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10/9/2017 1:17:59 AM

A Crucible Perspective

I like Trials of the Nine; It is here to stay!


I wish to see Trials of Osiris back


Lolz Wat?


Destiny 2 is out and now that it has had some time to settle in the dust one thing has caught the community in turmoil: Crucible. Destiny 2 made a lot of changes to Crucible, but surprisingly it feels the same. So I am going to look at it GBU style. The Good Destiny 2 Crucible feels more team oriented. The 4v4 play combined with slower TTK make sticking as a team more profitable than going "Lone Wolf." I believe that the team based play make it a better experience, with less shotgun runners and sniper spazzes running around. Weapons feel very niche -- you aren't going to beat a scout rifle at it's own game, but if you get close, a scout rifle becomes unwieldy. -- You can't snipe people with a hand cannon and Smgs have huge damage falloff. It is good to surprise enemies with a auto rifle and destroy their Mida. Unlike Destiny1 weapons that have the fastest TTK are one of the hardest to use. Take Mida again, it is simple and consistent, but it has a slower TTK. The maps are fun to play on competitive or otherwise. The Bad Destiny2 is under siege by scout rifles. Nameless Midnight and Mida are the kings of Crucible. Scout rifles are only part of the problem; Which is High Caliber Rounds/Explosive Rounds. HCR/Explosive Rounds are notorious for being what makes or breaks competitive Crucible. The flinch from being hit by them is simply too much. This makes HCR/Explosive Rounds just too good to pass up, limiting viable weapons in Crucible. I am disappointed because Bungie had the same problem in D1 and I thought that they would have the insight to not include it in D2, because it is just repeating history. Countdown is fun in my opinion, but the problem is that it only is playable on 2 maps as of now, and playing on those two maps gets quite boring. Why not do it on other maps, or see the return of old map favorites? -- Vertigo would be a cool countdown map I think. -- What happened to Mayhem? Skirmish (Yes it would work)? Salvage? Why were these left out when Supremacy was left in? (I think that the vast majority of the community dislike this game mode, myself included.) The Ugly Have you ever solo queued competitive to be joined up with a clan of three, then as soon as you start losing they all abandon you? 1v4 does not work in this meta. When someone leaves competitive it leaves a team at a disadvantage, but the problem is that the meta is so team oriented that it becomes a steeply uphill battle for the lacking team. Too few times does this problem get remedied in time and k/ds suck for it. There needs to be a punishment for leaving a competitive match in progress, like leaving a match counts as 2 losses in their W/L or an inability to enter Crucible for 30 minutes. There has to be SOMETHING to stop this or it is going to continue. Trials Trials of the Nine is an overall improvement compared to Trials of Osiris. There is less toxicity, its got a really cool (if somewhat simple) map, Eternity, and the emissaries are lenient in their rewards. However, people think it is not win based, but it is. There is still the search for flawless, which causes people to be very selective in their team mates, Microphones are 100% necessary no matter what; and because flawless [i]exists [/i]people will do ANYTHING to win. Which means Midas all around. ALL. AROUND. Seriously, you guys can't think of anything else to use? Trials feels better, but..... The same problems are still there, just smaller. I am putting in a poll to see if you guys like it or not.

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