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4/4/2016 1:20:57 PM
An Engram Full Of Bees
An Engram Full Of Bees

open me. 6/11/2024 4:02:23 PM

Tower High (27): King's Fall [Part 5]

[i]Variks leaned forward in his chair and set his coffee cup on the table.[/i] [b]Variks-[/b] Students find dead raid boss and... Assume they are not alone...? [i]Blades nodded.[/i] [b]Variks-[/b] May I ask who you found it to be? [i]Blades turned away from the Fallen's gaze.[/i] [i]Variks leaned closer to him.[/i] [b]Variks-[/b] I hear the Summersets have been quite active lately... Had another run in with Erik, yessss? [i]Blades shook his head.[/i] [b]Blades-[/b] No.... No, it wasn't them... [i]Variks turned his head in curiosity and looked around the room. The other students were silent, unfazed by the conversation. Bubbles was criss-cross applesauced on the ground. His head hung low, a small cluster of shrapnel and wiring lay in his hands.[/i] [b]Variks-[/b] Then who? [i]Blades closed his eyes. The Hunter muttered a name under his breath.[/i] [b]Blades-[/b] Dilemic. [b]--------------------- 20 Hours Earlier ---------------------[/b] [b]Storm-[/b] Next up, Golgoroth. [i]She stepped into the portal. Flint let out a heavy sigh.[/i] [b]Flint-[/b] Goddamnit... [i]The Hunter reluctantly followed after her, along with the rest of the group. After stepping through, the guardians looked around the room they stood in. At their sides were two walls, confining their path onto a narrow passage ahead. A thick gas-like substance floated in the air.[/i] [b]Violet-[/b] Storm, where are we? [i]The Stormcaller took a glance at her map.[/i] [b]Storm-[/b] Apparently this is the "Maze". [i]Bubbles' eyes widened.[/i] [b]Bubbles-[/b] Hay maze? [b]Storm-[/b] What? No, it's- [b]Bubbles-[/b] HAY MAAAAAAAAZE! [i]The Titan ran out into the darkness, turning around the corner and out of sight.[/i] [b]Storm-[/b] BUBBLES, GET BACK HERE! [i]The students followed Storm after Bubbles. The cloudy air around thickened more and more as they turned each corner in pursuit of the Titan. When they were deep enough into the Maze, Storm stopped and looked around. The other students were no longer behind her.[/i] [b]Storm-[/b] Guys? [b]-------------------- Meanwhile --------------------[/b] [b]Nightly-[/b] Violet, I just want you to know, I have absolutely no idea where to go. [i]The Voidwalker shrugged.[/i] [b]Violet-[/b] Meh. We'll figure it out. [b]Nightly-[/b] I guess... [i]The two began making their way down the corridor. After a brief silence, Violet turned to the Nightstalker.[/i] [b]Violet-[/b] Nightly, I just LOVE your shoes! I meant to tell you before, but they look absolutely fabu– OH GOD WHAT THE F*CK ARE THOSE. [i]The two students stop running.[/i] [i]Nightly turns to Violet.[/i] [b]Nightly-[/b] What?! What's wrong?! [i]Violet points at the Nightstalker's feet.[/i] [b]Violet-[/b] Now don't freak out or anything, but there's a bug on your foot. [b]Nightly-[/b] So? [b]Violet-[/b] It's a really BIG bug. Like, massive. [i]Nightly shrugs.[/i] [b]Nightly-[/b] I don't know what you're talking about, I can't see anythi– JESUS F*CKING CHRIST. [i]Upon looking down, Nightly observed a fat, slimy slug latched onto her foot.[/i] [b]Violet-[/b] I think it's one of those Hive worms! [i]The slug looks up at the Nightstalker and opens its mouth.[/i] [i]A series of smaller slugs climb out of its mouth.[/i] [b]Nightly-[/b] ....... [b]Violet-[/b] Well that was gross. [i]After falling out, the smaller slugs curl into individual balls. The bigger slug eats them back up. Nightly's body heaves as she gags out loud.[/i] [b]Violet-[/b] That is absolutely [i]haunting[/i]. [i]After eating the smaller ones, the larger slug shakes its body and wiggles itself around on Nightly's shoe.[/i] [b]Nightly-[/b] What's it doing? [i]The slug latches on tighter.[/i] [b]Violet-[/b] Oh no. [i]A hole opens up on the back end of the slug's body.[/i] [b]Nightly[/b] [i](cringing)[/i]- Oh.... Oh no.... No no no no no.... [i]The hole in the slug opens up wide.[/i] [i]The smaller slugs gush out of the hole in a clump of green slime. Afterwards, the larger slug hops off of Nightly's shoe and crawls away into the shadows.[/i] [b]Violet-[/b] Did it just– [b]Nightly-[/b] Yes. [b]Violet-[/b] On your leg? [b]Nightly-[/b] Yes. Yes it did. [b]--------------------[/b] [b]Sunny-[/b] Hey, look! Hive worms! [i]Sunny picks up one of the sluggish creature from the ground. Blades and Solis watch in disgust. The slug stares at Sunny with a blank expression.[/i] [b]Sunny-[/b] Awww, ain't he cute? I wonder if he has any fami– [b]Solis-[/b] DIE!!! [i]Solis begins to stomp on the groups of Hive worms. A chorus of screeches echo through the air as the Titan stomps harder and harder.[/i] [b]Sunny-[/b] WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! [b]Solis-[/b] Ridding us of these filthy ABOMINATIONS! [i]Sunny puts his hands on the Sunbreaker's shoulders.