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Edited by DTL: 1/5/2014 4:26:12 PM
DTL Writing Contest (With fabulously lackluster prizes!!)

Here ye, writers of the Bungie community: I challenge you all to write me a story. A story of love and hate. Passion and desire. Of good vs evil, and the struggle of all mankind. I want this story to be the greatest combination of words the world has ever seen. It must make us laugh, and it must make us cry. This story will be scrutinized by the highest authority of everything that is everything.. the Bnet community. Your story will be held to the highest standards of literary genius, and if your work succeeds, you'll be modestly rewarded with your choice of one of two Xbox Live arcade codes I happen to have lying around. (The Maw, Robotron: 2084) Are you up to the challenge? If so, here are the rules.. 1) The hero/heroes of the story must include a member of the web team and mod team. 2) The villain/villains of the story must include a member of the web team and mod team. 3) All other characters in the story must be Bnet members and/or celebrities, musicians, famous fictional characters, etc. [b]Keep it clean-ish, and keep it fun. Outright flaming, bigotry, etc will disqualify your entry.[/b] Voting: To vote for your favorite story, reply to the story with a "+1". Feel free to comment on the story however you like, but your comment will only count as a vote if it begins with "+1". This way, you can change your vote later if you need to by editing out the "+1" from your previous choice. Duplicate votes by a poster will be ignored completely, resulting in none of them counting. I will reserve my vote to resolve any tie-breaker needs we may come across. Whichever story has the most votes on the deadline of [b]Sunday, January 5th[/b] will be crowned victorious and given the choice of codes. (The runner-up will be offered the remaining code.) Do it for glory. Do it for power. Do it for an arcade game you probably won't play, but what the hell it's free, right? LET THE GAMES BEGIN! [b]~~ Game Over, Man! ~~[/b] First, I'd like to thank everyone who participated. You guys provided some creative and hilarious stories over the last week. I'm sorry we didn't get a bit more interaction, but at least a few of us had a great time reading your work. The contest ends with a tie between DE4THINC4RN4TE and ChorrizoTapatio, each with a very manly vote count of one vote a piece. DE4Th provided us a insider's look at the release of, while Chorrizo offered a tale of war amongst the ranks. Due to the tie.. I will be the deciding vote. It's a tough choice, and each story deserves a place on the shelf next to any great work of literature... but ultimately, I chose Chorrizo's because of the inclusion of average Bnet members and a twist ending that made M. Night Shayamalan himself wake in a cold sweat. Congratz, Chorrizo! I'll PM you in a second with your choice of codes. Thanks again to everyone who participated in this, I hope everyone had a good time.
#Community #Flood

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  • The cold winter winds had began to take their toll on DeeJ, Urk, and their troops as they awaited the return of the scouts and the uneasy feeling amoung them grew. "They should be back by now.." True Underdog mumbled. A murrmur of agreement was heard through the huddle of troops and then DeeJ, after many silent hours, spoke. "It's a long trip, but you're right TU. It shouldn't have taken this long. CamCamm, I need you to gather a small squad to go search for them while the rest of us return to base for a beer and maybe some pizza..maybe." CamCamm gathered her thoughts and tried to think of some words that would culminate her concern. Finally, she responded: "K." Back at their military stronghold, DeeJ and Urk reflected upon this awful war. "How could he have betrayed us like could Halcylon stab us in the back like this? All because we said that Star Trek is a little better than Star Wars?!" DeeJ exclaimed with fury. "Calm down, brother. Although he has gone down the path of darkness we can still save him. Our Ginger Mafia will surely get us to his doorstep, and once we are there we will knock. And if after 30 seconds he doesn't answer, we will ring the doorbell! And if he still doesn't answer we'll knock a couple more times and wait another 30 seconds!" "But, Urk, what if he still doesn't answer after that..?" "Then I guess we'll just come back later or something because I mean, if we keep knocking or ringing the doorbell then we're being rude and that's totally stooping down to his level." They nodded in agreement but before they could fist bump CamCamm bursted through the door. Still trying to catch her breathe, she managed to let out a "K." "K, what..?" DeeJ questioned. "K, we found Recon and Foman. They're in bad shape but we got the informantion." She responded. Foman and Recon had done their job well and discovered that Hal's evil army was in some dumbass moving castle that looked like an abomimation and to celebrate they got wasted and lost in the woods. But CamCamm found them so it was all good. Now DeeJ and Urk's Ginger Mafia advanced on the stupid castle. Many ninjas and members were lost, but finally they managed to arrive at the chamber that Hal lingered in. They knocked once and Lord Revan answered. "Hey guys, come on in. We got beer and pizza." But DeeJ and Urk knew better, so they punched Revan in the gut and proceeded to pull his shirt over his head, and then punched him again. To be honest, it was a little uncalled for. Finally they met Hal face-to-face. "Sup, dinks." He said. "Dinks? That's rude. C'mon Hal, can we please end all this bloodshed? It's ridiculous man." DeeJ pleaded. "No!" Hal exclaimed " Star Trek freakin blows and Star was is amazing. I will never give in to the dark side." "Wait..what?" said Urk "I thought you were the dark side?" "Nooooooo. You and DeeJ are totally the dark side. I was just trying to watch Star Wars in my badass moving castle and you guys just start killing all my men, and for God's sake man you guys hockey-punched Lord Revan after he offered you food. You're the dark side, not me." Hal responded. Then DeeJ and Urk looked at one another and DeeJ mummbled, " Oh yeahhhh...". Then as they remembered they were the bad guys they both turned their attention towards Hal and beat him up. After knocking him unconcious they tied him to a chair and forced him to watch Star Trek for the remainder of his life, and they all lived happily ever after. The end.

