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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by PepeLewe: 8/22/2014 11:23:01 PM

When did I get so old?

I am 38 and I have been playing video games longer than most of you have been alive. I see everyone telling their age which seems to be the early 20s for the most part. Most everyone I know does not playing video games, but I have not been this excited about a game since Halo 2 or KOTOR. Anyone else in the same boat? Edit: I am amazed at all the responses. Thank you all. See all of you on the 9th. Xbox One: pepelewe

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  • Totally man, I'm almost 32 and most people I come across are 21 or younger. I unfortunately was not allowed to play all the fps games at an early age so I really only have about 10 years of inconsistent game play and I feel like I could be much better.

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    • I'm just a measly 16, but I've played Kotor 1 and 2, all the halos, and this is gonna be the best game I've played in a long time. Can't wait to play with all of you

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      • I'm just a measly 16, but I've played Kotor 1 and 2, all the halos, and this is gonna be the best game I've played in a long time. Can't wait to play with all of you

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      • Talk about getting older, I have a jury duty summons for the 8th. Now I have to figure out how I can get out of it so I can get to Gamestop early and get my ticket for the midnight release. Don't these people understand priorities?

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        • 40 on the 31st. Maybe I should change my gamer tag to Old Wolf. You are not alone sir.

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        • Iam 40 and i been playing sins i had my first commedor 64, now my son turns 7 on the Day the game starts up ;-)

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        • I'm 32. I was going to post a history of my gaming life, but I'll save that for another time. I'm excited for Destiny. However as the years go by I'm less and less excited for games. Or rather some of the games let me down. I think now that there is so much info out there we have a tendency to build up games to the point where they can no longer live up to our expectations. Or that knowing that I have to temper my expectations also tempers my excitement. So its kinda like a catch 22. The last game where I was excited and the game delivered was probably one of the Mass Effect games. I do like the Telltale games, but I'm waiting for it to come out on the PS4 to play it again. I had a lot of fun with Destiny in the beta, and I hope that Bungie can keep me playing for a long while.

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        • I turn 40 the same month Destiny comes out. I had my first "I'm an old gamer moment" when my 10 yr old nephew asked (while handing me his PS3 controller to play COD) if I had played a 1st person shooter before. My immediate response.. "I WAS PLAYING SHOOTERS BEFORE YOU WERE BORN", and then I felt really old. Its nice to see I'm not alone. Look forward to seeing you all on 9/9

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        • Well, i am only 23, and have been gaming pretty much since i can remember myself. But i'm working in a company that develops games(for PlayStation aswell), so most of the people in my work field are excited about Destiny. My director is 39 and we are going to play this game together with him and a bunch of other people from the company :)

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        • Yay for getting old! I'll be 27 on the 3rd and I've been gaming for as long as I can remember. I think it's actually kind of cool. We, your generation and mine, are changing the way we people see gamers.

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        • Edited by Razz: 8/23/2014 7:14:33 AM
          This thread is awesome!! Finally similar minded mature people,with gaming pedigree and class! The youngstes on these forums, tend to forget that It does'nt matter what game you play,or how you play it, it's having a blast while doing it :-) Soon i am turning 34 and I am SO exited to play Destiny, with my Warlock. Gaming is my hobby, not my entire life, allthough I must admit that it has been, a great part of it :-)

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        • I'm 21. I thought there were more Gamers who were 30+ than us 20 something year olds? [quote]Most everyone I know does not playing video games[/quote] I'm in the same boat, only 2 of my friends game,and 1 of them has recently been sucked into playing only COD and I don't even think he counts anymore.

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        • 47 and have been gaming since the original arcade games came out, Asteroids, Defender, Robotron, those are my classics. Played like 24 hrs of in game time on the Destiny Beta,. Pretty excited to pick up my Ghost Edition on the 9th for PS4. Would like to find a few oldsters to team up with for some fire team and potentially raids sometime. I'm BugEyedMonster on PSN.

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        • This reminds me of that bit Louis CK does. How many people in here are under 30? [i]Massive cheer[/i] How many people over 30? [i]Scattered woo-hoos[/i] See? There's way more than that amount of over-30s.. they just didn't cheer. They're wiser. You don't know why I'm asking.. I might be planning to have all the under 30s shot.

