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7/27/2017 10:55:08 AM
HMG’s worked, so they were removed! Fusion rifles worked so they were nerfd! Primaries were rarely used so now you have two! PVP is Destiny. PVE never was! Destiny 2 is all the proof anyone needs... Sheep, attack...You know you must...

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  • I can't tell if you're trolling or if you're being serious and making yourself look bad.

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  • [quote]I can't tell if you're trolling or if you're being serious and making yourself look bad.[/quote] Sorry, I don’t Network thought. You will have to try and figure it out. There is an implication of that possibility since you are able to reply, so stick with it.

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  • Fusion rifles nerfed in D2? As far as the beta is concerned Main Ingredient was insane.

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  • You misinterpret what you read.

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  • Oh you were talking about fusions in D1. Sorry mate, going from your first sentence I thought you were talking specifically about D2, my bad.

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  • No problem. I usually lead with the evidence then finish with the conclusion. Does appear a bit confusing on face value.

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  • No worries. Just so we're clear, I agree with everything you've said. It's abundantly clear the direction Bungie is taking the game in. And I have to say, the direction stinks.

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  • I bought Destiny because of PVE. I will not buy PVP centric games, they aren’t my ‘like’. The Beta confirmed my decision when I deleted all Destiny after admitting to myself the PVP focus. Doubt I will be Destiny anything once the game is released. Pity, but, all things change in nature. Not always in a direction I like.

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  • From what I've seen, and it's all just my own opinion obviously, but Bungie has a serious, serious problem with the direction they want Destiny to take. That problem being that there is NO direction. Let me explain They've clearly put a tremendous amount of work into the single player experience. Specifically talking about what they are saying they've turned patrol into. Sounds great, really does.........but the gameplay isn't fun. They could turn patrol into -blam!-ing elder scrolls level of open world....doesn't matter if the actual movement, gunplay, ability use isn't fun. Then pvp, they community opinion is that they want to move it towards the esports scene, I agree with that opinion. All the changes pve has to suffer through have been implemented to reach that goal. Yet they haven't implemented the most important factor to make pvp truly competitive, which obviously is dedicated regional servers. Then we have the beta. I think Bungie are truly worried about what their vanilla D2 is gonna be. That's why the beta was so limited. People say " they don't want to give away too much". Fair argument. BUT THEY ARE!!!! The amount of shit they're showing off in the ign series and other places, they're showing off and giving us HUGE amounts of information about the game they are shipping. No reason to not let us see even closed off parts of patrol areas. And how about Luke Smiths interviews? Private pvp matches? Removed for NO reason. In regards to getting rid of random weapon rolls. They are looking at ways to make each drop mean something but might not make it to launch? They are looking at ways to implement a ranking system but it probably won't make it for launch? This sequel has supposedly been in development since Destiny 1 released, but they haven't locked this shit down and implemented yet? I mean, is it just me? Does all this stuff not stink of an inept developer in over their heads?

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  • Edited by StrainedDig4: 7/27/2017 11:34:26 AM
    Inept developer in over their heads! You got that right. Becoming Legend by being legendarily weaker, during an escalating war. And all for the purpose of advancing Crucible Combat. Ironically the Crucible (PVP) being a game mode to train Guardians to be better fighters against the Darkness (PVE)! Complete bassackwards developer logic!

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  • Everybody that bought destiny didn't buy it for pvp. They bought is for pve. Now, after the fact, a lot of people stayed around because of pvp, in between content droughts or even because they played it and were underwhelmed by pve but loved the pvp, whatever. I'm not saying pvp is unimportant, but it was not the selling point of D1. The simple fact is, in comparison to other AAA pvp games out there, Destiny pvp just is just not as good. People are not going to stick with this game just for its pvp. Yet because of it, Bungie have put all their eggs in the pvp basket. Thing is, with the changes they've made, I strongly believe that neither pve OR pvp has the staying power to keep people playing during the inevitable content droughts. I think Bungie have -blam!-ed up, bigtime

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  • Edited by StrainedDig4: 7/27/2017 11:50:13 AM
    Agreed without reservations! The truth hurts, but remains true. I stayed with Destiny for a number of reasons but decided to quit due to the PVP-focused every move. I played the Beta for one reason: to witness this final evolution. I was not disappointed: Bungie confirmed PVP is their focus. There are better PVP games. Destiny [u]was[/u] my best PVE experience, unfortunately, nerfs removed that quite quickly. My boys experience with Destiny summed it up, but I didn’t listen. I offered them new XBox-S’s if they would play WoTM. They both refused. My youngest said ‘no dad, I stopped playing with Nerf toys years ago’! My oldest boy replied ‘I don’t play that anymore, it’s crap”! A year later, I must agree! A war where guns are bad! Right. I see that one selling millions of copies, 🤣...

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  • That was my point, differently stated. I used a few weapons to make it, but you understood quite clearly.

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