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Edited by A 3 Legged Goat: 2/14/2013 2:14:08 PM

What's better Halo 4 or Halo Reach?

Hey what do you think is better halo 4 or halo reach?

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  • 2010 me wouldn't believe this but I actually think Reach was more enjoyable than H4. Halo 4 MP is just a -blam!-ing mess.

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  • Halo: Reach's Slayer PRO takes more skill than Halo 4's Slayer PRO. Halo: Reach.

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    • i think that halo 4 have a HORRIBLE multiplayer , the campaign its amazing ,but, Halo: Reach , its better in: Multiplayer, Campaing , in... EVERYTHING!

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    • Halo 4 has a MUCH BETTER campaign, but has a horrible forge/custom games. Halo: Reach has a MUCH BETTER forge/custom games, but has a horrible campaign. Both have annoying-to-play multiplayer modes that suck.

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    • Halo Reach is really fun. Halo 4 is boring and ruined infection. The campaign in halo 4 also kinda ruins everything that bungie started on 1,2,and 3

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    • Yes, their both awful, but neither one is "better" than the other. The fact that you somehow think one is better makes any significance at all makes you horrible.

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    • Also, that is officially the longest thing I've written since Bnet went all shit mode. tldr mode better be activated you f­ucks.

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    • Edited by Thoughtcrime: 3/11/2013 12:19:37 AM
      I'm not going to talk about Halo 3 or Halo 2 or the massive library of other triple-A First Person Shooter titles I can call on for experience. This is strictly from personal gameplay and biases are going to be running rampant. If you're bad at Halo, brown or have an IQ below 99, then you're probably going to be offended by some of the things I say. I bought Halo Reach three months after release. At that time, the game had an online population of approximately one hundred thousand to one hundred and twenty thousand players online at all times. I hadn't been involved with the forums since Halo 2 and I bought this simply because it was a new Halo title, and I didn't really think Bungie could screw up the formula that's been successful even in the advent of the Modern Warfare juggernaut. So imagine my surprise when I started up my first game of Team Slayer and I found out that if I did a 3 shot with a DMR and a melee, I effectively did the same damage as someone who didn't bother shooting and just decided to run up and punch me. As this continued throughout the game, a buildup of anger and hatred began to build up. But I'm a f­ucking masochist and I kept playing until I managed to go barely positive. My first thoughts were "Holy shit, I suck." 17 and 14 against MarchingCone15. When the hell did I lose the ability to use my hands? Then I watched the replays and I realized that every time I tried to close in on somebody for a melee kill, they'd constantly trade kills with me. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why this was happening, especially since many cases I happened to punch the person at no shields, then suddenly fly backwards like I was just drop-kicked by Bruce f­ucking Lee. Of course, then I found out that the mutual kill window had extended to about half of a second. That may not sound like a lot of time for you, but for anybody who's felt the intensity of a last minute, last kill standoff, then this small difference can easily make or break the game. "Alright," I said. "Fu­ck it." I started up Team Slayer again and began playing on Sword Base. I spawned as the Red Team and immediately, I noticed how incredibly cramped the map felt. Everything seemed to be either a straight bridge, a corridor or a dead end room, leaving no open spaces. It honestly was claustrophobic. I also immediately noticed how incredibly unbalanced the map was. The Plasma Launcher, the shotgun, the all important [i]high ground [/i]was basically handed over to the Reds on a platter made from the testicles of Jesus Christ himself while all the blues got was a Sword and the ability to get teamshot while they struggled to make it past the Low Bridge. I honestly thought this map was a joke the first time I played it. "There's no way this is an actual map," I thought to myself. "Why, you'd have to be braindead in order to lose on this map." Sure enough, I got myself my first Halo Reach overkill when the entire Blue Team lifted up to Gold Room in a single file line, like they were in a desperate rush to fellatiate my shotgun before they had their brains splattered all over the back of the room by some buckshot. It was sort of surreal; it didn't seem particularly possible that there could be a room with literally one viable avenue of access in a map where there are close quarters weapons coming out of the ass. So after that experiment in genocide, I found myself wondering what all of these new loadouts I was seeing were. Jetpack? Seems interesting, if not useless. Armor Lock? Same. I pretty much dismissed everything except for Evade, which I thought made the entire point of using Sprint pointless, and Camo, which I found to be irritating when I'm winning by forty points in a game and the entire other team went camo. Of course, then I found myself on the map Countdown and suddenly I was treated to a coordinated team of individuals using Armor Lock. Granted, they played like they had scrotums grafted onto their thumbs, but it was a much better effort than the usual lackluster effort put forth by the monkey squad on Team Ghost. I was dumbfounded. The Sword suddenly became the most worthless close quarters weapon in the game since anybody could literally just punch the ground, spin around, slap your grey matter out through your nose and then go on their merry way like nothing ever happened. "Is this the real life?" Was a phrase that I found myself repeating several times throughout the game. This marked the first game loss in my Halo Reach career, a nailbiter where the last kill happened to be one of my lobotomized teammates after he managed to somehow betray me with an insane Hail Mary. That was day 1. What followed was many more months of frustration, broken controllers, broken TVs and noise complaints from the neighbors, all brought on in some form by either what I thought were absurd gameplay mechanics, idiotic map design and horrendous armor ability balancing. I suppose that I should end the Reach retrospective with the announcement of Halo 4. By then, I'd gained a rather numerous amount of people who actually possessed the ability to hold an Xbox controller with their hands instead of smashing the thumbsticks with their asscheeks like so many other people I've had to deal with when I played alone. I had given up completely on Team Slayer or as I'd like to call it, Team Institutionalization and I had been reduced to a pessimistic mess of a person whose daily life consisted of going to school, making sardonic comments towards my fellow learners and generally being an a­sshole. Oh wait, that was what was happening before anyways. Ignore the last part then. The point I'm going to make about Halo Reach in my Day 1 Retrospective is that Halo Reach was an incredibly flawed game from a basic gameplay standpoint. Several points, I questioned the common sense of the game's mechanics, especially bloom and the atrocious and claustrophobic map design as I struggled to understand how a bullet fired from a gun can magically curve inside of the barrel and make a general arc around my target's head before travelling straight on and impacting the wall behind. I don't recall taking any assassination training any time in the past, so why is my Spartan trying his hardest to be a [i]Wanted[/i] man, insert lame pun here. Sure, the game had loads of custom options, but nobody wanted to play them, least of all me. Forgive me, but I find little satisfaction in ramming cars into each other in some sort of masculine contest of strength when all you're doing is holding a f­ucking thumbstick forward until someone gets bored. And besides, all of the custom options in the world can't change the fact that basic Halo Reach gameplay felt like I was being anally probed by a barbed wire fence. stay tuned for part 2.

