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6/6/2019 8:06:47 PM
The primary issue in your concerns is you’re treating this game as an FPS first and while that may hold true for D1, D2 has been going the mmo route for a while, it’s fairly casual friendly despite that, since season of the drifter we’ve had our surge quest/bounty that’s a more than fair way to access new content imo, expecting to step into end game without any commitment is a poor model especially when it’s new, their new light version is great, it lets you access previous content but you still have to invest to access new content. If an mmo-esque game just allows you to fly through the new stuff right away, it takes away all the value from the new content. I get that mind set isn’t for everyone but I for one like it, it rewards those who go the extra mile.

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  • im at 700. my issue is time management, more than the mmo aspect. i love the fps mmo idea, but i personally think for average and casuals, or anyone who works, is still too slow. either cores need to drop more without having to waste time on quests, or powerful items drop at least +10 light.

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  • If powerfuls dropped at +10 everyone would be max level in less than a couple days, there’d be next to no incentive to play, they’ve addressed cores, while yes I think there should be more sources, this season so far I’ve been getting cores left and right without doing bounties simply from dismantling gear I get. And again, the casual player isn’t expected to reach max level as fast as the hardcore player, hell last season I rarely played and I was still able to reach the cap before the season reset, so from my personal experiences the leveling is more than fair. On top of all that, every season those beautiful people over on the Reddit always have a guide up for the most optimal way to level up, if time management is your issue then I’m sorry to say, that’s solely on you.

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  • [quote], there’d be next to no incentive to play[/quote] How. Why? There is aplenty of games where you can't progress beyond some point (when you reached your max) or progress at all. Yet people play them. A lot. In Destiny 2 there are enough activities where light level doesn't matter. Or it stops matter, when you reach the ceiling, and, with an exception of few activities tied to "current top-10", there is no point going higher. When I started two new characters last season they both got to level 50 during Red War, and reached almost 700 (690+) before Forsaken. Ironically, when I quit playing both weren't 700 as game didn't dropped last armour piece, but that's irrelevant. I played because I liked gameplay. Not because I must reach max light at all costs. So levelling our light after level 50 is just an additional barrier for no reason. And, if I understood discussions correctly (my software still updating and I can't watch stream/video), bungee wants to cut this and make every new character at max light instantly. As for topic itself. I like RPGs (both varieties; as long as one of them is not firing at me or my friends), but I saw so many games with "RPG" in the name only where RPG elements were added only for the sake of it. So this is all about execution and I'll hold my judgment until I see it.

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  • Sorry, I should have clarified that better, there’d be no incentive to do some activities, myself for an example, if I hit max light I’d only be doing raids or crucible because I’d have no reason to do any other activity. Because I just don’t find them fun, yes it sounds like I’m limiting myself from playing the game as a whole but that mind set is surprisingly common. And that’s not good because it prevents people from experiencing all aspects of the game that hundreds of people worked on. And if you’re referring to new light, they’ll be at 750 the current max however it won’t be the max for shadowkeep kinda like how the surge bounties got us almost to the cap of the previous season. Again I think that’s a great idea, if you join late you shouldn’t have to bust your ass off to play old content because that’s silly.

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  • My idea for the light level would be to cap light progression by +24 light per week. Most of my clan is already at between 720 and 724, so it's not that farfetched. Just have 8(the number of item slots) powerful reward quests/bounties a week, or 16 dropping +12 light, and you get a guaranteed +12/24 drop in a category that you need, such as one bounty will ONLY drop a heavy, or another will ONLY drop a helmet. Prime attunements can still exist, but drop gear at whatever your max current light level is, so you can bring up the rest of the gear. Doing all the powerful armor stuff to max your light progression for one week is like having a full time job. This could cut that time to max your weekly progression giving you more time to actually enjoy the game, and not play it as a chore.

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  • I dunno, when I was climbing to max light I wasn't playing stuff I didn't wanted to, simple as that. Not in the mood for Crucible? Pass. Don't feel like strike (like lightning the thunder in my eyes)? Again, I don't dive there. If I wasn't in the mood for farming Tangled Shore for cores, I just said "plough it sideways" and skipped them. During BA season I tried to get up ASAP, did this a week earlier than in SotD and... Still don't get why, what it gave me besides an irritation and frustation? So I took much lazier and relaxing approach. Basically all my "climb" was split between Forges and Gambits, two activities I enjoyed. Still could enjoy, if only game dropped me Spare Rations. Which was like the last seasonal weapon I didn't get. Occasionally I did patrols or some other stuff, but no haste, no mandatory milestones. So I think after level 50 and thus say, 500 power all climb should've been stopped. Access to activities should be behind interesting quests (and bungee proved they can create ones, even if reusing existing assets), not repeated-repeated-repeated unwanted-unwanted-content. If people hate Gambit, forcing them to play isn't really a good move. Even if you made them play it, you still forced them, you didn't increase playerbase of that mode you artificially inflated it. To make some activity viable it should be either interesting, or merely rewarding enough. And we are to believe Warmind, about a third of players plays Patrols. We don't know whether or not there will be light increases, because if there will be like 3 or 4 that would move us to almost 1000, a ridiculous value, only reflecting how inflated this stat is. I don't mind this idea, I always though surge bounties should give you "actual top-10" level, not "previous top-10". As for old content - it's old only for those who played it. For many newcomers, it'll be new. And judging by same Warmind, about 10% play storymission. Either in campaign or via "memories". During SotD I was quite glad I had not one, but two characters who had to complete all story missions, because my hunter and warlock were in the "Spark" mission.:) Still got some leftovers, as my "regress" in getting Spare Rations was killing the motivation to play. After I did Collector triumph, but didn't get the gun I stopped playing. It wasn't the light that exhausted my desire to play. :)

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