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Edited by Masque of Night: 8/26/2016 4:21:02 AM

A Brief Analysis Of: Necromancy

Given that Satanism is apparently a valid topic of discussion at the moment, I figured, let's add to the oddity. I've been thinking about making this thread for a while, because this is a topic I find interesting, and I feel like there's also a bit of misconception about due to how it has been represented in popular culture (film, television, video games, etc.). So, i'm going to do a brief analysis of the topic of, "necromancy", as an occult practice. Necromancy is a term derived from the Greek [i]nekrosh[/i] (dead), and [i]manteia[/i] (divination). Going by the formation of the word, it would translate to something along the lines of "divination through or by the dead". This usually entails aconjuring of spirits of the deceased in order to gain knowledge or predict the future, obtaining "prophecy". This differs from ordinary divination in that prophecy and/or information is not being given by otherworldly spirits or deities, but by ordinary human beings who have passed into another world. The most common method used for this would be conjuring the spirit as an "apparition", an incorporeal phantom of sorts. Alternatively, another method would be calling the spirit to once again inhabit a deceased physical body, and this is likely where the most common representation of necromancy came from, though historically it was likely the least common practice between the two due to the complexity and potential ramifications involved with the process. However, this is only one interpretation of necromancy, stemming from the Greek roots of the word. Over time, there were alternate translations that led to the practice involving much more than only divination. In Middle English and Medieval Latin, the practice was referred to as "nigromancie" and "nigromantia" respectively. This subtle change in the beginning of the word, [i]nigr[/i], simply meaning "black", allowed for the term to classify as any form of "black" magic or "black" art. As such, all manner of curses, hexes, and other such forms of malevolent magic became a part of necromancy, adding an even deeper level of disdain for the subject as a whole, especially during an age ruled by superstition and fear of things not properly understood at the time. And even still, modern occult movements and influences have further altered the "art of necromancy". Even though it is much less common nowadays, between a general increase of skepticism and the rapid advancement of technology, the practice still quietly continues. Though necromancy can still incorporate the practice of attempting to raise the dead, corporeally or incorporeally, as well as curses and hexes, it also refers to any magical art that involves working with deities presiding over death and the ethereal energies typically associated with death. A modern necromancer needn't be seeking to summon a ghost, raise a corpse, curse an enemy, or have any ill intent whatsoever. A modern necromancer can be anyone who seeks to understand, study and/or work with the nature, energy, or presiding deities of death from a spiritual perspective. So aside from briefly going over the origins and evolution of necromancy as a practice, let's add a few questions. Why do you believe this practice still continues into the modern day, despite it becoming a less and less likely reality? What is your opinion on those who find interest in the subject and choose to dabble in it while still respecting the established social barriers relating to the deceased? Do you have any interest, belief, or experiences in the subject yourself? [b]The remainder of this post is a disclaimer and not relevant to the topic, read at your own leisure.[/b] I have, so far, done my best to refrain from infusing any personal bias into the content of this post. What information I have posted on the subject is, to the best of my knowledge, factual. As to the potential reality of the practice itself, I will not take a stance on, as to begin this thread with as little favoritism toward either side as possible. I'm aware that bringing up this topic at all will likely be disregarded as silly, pointless, or outright stupid by some of you, and that's perfectly fine. We all have our opinions on what's worthy of discussion and what isn't, and every right to voice them. All ll I ask, even if in vain, is that you remain respectful of those who do wish to contribute to the topic at hand. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you don't consider it a waste.

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  • Right, so, I'm ready. In my opinion, anybody these days who would take part in the black magic side of things, trying to hex or curse people and whatnot, is rather silly. Even if it did work, there are much simpler and probably more effective ways of irritating someone or getting revenge. I also disagree with revenge by itself but y'know. If somebody wants to fiddle with death and claim there are special energies, then go for it. I don't think they should be allowed to claim that they can contact the dead and speak to loved ones in order to get money out of people, or to falsely give closure to someone. Also perhaps it would be better if dead bodies weren't physically involved, bacteria and general mankiness could be problematic there. You may be able to tell that I think this stuff is all bollocks, but I am very for the right for people to believe what they like.

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    1 Reply
    • I'm looking to become immortal. Is necromancy a valid option?

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      8 Replies
      • As long as there isn't solid proof proving or denying it it's best just to dismiss the claim. I find it interesting that people still believe in magic and ghosts in modern times, when science can explain most things. As for my opinion on people who practice it while respecting societal boundaries, do whatever you want to on your free time as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. [spoiler]I have been proven beyond that I have to prove my name. The word.[/spoiler]

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      • Instantly thought of a Necromancer from elder scrolls IV and how I would chase them down for days just to 1v1 them hand-to-hand

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      • I wonder if a dead body would make a good puppet

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        3 Replies
        • I wouldn't recommend necromancy, just from certain experiences I've had

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          11 Replies
          • I've often thought that you may be the smartest person on this forum. No reason here to dissuade me. What I'd like to know about necromancy, is how certain rituals and the sort went on. I'd also find it interesting to learn about some secret societies that were practitioners of them. As with most of the occult topics throughout history, it probably had a following of people who actually thought they were doing it. I'd love to see what they saw.