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    • Edited by Hatima BNG 117: 1/5/2014 1:37:17 AM
      Raspy, look! As DeeJ gazed out the window watching Stosh play in the snow. The end.

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    • [quote][i][b]Repercussions of Stosh...[/b][/i][/quote] [quote] Stosh waited. The screen in front of him flicked and sparked out of the air. There were bugs on the website. He didn’t see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Achronos were not listenend to, and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway. Stosh was a web designer for eight years. When he was young he watched the interwebs and he said to dad “I want to be on the interwebs daddy.” Dad said “No! You will BE KILL BY BUGS” There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got older he stopped. But now in the in the code of, he knew there were bugs. “This is Achronos,” the radio crackered. “You must fight the bugs!”. So Stosh gotted his keyboard and opened the code. “HE GOING TO DEBUG US” said the bugs. “I will 404 him” said the Webmaster and he fired the errors. John backspaced at him and tried to debug him. But then the program shut down and they were trapped and not able to debug. “No! I must fix the bugs” he shouted. The radio said “No, Stosh. You are the bugs.” [b]And then Stosh was blamed.[/b] [/quote] Like if you cry every time.

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      We only have one vote at the moment, guys. Bring them in and let's decide a winner for tomorrow.

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    • Is erotic fiction accepted?

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      3 Replies
      • Hero DeeJ once sought a Journey to end the Villainous Halcylon. DeeJ and Hal then realized their foolish feud, and slapped DTL for his shit-post. The End.

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        • "These things take time," I heard him say. "Recon, we don't have any time!" Burritosenior exclaimed. We were trying to break free. Escape. "Let me take care of it," DeeJ said as he pushed everyone out of the way. He slid his hand against the wall, slowly, trying to find any kind of weakness. Suddenly, he collapsed, and where his hand once was appeared a hole. Recon and Foman checked on DeeJ while the rest of us examined the hole. We didn't know whether to look through it, or stick our finger in it. DeeJ quickly recovered and peered into the hole. "Guys, I see our way out!" We all cheered. DeeJ kicked at the hole and the wall quickly crumbled. "Looks like we're home free, boys," TrueUnderdog said. And we were free, for that short moment. For that small moment I felt, happy. Then [i]he[/i] showed up. "Just where do you boys think you're going?" Halcylon asked us. "If I recall, you gentlemen still owe me 30 years in that cell. "Please, we promise it won't happen again. Just let us leave!" DeeJ pleaded. We all silently nodded in agreement. We learned our lesson. "I'm sorry fellows," Halcylon responded, "but I have to but you back in. You know how I react to pranks." ------------------------------------------------------ It's been eight years so far. I'm writing this so when someone finds us they will heed my warning: [b]Don't put a whoopee cushion in Halcylon's chair.[/b]