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        • 45 here, been gaming since they discovered dirt. Like minded mature gamers are hard to come by in today's fps games. Having fun while gaming is the most important factor for me. Hanging around with friends, sharing a laugh or two is what it's all about. Waiting patiently for the 9th to roll around, but will only be able to play after work and on weekends. All are welcome to join me in the fight, am on ps4, and have a group here (Saints of Blimperkrakz).

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        • I remember "lan'ing" mechwarrior 1 way back when. :) good times, good times.

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        • Another 38 year old here. You are certainly not alone. I remember there being an average age poll not long after the beta ended that revealed many destiny fans being older than you'd think. Feels like we grew up with video games and many of us never out grow them. Personally as I look around at real life's responsibilities, depressing world issues, etc. I cherish my chances to engage in another reality as a form of healthy escape/enjoyment. I hope I'm never to old for that. Grampa will still be killing it on the next, next, next, gen console. Assuming the arthritis allows!!

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        • I'm 33 years old and I have been playing games since I was 7. But, I have to tell you my father is 67 and he play video games too LOL. He bought me a NES for my seventh birthday, so I bought him a PS4 for he's sixty-seventh birthday.

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          • yes my friend, i'm 31 and do feel old with the vocal crop of young gamers. None of my friends play video games on level or with the consistency I do. As a matter of fact they all come to me to find out whats new in the gaming world, especially around E3. My wife says that its a sign i should give up gaming but of course that will never happen. I tell her that I want to be buried with my controller (for symbolism of course)

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          • You're only as old as you feel. I feel like I'm 16. I look in the mirror and realize...damn, I'm 40 already! Took all mirrors out of the house ;)

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            • I'm 12 years younger than you and I'm noticing a lot of people my aging dropping gaming. I still game and bought a PS4 several months ago, but I too notice that the responsibilities and having a steady relationship and apartment etc. are eating up free time. It's been years since I actually had the time to game for the better part of a day. Now I'm even at the point that I'll probably take half a day off from work for a couple of days to make some extra free time to play Destiny, because I'll probably only get to play a couple of hours / week. Whereas 6 years ago I'd play for hours each day. Funny how you know that you'll get older, have less spare time and more responsibilities, but you're still shocked when you realize the moment's there before you know it. But I don't think you're ever too old for anything you like and love. I still read comics every week. I still play video games when I can. I'll always love Star Wars. It's a part of who I am, whether I'm 16 or 26 or 36. I'll undoubtably be going to see science fiction and superhero movies in cinemas the day of their release when I'm 60. Assuming I'll still be able of course. And Destiny's on my mind during the better part of my work day. Can't with 'till the ninth comes.

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            • I'm 41, been playing video games since I was like 10 years old. Like someone posted you're only as old as you feel, and I don't feel 41, maybe

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            • I'm in my thirties as well, but I have the advantage of looking ten years younger than I am. Don't ask me how - it just kind of turned out that way.

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            • 42/f/ps4 Can't wait for Destiny

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            • 30 cant wait for destiny. There are only a few games i actually get excited about. Destiny and no mans sky i cant wait to play. I dont know many people my age that still play either. In fact my boss, who is 31, gives me crap about being excited about destiny too lol. Its my escape i guess. Some people are into cars, sports or the bar scene. I just happen to be into games.

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            • Edited by CHlPPPY: 8/22/2014 2:34:35 PM
              29 here, and I was excited for Destiny after playing the beta but the more information that's come out the less excited I've got. I just don't think the game will be as big or as epic as the developers have promised. And also having such ludicrously high expectations for games that looked epic and revolutionary before release like Resi Evil 6, Titan Fall, Watch Dogs, and FFXIII which all turned out to be rather underwhelming has tempered my expectations for most games nowadays. There are very few good games out there, and even less challenging games, most games today it seems are dumbed-down and simplified to appeal to causal gamers and increase accessibility. I think Destiny won’t be that hard and I think the claim that a team of pro-gamers couldn’t beat the raid after 16 hours was PR to build up hype for the game and get people talking. We already know that the claimed $500 million development cost was false, and that the game’s actual cost comes nowhere close to that. The more I think about Destiny the less I think it’s going to be that good. The character customization seems shallow and Guardians don’t feel unique, the tower is conspicuously devoid of anything interesting, the semi-open environment in Old Russia was not as big as I was expecting and now we learn that there are only 4 of those environments on 4 planets in the whole game, Strikes we have been told are not soloable, and the raid (of which there is only one in the game on release-day) is capable of being completed in only a few hours, making me think that the raids probably aren’t as hard as we’ve been led to believe.

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