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9/15/2014 3:05:38 AM

PvP no longer fun?

I find myself no longer enjoying the PvP in this game like I used to, and I will explain why. I want to keep the discussion civil on both sides, and I would like to hear your input. At first I found the PvP to be immensely fun. It was mostly just gunplay, and the fight came down to who had the better aim. You would occasionally die from a super but I was ok with that. Now I find the PvP to be immensely frustrating. Everyone has a good shotgun with ridiculous range. It seems like every time I come around a corner I'm eating a shotgun to the face or getting sniped from far away. At this point I think there is too much special ammo on the map. You can literally run with a shotgun, sniper, or fusion rifle the entire match. The shotgun seems to be best, since most the maps revolve around close quarters combat. This is a problem, because one hit kill weapons especially the shotgun are much easier to use than the primary weapons. Any noob can use a shotgun and slide around and get kills. This problem is further impacted when blink is unlocked as now everyone is blinking around with a shotgun. The one hit killing really gets out of hand now that everyone is level 20. Everyone has so many one hit kill abilities. Whether it is the titan's stormfist or the hunter'a bladedancer. It just seems at this point that I am mostly dying from one hit kill weapons, or abilities instead of having those intense gun fights. Special weapons and abilities are fine to an extent, but at this point it just seems like overkill. My suggestion would be for Bungie to reduce the amount of special ammo drastically. I don't think it's fun running around with my shotgun that holds 20 rounds all game long, and I don't think it's fun dying instantly 50% of the time. What do you guys think? Do you think the PvP has gotten worse as the game has wore on? For me it started fun as it mostly revolved around gun fights but now it seems it's just one big shotgun war, or I'm dying from some random ability. Also if you think it's because I'm bad I am not, I'm actually a pretty good player. Let me know what you guys think, and remember to keep it civil! TLDR: As the game has wore on the amount of one hit kill weapons/abilities in the PvP has become ridiculous. What do you guys think?

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  • I didn't really like the pvp in the beta, although I was managing to do pretty well in it. I like it even less now. Am I the only person that thinks there needs to be about a 50 pct increase in the effectiveness of armor or reduction in dmg? this game is just one-shot the game. if people lived longer the weapons would even out in usefulness and skill actually matters more because its not just spraying and getting one lucky shot. also makes the abilities more important

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    • Dropping the radar from PvP would be a step in the right direction. People would no longer camp the corners with a shotgun and other one hit kill weapons. Remove radar and you will an entirely different PvP. One for the better!

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      5 Replies
      • Yeah, the shotgun punch combo is a brutal one indeed, but often times it relies a bit on camping. If you know there's a guy hiding around the corner with a shotgun, lob a grenade into the doorway. He'll either move if he's smart or stand in the blast and die. That's when you rush in and punch HIM in the face.

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        • I agree. Special ammo is becoming a primary. Needs to be tuned down.

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          • I freakin love the crucible !!!

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          • I love the PVP even though I seem to get owned by the fusion rifle quite a bit lol. My problem with PVP is the random disconnects.

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            • Stop playing then.

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            • I sort of agree, although I could just be misunderstanding the mechanics. Basically, equipment in Crucible should be standardized IMO, because otherwise stats like rate of fire on a gun can knock the balance off. Alot of times lately I have died to assault rifles that have crazy fast RoF, coupled with most likely being uncommon, rare, legendary, so they have less recoil. Its pretty deadly. As for Shotgun/Punch thats been a staple since Halo.2. I think its fine as a combo, but limiting the amount of ammo available may tone things down a little and would encourage more diversity in gameplay. Don't forget though ... this is week one, plenty of time for updates, balances, new gametypes, new maps etc.

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              • All I hear in this post and some of the other commenters is a complaint about you losing and wanting it to be easier so you can get a better score. I personally find the crucible matches a whole lot of fun. Most of my kills have been from assault rifles, I pretty much never use a sniper, and use a shotgun as a secondary in close quarter situations. Tip: aim for the head with the assault rifle and if you're any good, they won't stand a chance. Sure some skills are good one hit kills, but it evens out those cases where you have a player or group of players camping in a spot. And I think it's all fairly well balanced since you can do the same. Here's the real truth: its a lot more fun if you are in a party of people you can communicate with and who can strategize. we pretty much always do that and tend to do a lot better (almost quadruple another teams score) and come out way ahead.