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        • Edited by DE4THINC4RN4TE: 12/30/2013 7:58:00 AM
          I decided to go with some historical fiction of a [u]very[/u] important event within's History. We're the bad guys and the good guys. So is the web team. [i]He[/i] is simply watching it unfold. Enjoy. [spoiler]Temperatures outside had plunged to one of their lowest points within the last year. Gusts of wind threw around drifts of snow, randomly rearranging the landscape every few minutes. While not entirely uncommon this time of year in Seattle, it was certainly not the kind of weather one wanted to be stranded in. Yet this did not faze the inhabitants of Suite 207. The incessant beating the wind enacted upon the structure of the Complex housing Bungie headquarters was only matched by the sporadic beats of Tom Gioconda's heart. He had just received word from a coworker, an underling within the web team that he oversaw, that the build had been finalized, and the servers prepared. Looking over the code scrolling by, he thought back to the thousands of man-hours it had taken to prepare what sat in front of him. His web team had poured their blood, sweat, tears, and even souls into the project. Together, they had crafted a new forum software for the inhabitants of, one to usher them into a glorious new era of gaming. They had pulled the plug on the older site earlier that day, much to the dismay of several prominent netizens. If their was one thing that he had learned throughout his years at Bungie, it was that wherever there was change, someone would take it upon themselves to make as big a deal as possible about it-- And the inhabitants of were no exception to that rule. Tom, or as he was known on the site, "Achronos", had witnessed entire hordes of people come and go across his carefully pruned digital landscape. Watching entire communities rise and fall had become common place for him. Some stuck around, both annoying and pleasant. This reflected back to the real world upon the team he had spent all this time working with. He wondered what peoples reaction would be to the new site. Would they be filled with awe and wonder? Or perhaps anger and disgust. It had been a real journey, filled with a colorful variety of people. Each contributed their part to the story, both big and small, and good and bad. Lifting his finger over the enter key, he paused, holding his breath. While it would take at least a day or more to upload the code to the servers, he knew this was the defining moment for him. Everything he had oversaw for the past few years would soon be shown off to the world. He would sit watch through the night, ensuring the success of the data's transfer. It had all come down to this. The winds howled outside as he released his breath, bringing his finger down on the enter key. Watching the status bar begin to slowly fill, he began his vigil, smiling at the thought of what was to come. Bungie.Next would soon be upon us all. (Jan. 8th, 2013)[/spoiler]

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          • Edited by M80: 12/30/2013 9:03:52 AM
            Deej ate Urk. The End

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          • I'd write one, but I don't use XBL anymore :/

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            • Can this count?

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              • Edited by DTL: 1/5/2014 12:01:49 AM
                Okay guys, only a couple days until the victor is crowned. Post any final submissions and cast your votes. Voting ends this Sunday when ever I drag my ass out of bed and hop on Bnet. Edit: Last chance, folks.

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              • Edited by tuckers baby: 12/29/2013 7:16:00 PM
                Does it have to be fiction, or can it be non-fiction? I made a semi-lenghty post yesterday that summed up my discovery of Also, is there a min/max of words allowed for each story?

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                • Can I pay DeeJ to write me a story?

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                  • Entry 1: -My Journey- I discovered this site sometime in late 2008 to early 2009, I just used it to track medals and stats. Later Halo 3: ODST (formerly known as Halo 3: Recon) was revealed alongside a promise of the oh so coveted Recon armor upon completion of the seven Vidmasters. So, naturally, a few buddies of mine and I began our virtual quest for these Achievements. Knocking out Lightswitch and 7 on the 7th were a breeze, the real first challenge was Iron. Boy, was I never so excited to leap into the Dawn before in my life, our ghosts streaking in a blaze of glory. We were halfway to achieving Recon. September 22nd came right around the corner, and a fresh load of Achievements along with it. Classic was easier than I thought and Brainpan was fun. Déjà vu proved a challenge, similar to Iron, but in our first attempt (we died A LOT, but never quit) we were successful. I dreaded the final Vidmaster though, the one we all hate and bar others to this day, Endure. After multiple attempts with others (and a loss of one of my 'former' best friends over this Achievement) I compiled a useable team. Their GamerTags's unknown to me now, but two plus solid hours of Alpha Site and we finished off the chieftains of Wave 5, Round 3, Set 4. Anxiously awaiting the familliar "bleep-bloop" of an Achievement, seconds passed in suspense until one of my party said that he had gotten it. Like a chain reaction, the final Vidmaster appeared on all our screens, exhaling a sigh of relief, I said my goodby's and retired to my soft bed for the night. Early next morning I made the final step in my journey, I got onto and created a linked account with my profile, mr taco47. And thus the Powerpuff Gir- I mean, tuckers baby was born. I've lost nearly all of my Halo 3-era friends by now. By Halo 4's release it was down to five, now it can't be any more than two or three, but that wont be the end though. Eventually, we'll always move on to greener pastures.