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      • They're both awful. Halo Reach has actual option functionality, and Halo 4 has good gunplay. Otherwise, they're both around the same level of disappointing.

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        • I love Reach. I do not share the frustration that some gamers felt. I respect their opinions but it just worked for me. Halo 4 is a fun but very flawed game. I enjoy it, but I don't have the overwhelming urge to play it the way I did with with previous generations. I certainly don't play it by myself. There's nothing specific I don't like. It just isn't as polished. Oh, and that Halo 4 armor. Wow, is it awful.

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          • definitly Reach. I was disapionted with H4 lack of custom options and forge, and don't even get me started on the menus.

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            • I like both games but I'm gonna go with Reach because the game play for me at least was amazing, not saying Halo 4 isn't good either. But the reason I'm going with Reach is because Noble six could be who ever you wanted it to be and in Halo 4 they reveal part of Master Chief's face showing that only blue-eyed scar-faced men could be the Chief, which I know the unveiling of Sierra 117's face has been highly wanted, 343 has lost a little of my respect for their amazing game series Halo.

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            • [i]To be Honest I Find Both Equally EPIC Why ?? Because I Love Halo no matter what :). Bungie and 343 Industries did an Epic Job. [/i]

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              • Edited by OmegaCircuit: 2/28/2013 4:05:36 PM
                In terms of campaign, Halo 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lolReach In terms of multiplayer, lolReach = Halol 4 Overall, Halo 4.

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              • Halo 4 Sucks i'm sorry i got it but Reach is awesome.

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              • Edited by Toa Axis: 2/19/2013 11:18:55 PM
                Reach by a long mile.

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              • definetly reach, it had a better story and no cod-like class system.

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              • Halo 4. No noticeable bloom and no AL.

