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5/5/2014 2:28:54 AM

Breathing Life into the Universe

Hi, long time lurker; first time poster. One of the things that really made Bungie games feel magical to me (compared to everything else I played, back when I had a Macintosh), was how the game world lived and breathed. By this I mean that NPC's and Mobs had their own motives, their own lives, their own activities that sometimes meant they couldn't care less about me. I'd like to see this developed in Destiny at all levels from Public events that sometimes don't go as expected and we aren't the ever always victorious hero's, down to simple things like stumbling across a group of Fallen with a busted Pike who have set up camp and are out capturing dinner and aren't just waiting there in ambush for me. I loved how all the different NPC's you speak to in Pathways Into Darkness had their own motives to be there, some were greedy, some were looking for glory, some were just along for the ride. I don't want to feel like the centre of the universe. In games before (and sadly long after Marathon) creatures stood in a room, as soon as they could "see" you they would move towards you and try to kill you. I remember stumbling into a room in Marathon and watching a mob run past, but he didn't see me, and he didn't just run through the room in a direct line from door to door, he preferred to stay in the shadows, so I followed him and he led me to a room where he was keeping another race in a lab and it seemed he was experimenting on it. I loved the AI's in Marathon and their complicated motives and meddling with other races. I borrowed XBox's to play Halo's and felt that this had taken a little of a back seat to the pure action; the back story was still there, just a little deeper, and more in the cut scene's than in the game itself. I'm also concerned that part of what makes some other online games so engaging is the lore and well known back story... Destiny has a lot of mystery right now. I also like how other online games let you choose one side or another and actually conflict with real people and hopefully have the world reflect this in changes to the territories and NPC's in an area after a "public event". I'd like to see this in Destiny as well, maybe between the different factions. So this is a plea to Bungie to keep the Universe alive so we want to explore and sometimes just watch and see what something or someone is doing rather than shooting it. I don't want everywhere to feel like a carefully planned excuse for a fire fight with appropriately placed cover and mobs, I want the world to feel alive. Having said all that, no one can create a cross fire based fire fight with multiple races, agendas and intelligent behaviour of mobs and team work of players better than Bungie. (Off main topic - While I'm here, a quick question: One of the Video's is called Pathways Out Of Darkness, do we think this is a reference to Pathways Into Darkness as in, is there a tie in with the lore, did the sleeping god awaken and wipe out the Solar System? Or did the Jjarro show up two years later and wipe us and it out?)

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