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originally posted in: Video game tag team Battle Royale!
8/7/2013 3:00:42 PM
Let's see... -Teams Star, Halo, and Darkstalkers in terms of either strength or experience with hand-to-hand could be considered the most likely to succeed in terms of their offense and defense, though I would have the worry about how lethal team Halo could end up being. -Team pandora is kind of like half-halo, half something else. Brick could easily blow somebody up with his fists whilst Salvator may struggle a little with the knockout depending on his build. -Team IDGAF would in a sense be half-Darkstalkers, half the other two teams yet to be brought up Deadpool I know has experience in hand-to-hand. Moxxi on the other hand was more of a shooter, not a melee-er. -Teams Hyrule and Half-Life are more dependent on usage of both their wits and their tools. Without their tools they only have their wits. Wits in this case won't get them too far against teams like the ones above, unless it's for keeping the aggro off them. So in this case I'd have to try and pick one out of the first three teams brought up until counter-arguments are made.

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