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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Max Powers: 9/26/2014 10:22:03 PM


No I don't want a trade system


Yes I want a trade system


Destiny is without a doubt the best game I've ever played, you guys have nailed it. There is only one thing that could cheapen this amazing game and potentially turn players away ... a player to player trade system. Bungie community, join me and speak up about this pressing issue that has the potential to cheapen this stunning game. Do you value the hard work it takes to earn cool gear? Or do you not value the hard work it takes? "Become Legend", this tag line says it all. It insinuates that you will work to develop your character and thus work towards becoming a legend. We don't want to trade so that we look like a legend. The way the gear looks in destiny is stunning. When you see someone cruise past you in the tower with a sweet piece of gear, you know he's worked to achieve it. That is an amazing feat for a game developer, to create such awesome looking kit that everyone wants. If Bungie implement a player to player trade system this will be meaningless. The whole experience of earning something special is cheapened. To think that a noob who's played for a week and hit 20 could be given gear from his highly experienced and dedicated mate is a sad thought. All of a sudden the last two months I spent earning that same piece of gear are worthless. The pride I had for my equipment, lost. There are many of us who experienced this on games like World of Warcraft, Borderlands and Diablo and felt that it ruined the game. So much that I stopped playing games that I used to love. I would like to quote a few bungie developers from the video "out here in the wild" in the hope that if enough people vote on this, if our voice is strong enough, we can get bungie to make a firm stance against a trade system. Christopher Barrett, art director "the number one priority was to make a world that people wanted to be in, something that you want to go back to and you want to explore". If there is a trade system it will cheapen the game and people will lose excitement about going back and exploring. Luke Smith, design lead "you're going to see a guy wielding the cudgel of zanthor or the fate of all fools or whatever crazy names the writers come up with for these weapons and armor, you're going to understand where they came from and what they went through to get there". Man does this quote sum up my argument. With a player to player trade system we will NOT understand what anyone has been through to get their gear. In fact, we won't even know how long they will have been playing the game. *Edit: A lot of great counter arguments have been made on this post and I should clarify. I am certainly not opposed to a well done trade system e.g. if items could only be traded for equal level items, or include a BOA or BOP system for high tier gear. I was referring to the AH and gold trading/farming/selling with WOW. The item giving and duping in Borderlands. I should have been more specific and not so general and I didn't realise this post would attract so much attention. I still strongly believe that any system where people can give loot or trade for glimmer or parts would be bad idea. But if done right, a trade system would be great. SECOND EDIT: a lot of people are complaining about the "terrible loot system", just FYI they DID just say they're patching tha said system. We have to see the changes that come out of it. Also the game hasn't even been out for three weeks!!!!!! To me it's expected in a game like this that you have to play for ages to get good loot. 3 weeks is nothing.

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  • Personally I'd like a trading system. There were several times throughout the beta me and my friends found guns that we didn't like but somebody else in our group could use, but because we couldn't trade it over it just ended up being recycled into glimmer which seems like kind of a waste. At the end of the day its not a huge deal but something that would be nice to have.

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    • I fully agree, man. This game is about betting coll gear and looking awesome. If you can get end game gear the very second you put the disk in, why would you want to play the game? However, if you could trade common gear like the basic guns with no abilities, then I would not complain. But, the game doesn't need that anyways because loot is common enough. Trading would really take away from the game.

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      • Edited by Jesse_James-574-: 8/6/2014 12:47:17 AM

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      • Just make common items tradable. Anything else you have to obtain yourself.

