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Edited by Kaeus Grim: 5/3/2013 4:35:43 PM

FanFiction Novel W.I.P. [Moved]

Amazing! More more..


Good, keep it up.


Bad, work on it.


Shit, please stop.


[u]Note[/u]: I've been asked to do some writing for a graphic novel. I'll leave the prologue here, if any mods or admin want to delete the thread: feel free. :v I will also be continuing this story, just on a different site. [b][u]Prologue[/u][/b] [spoiler] Darkness. Cold endless darkness. Those are the words that describe this space around me. I can't move, can't breathe.. I'm just floating in a pool of pitch black. A liquid-less sea of emptiness . My eyes are frozen open. My lungs burning for air, and yet.. I feel no need to breathe. just the forced need to wait. But wait for what? "[i]Witness[/i].." A single word. A single thought that seemed to echo through space, muffled by the void. But witness what? What was there to see in the darkness of this place? Right then, as if responding to my challenge, a star came creeping around the horizon of a large gas planet setting it's surface ablaze. The stunning brilliance of a white dwarf star illuminated a field of ice. An asteroid field made seeming of sapphires. "[i]Witness[/i].." That same word again drifted through the void with a tone that sent chills down my spine. The ever strangling void giving no clue to the owner of the words even in the newly provided light. The star's brilliance shined in the sea of ice. Shards of sapphire acting as a large celestial mirror. I wanted to shout out to the voice. I wanted to ask what I was supposed to see. What I was supposed to witness, when I noticed a shadow in the corner of my eye. A person on a solar board, custom by the looks. Illegally modded for speed. It's twin turbines sputtered green flames it inched forward. The rider's identity unknown, but by the shape and configuration of the suit you could tell she was a Huntress. One of the tower's guardians. A licensed hero. I reached out for her wanting to grab her attention. She was so close I could grab her arm. In the least I could get her attention. I could be saved from this ocean of vacuum, and finally get some answer. When suddenly she sped off toward the Icy belt. There she sat on her board in the shadow of a small shard and waited. Kneeling there like a panther ready to strike. Strike at what? "[i]Witness[/i]," said the voice much more clearly this time. A bright flash of light, and the cool green pool of a slip stream erupted into existence. Several seconds it hung there in space until a ship emerged from it's event-horizon. A hive cruiser. A long black ship that looked as old as the stars inched cautiously towards the asteroid belt. Boggy exhaust trailed in plumes behind the seemingly derelict ship. It's ghostly hull was pocketed with holes and and fractures. Ancient battle wounds of wars long past. Spotlights popped to life along the midsection of the ship as it reached the outer perimeter of the ice and scanned the shadows. Who, or what, were they looking for..? Why were they here? A figure darted from one rock to the other. The huntress on her board. The solar engines on the back flared as she charged the vessel. Red blips launched from her arms, small explosives that attached to the ship as she shot by. Explosions went off all along the port bow. The hive ship came to life with flashing red lights, manically sounding the alarm. Small craft scrambled from the launch bays. The green stream of light sped around, setting off more charges as it passed, too fast for the creatures aboard to counter. "[i]Witness![/i]" shouted the voice from the darkness. The woman was dancing around the field, dodging incoming fire from the panicking crew. They were desperate to take their assailant with them. Yet there she was again, not five feet from me. Standing. Watching her work consume the hive vessel. This was my chance. I reached for her, my arms outstretched. My vision was fading from the lack of oxygen. She turned toward me. Her eyes locked with mine, chilling and dark, just like the void we were sitting in. I could feel my heart beat inside me head, pulsing through my body. My sight darkened as I focused on her face. The fires from the erupting ship reflected from her visor. She smiled at me and whispered a single phrase: "Witness.. your Destiny." [/spoiler]

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