played originally as you opened up with. But yes I agree with you, I find myself being one -shotted w/Shotguns or a Golden Gun as soon as I re-spawn. I can run around the fight and try to flank the enemy and there is someone always around me, it never fails, or I will run into a room and be met by three enemies all greeting me with multiple shotgun blasts.

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                          2 Replies
                          • It's getting more unbalanced the further I get. At around level 15 it was fun as hell. I hit level 20 and ever since then it's been nothing but scrubs with shottys or OP snipers.... I might just start from scratch and purposely take my time at level 15.... And the shotty's, there is an exotic shotgun that can be your main weapon. I got it. I was getting so sick of the shotgun noobs I decided to use it, I cleared their entire team without even really trying.... Shotguns are so annoying.... Seriously hope there is upcoming game events that block them, so sick of every other game being a shotgun noob fest. That and that stupid bubble shield, you can't do anything to fight against it when a scrub is sitting inside with an OP shotty. So if you see them do it on a zone, might as well just sit and wait for them to cap it then take em out.....

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                            8 Replies
                            • I agree completely. What's the point of primaries when everything else one hits? Secondaries are the primary weapons and Primaries are the pistols you switch to when your shotty is out of ammo. They need to dramatically change super/secondary/grenade/rocket effectiveness in pvp because right now it's just a cheese-fest.

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                              • PvP is a joke. Why is it that the absolute trash players, the ones who die constantly and contribute almost nothing to the team objectively, get all the good loot? The loot system in this game is broken. It's all luck in PvE (and, to some extent, level) but in PvP you're better off jumping off of the map 16 times and running into the enemy crowd. As you can tell, it annoys me. I went on a 20 kill streak in a game, got nothing, but the guy who went 2 and 16 got a legendary engram. Every game I play, the people at the bottom are the ones getting the legendary and rare items. The loot system should be at least 80% skill (i.e. the better you are, the better loot you get).

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                                • I don't mean to ignore your opinion, but I really enjoy the small window in which you are able to insta-kill others really. Sure, one on one, insta-kills are annoying and sometimes feel like they can't be mitigated. I get that. It frustrates me sometimes, too. But in team situations the presence of these super abilities forces a team to make sure that they are spread out, but not ganking up so close to together that they would be susceptible to a well-placed grenade or Nova Blast. I feel like they tried to give everyone the ability to be able to totally mess up an opposing player in an encounter, but at the same time a player has to be aware that at any moment an enemy they are facing can mess their day up just as easily. In regards to the Titan's sprinting melee, it actually has a short window in which the ability is available. I think it is only active after sprinting for about 3 seconds, but goes away after you've been sprinting for around 8 seconds. That means I only have a small window in which to initiate my melee to achieve a one-hit kill. If the enemy is conscious of my tactic, which is often because I begin to blatantly glow purple when I have the opportunity to do this attack, I end up either getting shotgun'd in the face or avoided until I can't pull off my desired melee attack. As with most opinions on games, it's all about perspective, and I feel like in a way the presence of these one-hit kills, and the multiple ways to achieve ones, force players to be a little more resourceful of their teammates, choosing their encounters, and being frugal with the use of their radar an their own special abilities. That's just my two cents, though.

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                                  4 Replies
                                  • I recommend the tactic of go the very edge of the match for flanking. You can use rifles on the people who cluster-Blam!- the middle and either you get a ton of kills or they wise up and stop using shotguns so much. I don't enjoy playing control anymore because it's all shotguns at capture points but clash seems to have less shotguns. Well see what balance is made.

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                                    • I think a nice change that would solve this is the lowering of special ammo on the map, as stated by many people. Being one of those people who uses their secondary in PvP, it it pretty bad with one shotting. Damn the comedian.

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                                      2 Replies
                                      • Edited by MysticJon: 9/15/2014 3:20:28 AM
                                        I agree about shotguns and special ammo. I think heavy weapons and special weapons should be treated similarly. Players should spawn with no heavy or special ammo and special ammo should come by a bit less frequently. The shotgun itself doesn't even really need to be altered. Super abilities are more or less fine. Bladedancer super needs to lose its auto aim and I wouldn't be against the super meter filling up a bit more slowly in PvP, but other than that, I think they're fine.

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                                        9 Replies
                                        • Warlock melee is beast!

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                                        • I'm just trying to find out which class and spec I want to play the most in PvP. Bloody hell, being an alt-holic is terrible.

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                                          8 Replies
                                          • Use shotguns then, if I find my self in a match with people using shotguns i counter with shot gun use my self

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                                            3 Replies
                                            • 2v1m

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                                              • [quote] I want to keep the discussion civil on both sides,[/quote]

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                                                • I agree.

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                                                  • Bump

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