Hit yes if you miss year 1 crucible or have a game mode where everything is unnerfed
Wouldn't really like it cause of the Vexes/Thorns, but I could 4 tap with Suros
Nah. I like using something other than Vex and Suros Regime.
Are we talking resetting everything back to vanilla? Cause if that's the case, then no cause I like Pulse Rifles
Hell no! You obviously weren't around when the vex mytho could 3 body shot with almost max stability and 56 round clip
You mean a vex only game mode? At least people would run VOG more, lol
It would be cool if there was a clash game mode where everything that was nerfed is put back into its most OP state. The only exception would be Vex, that thing would outgun everything and was always the most OP weapon to ever exist in Destiny.
I do miss three tapping the body with Thorn and walking away.