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Edited by Fallen003: 8/8/2014 5:55:35 AM
For those who want to know the details, what I have is called a Prolactinoma. It is a benign tumor that forms on the pituitary gland. In my case, it formed right between the optic nerves so my vision is iffy some days, light sensitivity, balance isn't so good either. The joyful part is that it caused my body to stop producing the markers that tell my body to make testosterone and insulin. So pretty well overnight, I went from being healthy to being an insulin dependent diabetic and having to (intramuscularly aka big ass needle) inject testosterone and insulin to stay alive. For the tumor, I am on a medication called Cabergoline that is supposed to keep it from growing any larger. Downside is that without insurance, these medications cost over $1000 a month. So it kind of boiled down to the point that I'm having to look for a job that I can do from home/doesn't require me to move around much. It is going to be interesting but I don't have much of a choice. -65f winters in interior Alaska (yes it gets that cold every year. I've seen colder a few times) don't really work well for the homeless bit. Both the missus and I are job hunting, but I at least wanted to get this posted in case we can't pay internet or something soon.

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  • If it grows on the pituitary then you would have growth problems, fragile bones, hormonal embalances and some times even insomnia along with your stated symptoms. It's really cool what happens (from a diagnostic standpoint), it can actually put a dip in the sella tursica of your skull. Once the tumor is removed you will be back to 100% though. Do you know if you will need any hormone shots? Id say you'll be on insulin for the rest of your life as I believe the alpha and beta cells In the islets of langerhans in the pancreas do not multiply. If you're having trouble with testosterone you will have a lowered sperm count or maybe infertility (don't quote me on that as it may not be permanent or happen at all). This is because the Pituitary releases follicle stimulating hormones and leutinizing hormone. One stimulates sperm production, the other stimulates testosterone production. The weird thing is how this was never caught before. Usually most people with this diagnosis have problems around puberty when they have this. It's really an anomaly to see a fully developed adult with this, as they are usually found around puberty. You're a rare case.

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  • Edited by Fallen003: 8/11/2014 10:41:35 AM
    In my case it is too small for surgical removal, so I'm on a dopamine argonist to control the growth. It is kind of perfectly placed, so my body doesn't produce FSH, LSH, or even triggers to produce insulin according to my blood work. Fsh /LSH and T levels were undetectable on my last blood work. Need to get new draws now that I've been medicated so the meds can get balanced out. Too much testosterone conversion will kill me just as fast as no T. Considering I've got mild gynocomastia, I'm concerned lol. The tests do show that I'm pretty well sterile anyhow, so life is interesting lol. In the grand scheme, I'm more worried about the laundry list of diagnosed problems than being sterile. They still have no idea what is causing the hepatomegaly either. Need to get to an endo and neuro but none within 500 milles. Medication wise, I'm currently on 1cc 200mg/ml testosterone cyprionate IM every week, cabergoline 2x weekly, 22u lantus R every day, and humalog as needed. Would love something for migraine s but all the tramidol variants are black labeled against cabergoline (dostinex) BTW, I was hospital admin before I got sick lol. Forced unpaid med leave and then termination sucks. BUT I get it from a PT relations/treatment standpoint. Can't have the guy with no short term memory setting up peoples treatment and orders to modalities lol. I started getting pudgy back when I was hitting puberty so best bets are that it was very slow progression. Well that, and the fact my parents didn't take anyone to the doc unless it was an emergency. BTW, I hope this is making sense. I've edited the crap out of my post, but I don't realize if I've said something already or skipped words or whole sentences. The missus has to remind me to take meds or even do a lot of daily stuff. :( This thread has gotten massive though. Feel free to pm me if you like.

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  • I was a sales manager at my father's company, SalesDouble, for a little over a year. It's one of the few legitimate work from home companies, but you'd be doing cold call sales. Doesn't hurt to apply if that's your forte, some of my people made good money (around $3000/mo.). I don't mean to spam, I don't work there anymore, but as a married man with two kids I wish only the best for you and your wife, and congratulate you both on making it so far in such a stressful situation. You both are being very strong. My 360 GT is Foxy Dinosaur if you ever want to play, I know we'd all love to hear an update after a bit. See you starside