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                  • Edited by tuckers baby: 12/29/2013 7:31:03 PM
                    Entry 2 -THE HISTORY OF THE HALO REACH FORUM- as told by tuckers baby, March 12th, 2013 Well let me sum up its history for you... Pre-release - News, leaks and moar information coursed through its veins as us Reachers followed every bit of leak, info and morsel that bungie themselves fed us. It was a grand forum then, much like Destiny's today. Pre rank-cap days - Multiple threads asking Bungie to raise the cap and AL usage threads had just started to pour in. Post RC to Beta anniversary days - AL hate threads had taken the Whole forum by storm, They were here there and everywhere else. Mid 2011 to Reach's anniversary days - AL threads had died down to about half ow what it was, your common jib-jab had returned, and the discussion of the *cough* well um... Explicit depictions of anime girls popped up. **During this period I stopped defending Al as per a run in with its users in MM** Late Sept. 2011 to Beta 2nd anniversary days - Anime had come and gone, Al threads were almost non-existant, and Title update talk was on the rage. Sadly, after 343i's purchase of the Halo franchise, the forum began to dwindle down. May 2012 to Downfall - By now the forum had split into a mix of 343's forums and the others who stayed drearily waltzed on over to the Flood, myself included. Reach was at an end, stupid clan pics. dominated the once golden file browser, and only one or two new threads would appear daily. And thus is the semi-sad history of the Reach forum, from Birth to Death. So, REMEMBER REACH, for what it once was.

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                  • sure, I'll do something later if you promise me second place. :)

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                    • Entry 3 -The Adventures of Harley Jones, P.I.- It was a cool afternoon in Tintown, a slight rain had begun to fall as the sun slowly sank over the horizon. I was about to give up on this operation until a shady looking fellow followed by two others exited the building to my right. This had to be him, the notorious mobster “Frankie Two Toes”. Suddenly a car rolled around a corner and the three men stepped inside. They then proceeded to the end of the street and then sped off down the road. I wheeled the car out of park and sped after the trio. My name is Harley Jones, Private Eye Inc., and these troublesome thieves that I was hunting weren’t your every day crook. They had robbed the past 15 banks of other tows across the state, as well as a mass murder of at least 60 people. They’d since then gon into hiding sitting fat and happy on millions of dollars in stolen 24k gold and the blood of the innocent peoples they slaughtered. It was hard to follow their trace and still remain incognito on a dirt road with only two cars on it, one being mine. But that silence didn’t last long at all as one of the henchmen opened the sunroof of the sedan and opened fire on me. Instinctively I ducked as the bullets cracked glass and pinged off the hood of the car, so I did the only logical thing possible. The engine moaned as the car climbed to top speed and then I was flung threw the windshield as both vehicles collided. My body ached as I climbed from the twisted heaping lump of metal, and as my vision returned I saw him. Frankie was making a run for it! It all of my remaining strength to do it but I pulled myself together and began pursuit. I grabbed a Tommy gun from one of hid dead cronies and mashed the trigger down. A spray of brass engulfed the field in front of him until one struck him in the leg, toppeling the crook. I cringed once more as the nurse applied the rest of the bandages to my aching side. She was a good girl, I nodded, and she walked away to treat to the other patients in the room. Pulling the thick overcoat over my wounds still stung, even through all the thick gause wrappings around my side. Frankie was behind bars, after all, he couldnt go too far crawling on his hands and knees could he? Nevertheless, this only seemed to be the beginning of things again. The war was over, crime flourished throught the country, and I was going to be the man to put a stop to it.

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