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8/5/2014 12:15:57 PM

Should there be something different instead of the warlocks bond(you can hardly notice it )

keep the bond


my idea


other ideas (comment your ideas down below)


do you think that the titan and the hunter were put the most time on and at the last minuet someone in the bungie team said " lets just give the warlock an arm band ". seriously, an arm band we can't even see. well vote on what you think and comment what should the warlock have instead of an arm band my idea is to change the bond to a pet or something. Imagine in the full game having an alien type of bird in your shoulder that would fly around you when getting shot and when you go on your sparrow. If they add skill trees for the badge, cape and the bird the bird could have an ability witch would make it fly around enemies and seek them out dealing damage overtime

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