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        • God I hope Bungie implements this down the road once the community grows up from its tween years and realizes exactly what a Trading System is and what it could offer the game. Here's a little preview: 1. Not all items should be tradeable. Implement a BINDING SYSTEM that would not allow people to trade certain levels of gear. For example: Exotics shouldn't be tradeable. Most legendaries shouldn't be tradeable (I am thinking like 99% of them shouldn't be tradeable.) Items that you have equipped and used shouldn't be tradeable. This is one of the most BASIC functions of any GOOD trading system. And most people in this community COMPLETELY ignore it. With this system, you would still have to EARN YOUR GEAR. However, it would provide flexibility and options for what you could do with their not-as-rare gear. 2. Trading would add more social aspects to this game. So you are completing a Strike with a couple of other random players. You get a drop that you don't need, but one of the people in your group could really use it, so you talk with them, trade with them, and potentially make a new contact/friend! And that person can still say, "Yeah I got this piece taking down the boss in (insert Strike here)" and even though it didn't drop for them, they still earned it by doing the exact same thing you did. 3. Keep "Services" out of the game as much as possible. What do I mean by services, I mean actions that players can do for other players, which in turn they could be compensated for. For example, a player might ask another player to improve their weapon or armor because they don't have the materials quite yet. This shouldn't be allowed, because it would result in people getting screwed over too often, even if it is their own fault. They would still blame Bungie. There will still be some "services" such as a low level player paying a high level player to take them to higher level areas and help them level up, but those are much less risky for the low level player in terms of getting screwed out of their money. 4. Gold Farmers would have serious issues getting their product out to the public in this game. Would there be glimmer farmers in this game if trading was allowed? Yes. Hell, even without trading being allowed there were glimmer farmers, running from chest to chest for hours on end getting obscene amounts of glimmer. That's just how video games are. However, there aren't any real effective ways for glimmer farmers to advertise their wares in game. There is no text box, nor proximity chat (which they are less likely to use even if it was implemented) so basically a player would have to search for them online in order to actually find them. Most normal players wouldn't even interact with them during their time of playing the game. And as long as the top tier gear that you buy from vendors continues to make you earn Vanguard/Crucible Marks (a non-tradeable currency) then those who buy glimmer still will have to EARN THEIR GEAR. 5. Finally I ask you this simple question. This is more to appeal to the more reasonable and open minded people in this community, not to those who have completely shut their minds to the idea of trading being implemented. Is there really that big of a difference between saying something like "Yeah I got this rare blue piece of gear on the 12th time I ran through Devil's Lair. It took a while but I finally got it." and "Yeah me and my buddy ran through Devil's Lair a couple of times, and he got this blue rare drop I needed, so we traded. It only took us 4 times to get to drop for 1 of us." Is there some difference? Yes. But is it really enough to give an ABSOLUTE NO to a trading system. That depends on your opinion, personally I say it isn't enough. Too much value would be gained by implementing a trading system. Hopefully some people can see that now. Also, I believe Bungie is correct in not having trading at launch. This community, and most FPS communities in general, are not ready for proper in game trading. They have too many bad experiences of BAD TRADING SYSTEMS from games like Borderlands. And they only refer to other instances of BAD TRADING SYSTEMS such as Diablo 3. Many games have good trading systems that are simple and allow you to have more interaction with players. I am not talking about Auction Houses, or any other added system (such as Guild Markets) but games like WoW, ESO, SWTOR, and FFXIV:ARR all have good single player trading systems implemented. They don't allow you to trade the best gear, they have untradeable currencies, and they implement a binding system. Another thing, Bungie has never released an official statement saying that there will never be trading in Destiny, all they have officially stated is that it will not happen at launch. This is smart, because they are letting the game establish itself before they start adding too many features.

