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2/2/2018 4:45:16 PM

Beware large sweeping changes...

While I am excited to see changes coming to the sandbox, I do worry that so much will be changed to which the balance will become offset because of unforseen circumstances due to how weapon buffs and movement buffs work with each other. I know these things are play tested in studio, but that is just a small sampling compared to the player base who will find and exploit any irregularities to gain an edge. I do think that the PvP modes will benefit from this and in my opinion need it, but I do have concerns that too much buffing of weapons combined with increased movement speed will put Destiny 2 PvP in a state similar to Destiny 1. As in, one weapon type being the go to because other weapons can't do enough damage as guardians dip in and out of cover faster than ever. Anyone else feel this way? I would like a balance between the tactical play of D2 and arcadey fun of D1, not just a revert to Destiny 1.

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