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3/15/2019 8:12:31 PM

New Comp(tm)! A new way to play!

This is neat-o, my dude.


This is not neat-o, my guy.


Neat-o, but I have other ideas, mi amigo


Are you tired of playing Competitive crucible alone? Are you also tired of trying to find a group, and being unable to find anybody because you don't have a 4.0KD? Is comp just bothersome and not worth it for you? Introducing New Comp(tm)! New Comp is a premium game mode that you can play once per day (or week, depending on how people feel!) in which you, a solo player, are matched with other solo players (no teams!) in a 4v4, high stakes competitive game that rotates gametypes every day (or week). New Comp will be a new daily milestone in which you can compete for rewards such as Enhancement Cores, armor with E N H A N C E D perks, and possibly even fried chicken (sorry, colonel). If you lose, you don't lose glory points, you just don't win anything (boo hoo, better luck tomorrow! (or next week)). If you win, you get those tasty rewards AND a bump in glory points. New Comp is a hypothetical attempt to get people interested in doing even one game of competitive per day, while offering rewards that people want, and also providing a much more fair situation, as there are no premade teams. New Comp is the way of the future, but as with all endeavours, needs constructive input from the community, so feel free to share your thoughts on it. Be civil, and be excellent.

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