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originally posted in: where do exo babbies come from?
8/7/2014 10:20:39 AM
Most of you guys have it all wrong. You see, the two exo's both take parts from their own bodies that they don't think they'll need. "Honey, I don't need this gear, so I'll save it for our future baby," or "Darling, I'm willing to sacrifice one of my nuts and bolts holding my arm to my shoulder for the baby. I can still manage missing only one nut and bolt." And once they have enough bolts, they slowly assemble the baby Exo, made in their likeness, until it is whole. However, that is not all. The new baby won't come to life without it's bionic heart, so the father takes half of his heart, and the mother takes half of her heart, and they put them together to make a new heart for the baby. Once installed, the baby will come to life and become the pride and joy of the new Exo parents. Without this heart, the baby could not live or grow, but with it, a happy Exo life can be achieved, but it does come with a cost, for you see, an Exo who gives up half of his or her heart to create a new Exo, will lose their robotic immortality. Parents literally give their lives to create a baby Exo. After they give up half of their heart, they slowly start to deteriorate. Don't get me wrong, they still live long, happy lives with their one child, but they will eventually stop functioning. So to have a newborn Exo is actually the ultimate form of love. The parents have to be so in love that they are willing to give up their immortality to create life, to create something that is both of themselves and their partner. Yes, exo's show more love than any human could.

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