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  • Edited by CHlPPPY: 8/9/2014 11:24:24 AM
    Have you thought about investigating natural treatments for tumours? Such as bicarbonate of soda, apricot kernels, or laetrile? Treatments that cost peanuts compared to what you are currently paying. Having spent 8 years somewhat associated with the medical industry through my friend I have investigated natural alternatives for tumours myself and have found them to be an effective method of treatment in the hands of a good practitioner. I have also known of people who have had these treatments myself for tumours that conventional medicine could not cure and guess what – the treatments worked! So my experience has taught me that these natural alternatives have much to be recommended, in spite of the derision to which the western medical establishment perennially subjects it. I have found that the medical establishment’s fierce and implacable hostility towards these treatments is irrational and founded not upon scientific enlightenment, but rather upon ignorance, prejudice and protecting their own self-interests, namely ensuring that you aren’t cured, but rather become dependent on expensive and ineffective treatments. It is not in the pharmaceutical industry’s best interest to cure you, they want you sick as long as possible so they can keep making money off of you. I would advise to look into Tullio Simoncini who has successfully treated many people with tumours and or/cancer who suggests that all tumours and cancer is a result of candida overgrowth. Despite his success though his character was destroyed in the media. This seems to be how dissident scientists who produce politically incorrect results are dealt with by the scientific establishment. I could give a long list of such dissidents who have been given this treatment in the past and who have been martyred to the cause of truth by a ruthless and tyrannical scientific-political establishment that hates and fears the truth and makes the original [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] look like a mothers’ convention by comparison.

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  • Hi there, I came across this article of a kid zapping a bone tumor with high-intensity focused ultrasound and when I read your post it immediately came to mind. I'm not sure if it applies but anything to help out a fellow guardian. All the best!

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  • Edited by XxSpeedNinjaxX: 8/8/2014 9:59:41 AM
    I honestly don't know what to say. I don't have anything comforting to say other than that I was in a similar scenario when I was little. Not similar in the sense that it was medical, but that it was a serious hazard to my life. I grew up with almost no human contact, and as a little kid, my routine was nothing more than going to school, talking to the teacher, coming home, and going to bed. I had no social life. No playdates. No after school events. No clubs. I played computer games in my spare time to cope with the loneliness. My parents were very strict, so most of the day, I would study or do homework. I was basically a no-life from the beginning of elementary school to when I was in fifth grade. It seemed that I was destined to be another guy working in a cubical for the rest of my life. A life of grayness, no emotion, and no socialization. And then, one day my parents came home and handed me an Xbox and a copy of Halo 3, and told me that it was something to do in my spare time. I turned it on and started playing and was surprised at the experience that I was getting from it. It wasn't long before I had enough money to get an Xbox Live membership which granted me full access to the party system and online multiplayer. From that day on, I was never the same again. I became the person I am today. Passionate, strong, and willing to take on any challenge that life throws at me. I coped with the sorrow and the internal depression, and became a much more social/intelligent person. I just wanted to let you know that we're here for you if and when you recover, and that you can take solace in the fact that we will always welcome you to this epic world that Bungie has created, no matter how different you are. This is the golden age of gaming, and I am sure that you won't miss any of it. Stay strong, and most importantly, stay optimistic. Don't give up! Sincerely, Casey Collier.

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  • If u go to Germany u get free health care

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  • I might seriously consider moving south and east into B.C. As a Canadian, I know we'd take much better care of you long term and its not like your condition is going away in the forseeable future (I'm assuming its inoperable?). I know its a huge hassle, and Citizenship is a bitch to change, but financially, and for your long term well being, its something I think you should seriously consider. Honest to God, the change in geography would even be an improvement for the most part. Whatever you decide friend, I wish you and your wife the best. If you have any questions about immigrating to Canada, or need any help should you decide to go for it, I know a few government officials in Ottawa (the capital City of Canada) who I may be able to call on for help, or at least information. Let me know.

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  • Thank you :) Honestly, I have considered Canada or even another state as my new home. With a little luck, I'll be able to convince the missus to move to Washington (where a good chunk of my family is) for better medical care next year. The problem with changing citizenship is that I am a dual citizen already, thanks to my father coming to the US back in the 50's. Would make the paperwork "interesting" at the least. Either way, I'm probably going to end up having to leave Alaska. We don't have any specialists here and I am in need of special care. Next year will be interesting lol Thank you again.

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  • God bless america... The social security of almost a 3rd world country.

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