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4/5/2013 1:38:35 AM

Nintendo should update the N64.

Think about it: The Wii-U doesn't seem to be doing so well, as it barely keeps up with the more "serious, hardcore" systems like the Xbox and PlayStation. A lot of Nintendo's selling power is based of nostalgia, something they're very good at. But they aren't taken seriously too often by developers or gamers. So why not release something that would have more power than anything else, and throw in a few gallons of nostalgia for good measure? Let's consider what a N64 would do when upgraded: The Game Pack- Some of you may own a 3DS and have played Ocarina of Time on it. That use to need this [url=]big thing to work.[/url] I own a USB drive smaller than my thumb with 16GB of memory, and it was actually cheap. Now imagine a game that can utilize 50GB of space, just on the pack alone. And you don't need to save it on your system, meaning you can take it anywhere and have all your game data with you. The Console- Old N64 were more durable than bricks. They had almost nothing in them, but still could compare to the old Xbox in some regards. Now make everything updated (RAM, Graphics engine, ect) and give it online capabilities. Might not have the same durability, but Nintendo consoles are pretty reliable. Hell, throw in a disk drive plug in. Compatibility- Nintendo is usually good about allowing the new system to be able to use past system items. Usually. If they made it so the N64 updated could use anything from Wii controllers, to the original N64 items, it would encourage people already with Nintendo goods to buy the console, as they don't have to restock their supply of games and controllers. Now some of you will be going "U like nintendoh? Ur a fag and gay and dumd!!!11!!". Well, have a great old time with that. I don't care about you, I care to hear from the people who actually considered what I have to say and have something to say themselves.

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  • A handheld version of the N64 would be pretty awesome, but I'm not sure bout how well a full sized N64 remake would go over, lol.

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    2 Replies
    • [quote]Now some of you will be going "U like nintendoh? Ur a fag and gay and dumd!!!11!!". [/quote] "Some" is being a little too polite

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      2 Replies
      • I really feel that the N64 was Nintendo's last great console. The Gamecube was underwhelming and the Wii and Wii-U is more for the casual gamer than anyone else. Updating the N64 would definitely create buzz amongst "core" gamers but since it wouldn't create any new business or appeal to the "casual" crowd. So in short it's an awesome idea but Nintendo would never do it.

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      • Not bad a bad idea, doubt it will happen though, seeing as Nintendo is hellbent on appealing to "Casual" Gamers, whatever that means. I'm surprised that they haven't let the group that makes all those FB "ville" games make Wii games yet. However, N64 was a breakthrough in Console gaming, and maybe Nintendo can surprise us in the New generation with some good titles. WiiU had some good ones (That Lego game, ZombieU) but it was at the tail-end of the Lifespan of the Wii, which had already lost the console war. What Nintendo needs to do is make a game that will work on both Handheld and Console and be good (Maybe do something with Pokemon).

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