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originally posted in: First Kiss Story?
12/14/2013 10:20:27 AM
Well, I just recently met this guy at school. I had been stalking him for months and whatnot because I'm creepy like that. Everyone in my family thought he was the coolest -blam!-ing thing we've seen. Well, this kid ends up noticing (because it's hard not to see someone who's always watching you) and he thinks I'm -blam!-ing adorable. He starts trying to hang out with me and see me and stuff. Well my dad said I wasn't allowed to see him (disney bullshit). One day while he was out of town, I convinced my mom to let me out of the house. I didn't tell her where I was going, but the plan was to go with my friend and see this guy at the mall. Well things got awkward as shit when we did hang out, like I was bat shit crazy about this kid and had no idea of what to do. What he ended up doing was taking me o the food court and kissed me by the merry go round. This -blam!-ing rocked my teenage heart like a hurricane. But -blam!- him in the ass with a dragon dick now, that bitch is cray cray

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