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                10 Replies
                • Edited by ImpatientGamer0: 9/15/2014 7:40:33 AM
                  While I understand the complaint, I completely disagree. You have the option to use a shotgun when you get in cqc situations if you decide not to that's your own fault. You have the option to take cation while turning corners if you get killed by a shotgun camping it your fault for not being aware of your situations. Don't wanna get killed by insta kills then keep ur distance and don't stand still. And if u get sniped then it's ur fault for being in the open.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Not even a week. Chill. Nerf inc

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                    • There are things you can do to avoid shotguns 1.keep your distance. 2. Pull a sneak attack from distance. For those who don't know crouching makes you appear off the radar 3.if you're a hunter use triple jump to get the range advantage I know exactly what shotgun you're talking about and I would suggest using it. It's good for sneaking into to an area and taking out multiple enemies. Also you kinda have to get close. Also I'm really good in crucibles take a look at my k.d

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                      4 Replies
                      • Edited by HankTheYank27: 9/15/2014 10:27:08 AM
                        Anyone else think the FOV is a little too zoomed in? I've had people run right past me and have barely noticed them because they are so close until I get shotgunned. I can't turn quick enough because my look sensitivity is only on 4 and I don't want to raise it any higher. ALL of my friends agree with me on this. The FOV needs to be brought back at least 10% maybe 15%.

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                        • I have no problem whatsoever. I top the leaderboard 90% of the time. Maybe you're just bad at the game

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                          • I don't really mind the one hit KO weapons. My only problem with the PvP is that most of the maps are tiny so sniper rifle feels kinda worthless.

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                            • some guy kept sliding and one-shotting me and my teammates last night..seems like i'm the only one that can't get a single-shot kill with shotties

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                              2 Replies
                              • PVP should be locked at tier one abilities and no weapon abilities. I assumed that the level cap would affect items and the like but nope.

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                                • I am one of those shotgun users you complain about. Let me tell you how I see it; first of all I got this game for the PvE. I started PvP cause I'm on max of the Vanguard points, and I want the New Monarch armors. So I tried rifles. [u]Every[/u] time ppl just grind me down with rifles, thel literary kill me with like 3-4 shots, while I end up pumping a whole mag into them and they still have half of their life. (inb4 connection, I have 120/10Mbit)(inb4 I don't have good gear, I'm lvl 26, trust me I only have blue and purple weapons) I had some success with fusion rifles but the charge is just too long. So I got this shotgun that for some reason has good stats, got the ability to have better range, and less spread while aimed. I started using it, and bang, I always go positive with K/D. some ARs are op, so I don't think there is an argument here. And on top of it all, I come from Gears of War, my weapon of choice is always the shotgun! :)

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                                  7 Replies
                                  • I hate the PVP for many reasons. I just got done farming it for that stupid Thorn Exotic Bounty and it was the most painful experience of my time with Destiny. Any other FPS that I have liked, there has been some kind of hook that made me really get into it. With this, I just don't get it. I feel like I am simply an armored pincushion for Hunter knives. The funny thing is in PVE my friends and I were all wondering why we hardly ever saw Hunters. 5 matches in to PVP, we figured out where they all were.

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                                    4 Replies
                                    • Honestly the use of shotguns, snipers, and fusion rifles can be very controversial and hypocritical . One example, you hate anyone that uses shotguns and snipers ONLY throughout the whole match , but when you use it , you don't really see a problem since it's not affecting you negatively [spoiler]i am those who hate it but use it.....[/spoiler]

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                                      1 Reply
                                      • Edited by ChaosMetalMarty: 9/15/2014 5:09:46 AM

                                        Started a new topic: Everything wrong with Destiny PVP(13 Replies))

                                      • I already made a thread talking about how high lvl pvp is ridiculous if you aren't playing 3v3/excavation and mabye skirmish.

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                                        1 Reply
                                        • Edited by rlenk: 9/15/2014 4:31:13 AM
                                          i luv 2 1 hit kil edit: in all seriousness though, the amount of people who just sit there and do nothing is horrible. The fact is - random loot is what triggers this. If I have the same chance as the guy in first to get loot, why even try? I don't really think like this - but I know that is the mindset of some people.

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                                          2 Replies
                                          • [quote]It's getting more unbalanced the further I get. At around level 15 it was fun as hell. I hit level 20 and ever since then it's been nothing but scrubs with shottys or OP snipers[/quote] This essentially summs it up. I find it hard to belive the same people that made Halo chugged out this unbalanced crap. Why did they give us slow-ass primary weapons and crazy one shot kill stuf for secondaries. Its all insanely frustrating when you are constantly getting one shorted out of nowhere of when you get completely mobbed by the enemy team. I have no idea how I manage to keep my K/D Positive. The Most frustrating thing is when you pump 2 or 3 shottty rounds into a guys face and then he manages to somehow still one-shot you from that same distance. Or when you shoot a guy within an inch of his life and then he suddenly pulls out his super and destroys you.

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                                            10 Replies
                                            • like i said, bungie's are more into the halo games style, this game is 100% not balance at all. warlock can teleport on competitive playlist. hahah wow. bungie is a -blam!-ing joke.

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                                              4 Replies
                                              • I find the Crucible quite enjoyable. Sure, I get annoyed when a bunch of people run around with shotguns, but it's easy to kill them once you know how they're playing. I use my auto rifle and sniper and do just fine against all the shotty-wielding players. As for the supers, I don't mind them, but wouldn't mind if they were removed either.

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