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9/15/2014 3:05:38 AM

PvP no longer fun?

I find myself no longer enjoying the PvP in this game like I used to, and I will explain why. I want to keep the discussion civil on both sides, and I would like to hear your input. At first I found the PvP to be immensely fun. It was mostly just gunplay, and the fight came down to who had the better aim. You would occasionally die from a super but I was ok with that. Now I find the PvP to be immensely frustrating. Everyone has a good shotgun with ridiculous range. It seems like every time I come around a corner I'm eating a shotgun to the face or getting sniped from far away. At this point I think there is too much special ammo on the map. You can literally run with a shotgun, sniper, or fusion rifle the entire match. The shotgun seems to be best, since most the maps revolve around close quarters combat. This is a problem, because one hit kill weapons especially the shotgun are much easier to use than the primary weapons. Any noob can use a shotgun and slide around and get kills. This problem is further impacted when blink is unlocked as now everyone is blinking around with a shotgun. The one hit killing really gets out of hand now that everyone is level 20. Everyone has so many one hit kill abilities. Whether it is the titan's stormfist or the hunter'a bladedancer. It just seems at this point that I am mostly dying from one hit kill weapons, or abilities instead of having those intense gun fights. Special weapons and abilities are fine to an extent, but at this point it just seems like overkill. My suggestion would be for Bungie to reduce the amount of special ammo drastically. I don't think it's fun running around with my shotgun that holds 20 rounds all game long, and I don't think it's fun dying instantly 50% of the time. What do you guys think? Do you think the PvP has gotten worse as the game has wore on? For me it started fun as it mostly revolved around gun fights but now it seems it's just one big shotgun war, or I'm dying from some random ability. Also if you think it's because I'm bad I am not, I'm actually a pretty good player. Let me know what you guys think, and remember to keep it civil! TLDR: As the game has wore on the amount of one hit kill weapons/abilities in the PvP has become ridiculous. What do you guys think?

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  • Lowering special ammo would make it nore strategic. Have snipers fighting for those headshots. And shotgun ammo would be a momentum shift instead if a primary weapon. Specials add more fun and awareness. Like o shit titan is coming i should probly mive. Or ok blade dance lemme back up. It shiuld he about getting momentum

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    • I see what you are saying and i agree. I just conform and use my shotgun and sniper and occasionally i use my hand cannon. I also think shotguns can be easy to beat by just predicting he has a shotty and backing up.

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      • Edited by ROBERTO jh: 9/15/2014 2:42:05 PM
        I find it frustrating as well. Fun, at times, but frustrating. Too often you're killed by 1sk weapons, especially Supers, and you feel helpless, because there really isn't anything you can do about it. It's not a matter of being "bad" at the game, it's a chance of bad luck that you happened to be in a position to get 1sk'd because short of being able to predict the future there isn't a damn thing you could do about it.

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        2 Replies
        • I never use shotgun, but I assume everyone else has one and stay back. Either snipe them or keep some distance away from them until you get a super.

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          3 Replies
          • PvP sucks!

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            • You are forgetting something... Rifle>Shotgun in mid distance and beyond. And vise versa... This is in EVERY shooter in history. I kill more people with my Rifles than they kill me with their shotguns. Alot of people treat this game like a "casual Halo" shooter, and I think that's the problem. I personally love to gear, and I can't wait for Iron Banner where stats do matter, just like every MMO PVP game I've played.

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            • While this does need to be looked at, I feel like the weapons themselves are balanced. There is no midrange secondary, leaving certain fights totally hopeless without a good primary. On bigger maps or longer straightaways the shotty and fusion rifle become useless. Granted, every map with that much space has vehicles... I'm sure we'll get a special ammo frequency nerf soon. It'll fix the issue. At least for Shotty's and Snipers. Fusion rifles can get a ton of ammo...

