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originally posted in: Proof that God doesn't exist
7/29/2013 4:59:44 PM
A Communist Liberal Atheist Vegan Hippe begins teach his Pro-Abortion class in the morning. He yells at the students "It's time to get on your knees and pray to your lord Darwin who is far more important than Jesus Christ!" At that time, a Pro-Life, COnservative, Christian, U.S. Navy-SEAL who has served 1500 tours of duty and agrees with every Military Action the U.S. has ever taken steps up. He takes out a rock and asks the professor "How old is this rock you hook nosed Liberal!" The professor gave an obnoxious grin before answering "2.4 million years old." "WRONG!" shouted the SEAL, "It was made 5500 years ago by God, according to you, if it was 2.4 million years old it would be an animal by now!" The Professor is visibly shaken, so much that he drops his book on "The Marxist Manifesto" before running out of the room crying Liberal Crocodile tears. He would have gone home and shot himself with a gun, but he himself petitioned gainst them! At that time everyone applaudes the man and registers with the Republican party that day. Then a bald eagle named "Small Government" flies into the room crying a tear of joy while dropping an American Flag down for the class. Everyone began to salute the eagle and recite the Pledge of Allegiance before going to Church and thanking God for bringing down a prophet to save them from the evils of Liberal Monster. PS: Close the borders.

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