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5/4/2016 5:54:13 PM

Alliterate Soldiers community members spotlight (MandySchmidt)

Every week we will be throwing the spotlight on one or more of our Clan members, this is to showcase our community and the clan as a whole. Each week we ask members to answer 10 questions relating to their gaming past, destiny experience and membership to the Clan. [b]MandySchmidt[/b] Support Admin [b]1. Why did you choose that gamertag and what is the background to it[/b] Well my gamer tag is literally the name I go by and of course my last name thrown in. There isn't much background to it other than I couldn't think of anything better and it would confuse me if people called me much of anything else. [b]2. Why did you decide to join the Alliterate Soldiers[/b] I originally joined Assonant Soldiers, the PS3 sister clan, after deciding to leave my old clan and the head admin recruited me from the forums when I was asking for help on Fear's Embrace, I've been here ever since. I came to Alliterate Soldiers once I got my ps4 for Christmas. [b]3. What do you like the most about the Clan[/b] One thing that I absolutely love about all the clans in our alliance is the willingness to help others. I ask for help and in no time I have the help I need, its truly amazing. [b]4. What would you like to see added to improve the Clan[/b] One thing that we have going on in the Assonant Soldiers clan chat is something thats been known as the innuendo jar, whenever someone makes some kind of innuendo in anyway they have to "pay their tributes to the jar" of course its just a joke but its a fun thing thats come about there and it would be cool to see around here as well. [b]5. What is your first or main character including set up I.e subclass[/b] My first character was actually on an old account on my PS3 which was a warlock with the voidwalker subclass, the highest I got to was level 25 but upon making a main account my main was an awoken hunter with nightstalker. I have the other two classes up to max 305 light but much prefer my hunter. [b]6. What are your favourite weapons i.e primary, special and heavy[/b] My favorite primary always has been the Monte Carlo since I got it in a control match in year 1. I was sad to see it go until I could get the year 2 version which I still am in love with. My favorite secondary as of right now would have to be either the black spindle or the harrowed defiance of Yasmine. Favorite heavy would be the dark drinker or the hard mode machine gun that everyone who doesn't have it hates thanks to the crucible. [b]7. What is your favourite game type and why[/b] My favorite game type as of lately is definitely fps and online. I enjoy getting to play online with people who crack jokes constantly and keep me laughing. Thats part of what I love about our alliance. [b]8. What is your fondest moment from playing Destiny[/b] My fondest moment from playing destiny is hard to judge because I've had a lot of good times with the clans but I would have to say that it was when I finally got my first exotic sword. I grabbed two new members from the PS3 clan and I think we ended up spending 4 hours working out the kinks to get it and we all screamed in excitement when we final got our swords we were going for two swords at once with no mic so that was quite the challenge. [b]9. What keeps you playing Destiny[/b] The clans keep me playing destiny for sure. The community that we have is truly awesome and I'm proud to be a part of it. [b]10. What is the current in-game goal you're trying to complete[/b] My current in-game goals are to beat the golgorath challenge and to get to light level 320 on all my characters. Its a work in progress but I'm looking forward to the day I get to see that 320 sitting there under level 40.

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