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            • Very interesting. What is your opinion on the subject however? You know alot more about it than the average bear.

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              • I think science could have a play about with this like they do with prosthetic limbs it'd be wierd to see but cool at the same time

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                • Nice post. I always felt like it would be more worth our time (humanity that is) if we stop stigmatizing death and embrace it, study it, understand it as much as we can. I mean it's the second most important event in all of our lives. The study of death should be a unifier.

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                  • Edited by ThaddeusHamlet: 8/26/2016 3:02:44 AM
                    The consciousness is a series of electrical signals stored within a specific type of biological (and hopefully someday, mechanical) mass. Even if the mind were to send out a broadcast at the moment of death containing all of the information and feelings that the person had stored over the course of their life, such a signal is just that; a signal. It would not be capable of thought, not to mention that its reach would be minimal and short lived, as far as signals go. There is also the known issue of damage to the brain cause by Brain Hypoxia (oxygen deprivation), which causes temporary and even permanent mental problems and even brain death. This eliminates the possibility to summon any sort of "spirit" in any fashion. These are my thoughts on the subject, however: As with [i]any[/i] belief, so long as it gives its practicers purpose, and they do not interfere with the rights of others, living or dead, I will respect their beliefs and not attempt to persuade them otherwise, aside from the context of causal and friendly debate. When talking about the re-animation of corpses, I think about Frankenstein. (Obviously not scientific fact, but it's how I imagine such an event would work.) [b][i]If you've only seen some of the movies, forget every single lie they told you.[/i][/b] Even if you could get the cells to once again begin replacing damaged and decayed tissue to allow the creature to live again, I think the mind would be essentially empty, or that of a new born.

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                    7 Replies
                    • Innately, we're actually getting closer to both divinitory Necromancy, and to the practical version. In some fashion, we're partway there with the second, in modern medicine. Adrenalin, Defibrillators, CPR... we're inching closer to being able to stop and reverse death itself, even. Now, the moral implications are a different matter (can a dead person be reasonably assumed to consent to the revival?), but we're advancing tech closer to the practical capability. On another note, in more fantastic settings, I've divided the concept of Necromancy into two schools. "Practical" Necromancy is what we see a lot in video games, where a practitioner is simply animating skeletal or necrotic subjects to carry out tasks or protect them, etc. D&D (Specifically the Neverwinter MMO) offers an interesting insight into why that breed of Necromancy raises identical skeletons as often as not. Instead of raising individual skeletons, which may vary in size and condition, etc, the raising process instead essentially powders all the nearby bones and reassembles them into full skeletons. As to the second branch, that would be "True" Necromancy, which delves into the more conceptual realm of the "Self". They're the ones who seek only to bring back a person or group, as they were.

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                      5 Replies
                      • [quote][i]nigr[/i][/quote] You're going to jail m8

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                        2 Replies
                        • 1

                          Destroyer of Xylar - old

                          Bump for later?

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                          9 Replies
                          • Prefer Pyromancy tbh.

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                            3 Replies
                            • Earthbending tho man, it's da best

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                              3 Replies
                              • We're able to revive and repair every part of the human body, as far as I'm aware. Except we can't revive the body as a whole. Just food for thought.

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                                • I don't personally believe in necromancy, but maybe others do due to the increase in technology and discovery of more ancient religion and sciences with expeditions to unexplored regions of Terra

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                                • I am currently very tired, so my response may not be as good as it could be. Firstly, let me say that you've done marvellous work summarizing the history of necromancy here, and I am glad you did, because I learned something today. As for interest in Necromancy, it still remains relevant in this world of science for multiple reasons. One reason is that, as long as life is a terminal condition, death will always be a topic of thought, and as will resurrection and the beyond, which ties in very closely with faith, another reason necromancy may still be relevant. As long as there is a soul, and a spirit, there may be ways to reach across the realms. Yet another reason is because the occult always attracts people. It piques our interests, these things that we don't quite understand. The last reason it may be relevant is because it is a rejection of regular faith, a rebellion against life and it's close twin death.

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                                  3 Replies
                                  • Bump

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                                  • I like your posts and replies to posts. They're always interesting, well thought out and often thought provoking. Thanks for another one

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                                    4 Replies
                                    • Edited by Ricochet 049: 8/24/2016 7:26:05 AM
                                      I just want to point out! The one time I got banned was because I made a thread about necromancy. Everyone else thought it was necrophilia, including the ninjas... Let's say it's left a burning impression on what I think of their intelligence.

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                                      6 Replies
                                      • Waiting for this to die so I can "necrobump" it and laugh at my genius pun

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                                        4 Replies
                                        • Interesting

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                                          • Edited by eres un payaso: 8/25/2016 1:01:05 AM
                                            Teach me Daddy

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                                            3 Replies
                                            • My thoughts on it. One,people practice it to gain knowledge power infamy, or just out of curiousity. Humans in general are curious creatures. Humans also crave money power and attention. This just fills a void in that craving some people yearn for.

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