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              • It's the insta-kill weapons that have been making me not want to play crucible anymore, i'll grind out the few rep points i need to hit rank 3 but as soon as i do i think i'll stay away from the crucible. you know there's a major issue when i very rarely get killed via primary weapon, whenever i get taken out it's almost always either a shotgun or a fusion rifle, why? because people have become experienced enough with the game to know that these weapons kill instantly and take zero effort to use, hell the shotty is better than the golden gun super for christ sakes.. Though saying that i do understand that these weapons are "power weapons" so i am not going to cry out for Bungie to nerf their power though what i do think should happen is: 1. don't let us take our own special ammo into PvP from PvE. 2. Nerf the special ammo that you find in game to only a quarter of the weapons full capacity 3. make special ammo as limited as heavy ammo. do those three things and we won't have everybody and their mother running around with instakill weapons.

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                2 Replies
                • How about you stop complaining, level up, and get a good shotgun.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Reduce the OHK of the Shotgun. Give the AR more spread. Sick of people getting rewarded for not knowing how to aim straight.

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                  • I honestly have to agree in some points, at first the PvP was amazing, now everyone just run around with either shotguns or fusion weapons that 1 shot anyobody (including if you have shield!) and you have no chance to actually defend yourself. I think that reducing the amount of special ammo will help this.

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                  • Personally, I think the secondaries (especially the shotgun) are fine the way they are because at the moment thats the best way to counter supers like FoH.

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                    4 Replies
                    • I agree, in fact because I'm not actually bothered about being called a noob or crap player, I'm going to come out and say the multiplayer is totally unbalanced, all the specials are tweaked to take out groups of enemies and that does not mesh well with the MP. When your being killed by unavoidable specials constantly it is bullshit and I don't care what people say. Fusion Rifles need a cool down or range nerf because people missing their first shots are allowed to get another off whilst your drilling them in the head with an AR. Sometimes they die, most of the time they don't. Specials should only be awarded for things like consecutive kills because it's just a constant spam ATM, you can't tell the good players from the bad as everyone is scared of a bit of gunslinging. I could go on....

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                      • A no super playlist would be nice

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                      • Edited by Impact8887888: 9/15/2014 2:13:19 PM
                        There is definantly too much special ammo, and I'll admit that I just run around with my fusion rifle and rack up the kills! I got over 6000 points in a control match with that thing and I never ran out of ammo for it! Shotguns have too much range as well and I think the Titan and warlock melees are stronger than the hunters. The pvp really has turned into a close quarters shotgun/super brawl. I would give pvp a 5/10.

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                        • I honestly Dont mind it at all. I still usually do well with my hand cannon regardless. And u use my radar. It helps a lot to know when someone gets close enough to shot gun you.

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                        • 0
                          It's a shot gun what do you expect getting shot point blank with it

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                          5 Replies
                          • This game is still just as fun as before. Removing special ammo does nothing to my newly acquired ice breaker.

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                          • Edited by just giraffe : 9/15/2014 8:16:23 AM
                            Agree. Less special ammo

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                            • Good constructive post. I agree, less special weapon ammo on map.

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                              • Guns work as intended so you just have to be careful going into to corners and cqc. As others have said maybe less special weapon ammo is the key here, there really is a lot of it to be honest.

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                                2 Replies
                                • Reducing the special weapon ammo would be a huge start to improving PVP. The other would be to remove the "perks" from the better weapons. Yes the damage and armor are "balanced" but if you have a rare/legendary/exotic weapon you get a ton of better perks like no recoil on the auto rifles, etc. which basically makes some of the ARs as accurate as a sniper. People with common/uncommon guns really are at a huge disadvantage in PVP and it is not "balanced" what so ever.

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                                  • i agree with u

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                                    • Edited by BannedLove: 9/15/2014 9:11:50 AM
                                      And people hated Halo 4 just for having a second rate pseudo shotgun pistol...

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                                      3 Replies
                                      • Think as the special as your secondary, some people rely on their secondary more than others

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                                        4 Replies
                                        • I didn't really like the pvp in the beta, although I was managing to do pretty well in it. I like it even less now. Am I the only person that thinks there needs to be about a 50 pct increase in the effectiveness of armor or reduction in dmg? this game is just one-shot the game. if people lived longer the weapons would even out in usefulness and skill actually matters more because its not just spraying and getting one lucky shot. also makes the abilities more important

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