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8/17/2014 9:46:24 PM

Idea about making certain equips more memorable when obtained

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Ok so i got this idea and i want you guys to tell me what you think about it. If im right i think Bungie wants us to have our own personal story or at least make a memory on how we obtain legendary and exotic equips within the game which is really cool. Also you know how when we are in inventory and we select or highlight an item, it tells us the stats and a brief description of that equip. Well my idea is, what if when we highlight or select that legendary or exotic equip in inventory that it also shows: -What location area it dropped -What type of enemy it dropped from -And who was in your fireteam at the time of the equip drop I think with this extra bit of information attached to your legendary and exotic equips that you obtain in the game will make your looting experience more memorable. What do you guys think of that?

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