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Edited by DuBChiri2: 11/11/2018 5:56:17 PM

Buff code of the commander.

I think code of the commander has one of the most fun neutral games titans have ever gotten, as well as the super having a great deal of diversity, but I think with regards to the support itself, despite being fantastic, it's also really limiting. The detonators are the focus of this skill tree and they are fantastic for ad clear and support. The only real problem I have is that the cool down between each time the support perk procs is a bit too long. Its good if you leave a single enemy alive but then another group either spawns or walks up, but it's not very common that you proc resupply multiple times against the same group. It's cool down limits the support sentinel can give, but I understand how powerful it would be if they removed the cooldown. Let's say it has a 2 second cool down on it currently, just reduce it by 50%. This super being as ability based as it is has a FANTASTIC way to recover and support allies, but once you run out of abilities, you are pretty much not supporting your team like you were. There are no additional perks you can rely on to get you out of that predicament like benevolent dawn on well of radiance. Obviously well of radiance is more strictly support where as sentinel is a hybrid offense/support, but still. It's not necessary, but it would definitely make this skill tree more consistent as well as give it a greater usage rate. The melee: I would like to increase the damage the initial melee does in pve. It's not particularly weak, but it's not strong either. Again, not necessary, but definitely would improve it a lot. The super: Needs to be more beneficial to block for your allies. Increase the damage buff granted by weapons of light. It doesn't make up for the damage you could be doing with the super by yourself and most allies ignore it because it won't do all that much. They literally just walk around it. Add a "smart system" that grants you a longer duration for blocking for your allies in pve when you have a limited fireteam of only 3. What I mean is, is that 2 extra players doesn't grant much more duration, especially in comparison to 3 or more. This super should be able to support it's team longer, as is it's purpose. It's extra duration is based strictly off of the number of players you have behind your shield. Finally, just give it knock back immunity in pve. Ogre blasts send you flying so you don't protect your allies. Quake/stomp only allows you to make use of blocking for your allies at longer ranges because you and your allies get sent flying, making shotgun strats undoable unless you plant a barricade or stunlock the boss the entire duration of your super. The issues of gambit come up with regards to this, but who actually uses code of the commander for anything other than ad clear? It's shield block isn't worth a damn and it's honestly better to just burst primevils down with other supers rather than just trying to play it safe. One last thing: Allow chaos reach to go through it. It's stupid how the warlock super collides with my shield. I mean when they are standing behind my shield as an ally, not as an enemy. It wastes their super.

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