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originally posted in: Why is World Of Warcraft so good?
8/27/2014 7:57:54 AM
I play wow of and on and enjoy it in spurts. I used to play it hardcore to be the best of the best but found that to be silly and futile. The person who puts in the most hours becomes the best, no skill involved. Its very similar to diablo in that regard. The goal of the game is to grind for gear so you can grind for better gear. Silly. Why I do enjoy playing is for the actual play part. The dungeons and grouping aspects are very enjoyable especially because I like to tank and heal. This is why I play in spurts though. Every couple of years I level up my characters, run the dungeons and have fun, until I reach the point where it requires a lot of commitment: raiding.... Once you get here the game becomes a life suck and you have to commit to be on at certain times to help 24 other people. Fun for some bit not me. They did add a way to raid without this now though which is pretty fun but you don't get the godlike gear, but who cares, all it does is inflate your epenis. The PvP is a complete joke though, zero skill what so ever and is all about who had the best gear. If everyone has equal gear it comes down to what class vs what class like rock paper scissors. If all classes and gear is the same, unlikely, it's just luck.

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  • it's people like you that destroyed what WoW was, Vanilla and TBC were the best, WoTLK was decent but was the beginning of the steady decline into failure

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  • Ummmm, I'm not a blizzard employee and have no control over how they design their games. Enjoy your mindless grinding and inflating your epenis by being top on dps charts... Its people like you who ruin all online games and the internet in general.

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  • not really i never had an inflated Epenis, i was also never part of the 1% that got to clear content in Sunwell, nor did i kill Illidan before Wrath came out. I never said you worked for blizzard, i just stated that people like you.... the "casual" gamers, that didn't want to spend days or weeks wiping on a boss to learn and get the fight down, destroyed the complexity of the raids by crying "nerf it it too hard pweeeease".

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  • You know there is a way to change the difficulty in raids right? And it was n never about wiping over and over to learn fights, it was more about being yelled at by guild masters to get better gear before you enter and watch a YouTube video 20 times. Why would not being able to experience content be a good thing, especially when you still get the grind that you want?

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  • yes but even the hard modes were a joke compared to Naxx in vanilla or any raids between Vanilla and and TBC

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  • That we can agree on. Even as a casual I find mop especially to be way too easy. I really like the inclusion of systems like LFR, when I get a competent group at least. But heroics are a complete joke. They are actually easier than the regular versions and that's just wrong. LFR I think if taken seriously would be a lot more fun, as a tank it's really frustrating. I usually get other tanks and when I ask them if they have done the fight before they just say lol its LFR. Though I do get pleasure when they die three times in a row and have to keep being bresed. But this is a community issue that wow has, if people were nicer and more patient it would be so much better, instead of yelling to hurry up when explaining stuff, or some lock pulling entire rooms.

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