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10/21/2017 11:50:55 PM
I've read through a quite a few comments on this topic and here's my 2 cents. If you want to start the blame game ...the buck stops with Bungie not Activision. They signed the contract with all its terms and conditions for MULTI MILLIONS of $$$. No one forced them. As for and its PR team. Slapping a giant 2 on at the end of Destiny would probably lead most people to believe they were getting a sequel not a re write. Also allowing importing of your original character probably wasn't the smartest thing by bungie as a non sequel move. But hey it's just cosmetics right... Game play has been rewritten by the new engine bungie are using...its ponderously slow. About the only thing I find better is the mantle save and that's because they have nerfed most jumps to need it. As for having a quick map...I get stuck in a black screen or told I can't even go to the tower often enough it's not ground breaking. Take a look around the tower...all you will see are clones. Apart from a few daring individuals with 'questionable ' taste in shaders. Same guns, same same. Where is my space magic, my worth while coveted loot. All I see are a few bewildered looking souls aimlessly staring at the gunsmith. It maybe now a game for the more casual 'pop in pop out player' but it's not the Destiny I loved to play hours on over 3 years. It's not a matter of content. They nerfed too much of its heart.

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  • I understand what you are saying. I guess I just didn't expect things to be like Destiny 1. I was kind of ready for it to be something basically way different. I was just in a weird place. My expectations just weren't high at all. lol

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