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              • Edited by TnkBeatsEvythng: 2/18/2013 6:09:32 AM
                Halo 4. (This is going to be long so you should give yourself a cookie or something if your read the entire thing) I played a ton out of Reach between forge, offline games (firefight, custom games) with my brother and sister, and I played the campaign to death. And a decent amount of multiplayer. But this was because I had more time to play it. Halo 4 I've played a lot of multiplayer, and I'm still "getting used to" the campaign missions (As in, know them backwards and forwards) but I really like it. I haven't played custom games or forge as much, but I simply haven't had as much time. In the campaign I felt I loved Reach when it first came out (of course) but Forge, while awesome, annoyed me at times with the little things, such as things not lining up *just* so, horrible shadows, and monotonous buildings. Halo 4's forge is nice, I just wish there was a forge world. I can't exactly compare the two too terribly much since I haven't had as much spare time as I did when Reach came out. I feel that while we've been waiting so long for Halo 4, I was simply excited for the fact that it was HALO 4. There weren't enough commercials I thought to get enough hype. We all knew Cortana was going crazy, [spoiler] but I didn't think 343 would kill Cortana/put her in limbo. [/spoiler] I think there could've been more hype there or something. I like Halo 4 multiplayer, I'm pretty satisfied with it and honestly can't find any complaints except there are better people than me ;) Reach drove me nuts with the armor lock, glitchy community maps. I think the graphics in 4 were amazing, reach...Ok, but not great. I find it funny that so many people were complaining about how terrible Reach was, and now everyone's saying that Reach is the best. I was disappointed in the playlist choices 343 made right off the bat, (No FFA or Swat??) I understand the crashes on Day one (Why I didn't try) but taking over a month to get File-Share up was a little long. The first half of Spartan Ops (The missions) felt very half done, and I was disappointed in that, but they're definitely getting better. They're really trying hard to appease the community with the weekly updates/playlist changes, which has been nice, and I appreciate that. It's also nice that the Challenges are actually worth a fair amount, sad that there are only 130 levels.With it being more COD like with the different "Perks" I don't really care, if everyone like's that, great. The "perks" are helpful if you choose to use them. Halo Reach's campaign was great...Not including Noble Team (I personally was driven crazy by them, but that's just me.) I thought it was great. Halo 4 campaign was great top, it was like a Halo came, minus the flood& Halos. Definitely weird that you didn't go on a Halo, but I thought the Campaign was still great. It just takes getting used to all the Forerunnerness about it. I really think Halo 4 is better. It just takes getting used to.

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                • Reach. More solid Campaign IMO. Multiplayers are about equal.

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                • Reach by a mile. Halo 4 is far less graphically consistent and has rampant ugly textures pop ins and low res textures. Reach is a far better looking game. Although post TU reach is worse then Pre TU Reach, it is still better then the fast paced ADHD game that is Halo 4. Reach's campaign crushes Halo 4's in every way. Halo 4 was a repetitive shooting gallery while Reach was constantly mixing the gameplay up with excellent pacing and vehicle variety. Halo 4's script feels like a 15 year old wrote it as well, not to mention the horrible job 343i did introducing the Didact to people who are unfamiliar with Halo's lore. Then of course, forge and customs are beyond comparison between the two, Reach has a much better forge and customs suite. Firefight in Reach is excellent, especially with 4 friends, but i will say the lag in matchmaking leaves something left to be desired. Then of course Halo 4's biggest embarrassment, Spartan ops. Not even worth anyones time describing. Horrible story, horrible mission design, repetitive missions, zero variety, pathetic paper thin characters, recycled levels, and a rushed project overall. Reach was an excellent sendoff for bungie and is criminally underrated. Halo 4 is a disappointing fart to 343i taking over the franchise

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                  3 Replies
                  • Edited by A 3 Legged Goat: 2/13/2013 12:12:05 PM
                    I followed Reach from December 09 all the way till release. I'd never been so excited for a game and I ended up playing it for 2 good years. It had a wide variety of problems and it was [i]always[/i] frustrating me, but it was a complete game and had at least a little something for everyone. I logged many hours in forge alone and I will never forget the wonderful experiences I had building maps and testing them with my buddies. To me, those times were worth it. I was excited for Halo 4's release too, though not nearly as much as Reach. I enjoyed my first times playing it, but when its problems started circulating I realized it'd just be a repeat of Reach. So in the words of Joe from Looper, "So I changed it" and decided not to go through those motions again. It doesn't seem to me that they're really going to be fixing the game anyway. Halo 4 is built better than Reach in some ways, but then it has parts that are not working or missing and that greatly affects what I can do by myself and with friends. So even if I could stlil be playing it now, I probably wouldn't have many people to thoroughly enjoy it with. That's probably due to the fact that my Halo friends and I have ran out of -blam!-s to give after playing Reach for so long. Ultimately, I think I preferred the Halo 3 and ODST era, when I'd always have good buddies online to play through BTB or Firefight. My gaming future is looking pretty bleak though.

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                    • I still remember the time right before Halo 4 came out. People were saying, "Oh everyone's going to say that Reach is better, they always say the last game is better..." The problem is, the last game WAS better, pure and simple. There's just so many things that aren't in the game that it's not a matter of opinion anymore. Of course people are going to complain when their favorite game is ruined. There's an obvious difference in gameplay between 4 and the other Halo games, and while I acknowledge the prediction people made about other people saying Reach would be better, I have to say Reach is better. It's still not even close to as good as Halo 2/3, but it's a much bigger step up.

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                    • I lol'd. 7/10

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                    • Halo 4 was a wholesome downgrade for the series if you ask me. So many things done poorly, so many things cut, so many things left unfinished. When you see gametypes and vehicles from previous games being cut for the hell of it, you know they don't care all that much. It just isn't close to the original Halo standard, unfortunately.

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                    • Halo 4 and mainly because Halo Reach's MP was an embarrassment.

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