[/i] [b]Sunny-[/b] Solis, STOP! [i]Solis gazes back at the Sunsinger, eyes widened.[/i] [b]Solis-[/b] Sunny.... Don't.... Move.... A muscle.... [b]Sunny-[/b] What? Why? [i]On the Sunsinger's shoulder was a baby Hive worm. The Titan slowly pulls his Hammer of Sol from his belt loop.[/i] [b]Solis-[/b] You have something.... On.... Your shoulder.... [i]The Titan raises his Hammer above his head.[/i] [b]Sunny-[/b] My shoulder...? [b]Solis-[/b] Yes. [i]Blades looks back and forth between the two guardians, who are now gazing into each others eyes.[/i] [b]Blades-[/b] Sooo what're you gonna do about– [b]Solis-[/b] DIEEEE!!! [i]Fire bursts from the Titan's body as he Sun Charges into Sunny's face, crashing him into the wall behind with his Hammer. Sunny groans as rocks fall down from the impact. Blades laughs his ass off in the background.[/i] [b]Solis-[/b] No need to thank me, soft little Warlock. Your shoulder is safe. [i]Sunny shakes his head.[/i] [b]Sunny-[/b] I can't believe someone actually gave you a freaking mallet.... [i]Blades carefully pulls Sunny from the indent in the wall. The Sunsinger groans as he falls forward.[/i] [b]Blades-[/b] Now that we're done playing with the gummy worms, are you ready to meet up with everyone els– [i]Nightly and Violet step over from the path behind them.[/i] [b]Violet-[/b] Hey guys. [i]The three students look over to greet them. Sunny looks at Nightly, who is now hunched over.[/i] [b]Sunny-[/b] What's with her? [i]Nightly shakes her head in a daze. Violet pats the Nightstalker's back.[/i] [b]Violet-[/b] She found one of those Hive worms on her foot. [i]Solis raises a hand.[/i] [b]Solis-[/b] Oh ho, you better be careful with THOSE things. Trust me! [i]A gust of wind blows by as Storm glides from behind them, with Strike and Flint following.[/i] [b]Storm-[/b] Took us long enough. Glad to see you're all okay! Anyone seen any sign of Bubbles? [i]The guardians shake their heads.[/i] [b]Storm-[/b] Damnit. He's probably god knows where by now– [b]Bubbles-[/b] HAI GUYS. [i]Storm spins around, startled by the Defender.[/i] [b]Storm-[/b] Where did you come from?! [b]Bubbles-[/b] Oh, no where. Just went around sight seeing. [b]Storm-[/b] Sight seeing...? [b]Bubbles-[/b] Yup! I saw some butterflies. Found a couple Calcium Rocks. I even saw this really big spider-guy pop out of the ground like a potato! [i]Storm stared at the Titan.[/i] [b]Storm-[/b] I don't even know what to say. [b]Bubbles[/b]- Yeahhhh, that's why I came here. The potato put on his Angry Eyes and started chasing me. [b]Storm-[/b] WHAT?! [i]A series of thunderous roars echo throughout the area, reaching the guardians within seconds. The ground and the walls shake as the noise intensifies. The students clap their hands over their ears, screaming in pain at the sound. Eventually, the roaring begins to die down. Each of the guardians look around at each other, wondering where the cry came from.[/i] [b]Bubbles-[/b] Wow! Did you guys hear [i]that[/i]?! [i]*Awkward silence*[/i] [i]Storm checks the map.[/i] [b]Storm-[/b] That's strange. Radar says its coming from just around the corner. [i]Blades scratches his head.[/i] [b]Blades-[/b] Storm, raid bosses can't leave their own rooms. Right? Storm shook her head. [b]Storm-[/b] No, I don't think so. [i]The guardians all look at her in silence.[/i] [b]Blades-[/b] ....You sure? [b]Storm-[/b] Yes. [i]Blades looks at Storm. Storm looks at Blades.[/i] [b]Storm-[/b] ........I think. [i]All of a sudden, as if by fate, a large shadow stepped out from around the corner. The ground shook as it drew closer and closer to the nine guardians, inching its way through the Maze's corridors. Solis whispered to the others.[/i] [b]Solis-[/b] I think there's something out there. [i]Storm turned to Nightly.[/i] [b]Storm-[/b] Nightly, I need a Voidwall grenade. [i]No response.[/i] [i]Storm whispered louder.[/i] [b]Storm-[/b] Nightly! [i]Upon turning around, Storm saw Nightly lying on the ground. Violet shook the Hunter.[/i] [b]Violet-[/b] She's out cold! I can't figure out what's wrong with her! [b]Storm-[/b] Damnit! [i]The Warlock reached over and pulled a grenade from the Nightstalker's utility belt.[/i] [b]Blades-[/b] So [i]that's[/i] where she keeps those things... [i]Storm primed the grenade and threw it out into the darkness. Moments later, a burst of purple flames licked up from the ground, forming a fiery wall of light. Behind the purple flames, the silhouette stepped closer and closer until it stood several feet from the cluster of guardians. Its figure was now illuminated by the light. Standing before them was the largest Ogre they had ever seen. Spider-like limbs stretched out of its back and up at the ceiling. It was Golgoroth. Bubbles pointed at the Ogre.[/i] [b]Bubbles-[/b] See? Potato!

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