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          • Edited by WINTER PROPHET: 8/5/2014 5:14:20 AM
            I don't expect the OP to read the following. And I don't care if he does. I don't care if there's a trade system. But I do care if Bungie is kind enough to provide one. Because this isn't about his THE OP's "opinion" this is about "facts", not how one feels but how all who play exist in "Destiny". Why or how he (the OP) grew into his beliefs doesn't concern me in the least. Because his opinion based on his beliefs pertaining to everyone's "EARNINGS" is not based on "THE FACTS". DESTINY, is geared towards "COOPERATIVE" gameplay. Whether it's in the Crucible as a team, the Iron Banner as a team, on a Strike mission, Public event... the game aims at players working together. So check this out. That Public event that some people jumped in to revive or help you and vice versa... The Crucible where somebody helped save you in that corner, and vice versa, the RAID mission that you earned experience and money and gear.... ALL "team" oriented "cooperative" based gameplay that contributes to what you earned... TOGETHER. That means unless you've completely gone through this game never once killing anything without someone else shooting AT or distracting your target or picking up an objective WE ALL, each and EVERY ONE OF US, contributed to each others "DESTINY" in this game. So if my friends helped me in the crucible, iron banner, a strike, Raid mission, Public Event they all "or strangers" helped me earn experience AND money AND loot AND engrams AND everything else. So if YOU, or ME, or He or them or they want to express gratitude by offering something they no longer use because you helped them or they helped you and likewise it's because the people who KNOW they couldn't do it without EACHOTHER appreciate EACHOTHER. And JASON JONES knows this, it's why this game provides so many moments for us to help EACHOTHER. Including the BETA KEYS we gave EACHOTHER we didn't earn, and Bungie opening the beta to all who never earned it by pre-ordering. So if Bungie graces us with the ability to "trade" or "give items" to our FRIENDS our TEAMMATES or complete strangers who helped instead of doing nothing then it's because we can appreciate the fact we didn't EARN something entirely alone. We had help. I've been gaming for thirty years. It feels GREAT to give an item to someone that helped me earn it even if I can't use to THEM. It's a rewarding experience. And it's an experience that THIS guy who posted this prefers you nor I ever have in a game where everything is meant to be experienced and shared together, we play together, fight TOGETHER, earn together. But not share. This guy thinks we earn it all on our own in every team cooperative moment. It's not a single player game. It's our community within it. And if Bungie graces us with a trade system, you can bet your a***s****s I'll be rewarding my friends with things they helped me earn. Including hunting down random players who strolled by and saved my team from a loss. If the OP wants to earn everything himself, gtfo of Destiny and go play cooking mama on the Wii. It's got single player with rewards you earn yourself you can admire yourself in a town called "ME-ville", population you.

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            14 Replies
            • I voted for no trade system as that is the simplest solution but a trading or "dropping" system for blue and below would be fine with me.

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              Sorry guys but I play side by side with my girl She is a warlock i play Titan, there was numerous times in the beta she found a Weapon or I found a weapon And all we could think about is how Nice it would be to be able to drop A weapon into the vault and share between Each other If anything I say share with friends list Or clan or group or whatever but No trade system I agree But share with friends is ok in my book

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              • Edited by WINTER PROPHET: 8/5/2014 5:34:49 AM
                Don't care if there isn't a trade system. If there is.... What other people trade with EACHOTHER does not de-value anything I earn, use, or "if" they implement a trade system... "Trade". If my friend helped me defeat a Raid boss, and I got a sniper rifle I don't like, he was there to help, which means it's a TEAM EFFORT. So if I chose to give him something I don't need that he helped me earn.... How in the pile of dead monkeys is it any of your business and effect you and your life? It doesn't. Your "self appointed role of leadership" is nothing more than a personal issue you have with others who have friends and benefit from friendship. I don't care if there's a trade system or not. But if they implement one, it's not something you'll be forced to do AND you're a hypocrite, at some point in your life you traded something somewhere. So get over yerself. Get down off yer pedestal you've placed yourself on, nobody is interested in what's up your skirt. Pfft. And no. Yer last word isn't an argument won. You have an opinion, and your opinion doesn't dictate anyone's right to share what friends help them earn. Who is this dude? **drops the mic**

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                • The simple solution is to bind all legendary and exotic items to the players account when they receive it. Uncommon and regular drops could be left tradeable with no real consequence to the game's economy.

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                • i'd love the ability to either give gear to other members of my clan/guild/wtfever, or to give to friends on my friend list....not just to random people... i'd like to be able to help out my friends, or teammates, if they're having a hard time...give them a little edge, so they can get better... remember guardians....the strength of our character is measured by how we treat our weakest.... the whole "git gud, n00b" attitude should be saved for CoD, and when we're playing with teens on Halo... so yeah, i'd support a clan vault, for gear to be dropped for anyone who needs it...and a system to directly give gear to a clan member, or someone on your friends list..

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                  • exotic weapons have munch more value if you find them yourself.

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                  • Edited by Jesse_James-574-: 8/5/2014 5:42:45 PM
                    It takes me 400 hours of game time to earn this gear for instance.Just to get on Destiny and see someone with the same gear it took me 400 hours to get yet he has 25 hours played his friend gave it to him now he brags about his gear he nevered earned.Makes my gear not so special and im pissed i even wasted my time.[b] This is called time and item Devaluation [/b] Wow seems some of you are hell bent on getting a hand-out.You want everything easy it sounds like.You should have to put 100's+ hours into the game before you even start seeing anything exotic or legendary the feelings different when you really earn it.Im telling you if this game can be conquerd and i can gather every exotic or legendary gear i want within 250 hours ill be done within 3 months and im far from alone on that.[b]It would be a VERY SAD thing to see everyone with the same/best exotics and legendarys 3 months into the game.Would make that VERY special gear NOT so special.[/b] [b]" It takes gears to grind and anything worth having takes hardwork and dedication "[/b] These are life bearing lessons that believe it or not are taught in games to many times i've seen gamers want everything given to them is this a reflection of self if so we are in trouble as a society.

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                    11 Replies
                    • In a perfect world, the ability to give an item to someone else that was playing with me when it dropped would be awesome. Their teamwork earned it, they just weren't the lucky one to get the drop. My guess is that the overhead (storage and processing) to tag the item with the IDs of everyone in the instance would be too high.

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                    • It would ruin the game to have a trade system because someone will exploit it and sell gear for real money to low level guys who haven't put in the effort trust me I have played enough games ruined by trading.

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                    • You made a good point

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                    • IGN reported on this a while back and bungie said they are not putting a trade system in at launch. However they will be putting a trade system in sometime after release. Bungie wants to watch the games economy to see how it works. They also want to watch for security situations for both our systems and all platforms

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                      • Well I dont want trading to prevent gold sellers and spammers ect

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                      • Luckily for you there in none, nor is there any plan to add one as of now.

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                      • Pretty simple really, make the good stuff soulbound.

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                        • I would only put a trade system for blue rarity and below weapon only. Just so that if for instance, i find a weapon i already own or dont need, i could give it to a fireteam member who needs it. It happened to me and a friend during the beta, we were trying to get a good auto rifle for him, i already had a green Shingen-C and before he could find one, I found three! ( 2 white, 1 green)

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                          • There's more then one way to earn something. For example. Me and my buddy Cory do a raid. He gets lucky and gets lets say Red Death. I get some exotic pulse rifle. So we both got an exotic however I perfer auto rifles which he got. But he perfers scout rifles but will use a pulse rifle till he gets a scout rifle. With a trade system like what im about to propose it will allow me to get the gun I want give him a gun he can use till he gets what he wants. Mind you this is all hypothetical I use and like all primary weapons but the hand cannon can not stand the hand cannons. I would propose allowing limited trade between fireteam members on the "lobby" or ship flight screen. Meaning that within 30min of us finishing the raid before leaving the fire team we can trade out the droped gear and only the droped gear can be traded. Also there would be an auction to allow for the open sale of weapons and armor up to the blues. This would allow for old gear to be recycled by it going to a new home rather then being broken down for what maybe 10-50 glimmer after it cost 200+ for all the mod unlocks. But it should have a cap a reasonably so nothing can get inflated as far as prices go. So say a blue cant be sold for more then 800 glimmer. A green can't be sold for more then 600 glimmer and a white can't be sold for more then 400 glimmer. Materials cant be sold fore more then 50 glimmer a piece and you can only post stacks of up to 50, with an option for buyers to buy partial stacks. Just my thoughts and a possible solution to make everyone happy.

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                          • There can be a trade system and there can be items that cannot be traded in order to preserve that 'epic' feel of them. You're a fool, Op.

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                            6 Replies
                            • I want a trade system :)

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                            • I think a trade system is a good idea as long as you have lvl caped items etc and all special equipment or item gained through mission completion or anything along those lines are bound to the person who got them

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                            • I would just like to say that if anyone uses the [quote]Others <doing activity> doesn't lessen my experience (despite me working harder for it)[/quote] Is a complete idiot. Them being able to raid/get a certain gear is exactly what we mean by devaluation. If we did everything in numbers; This super cool gun everyone wants requires a skill level of over 9000 (;D) to get. I work extremely hard to get good enough, utilizing a lot of thought and effort, to get this amazing gun. I finally achieve it, just to find a noob with a skill level of 4 has gotten the same thing off of his friend. Devaluation.

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