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Edited by Paradox1055: 5/19/2016 10:58:57 PM

Strength of the Pack Ch. 19: Friends and Foes

Two hunters sat on a rafter, looking over a team. "That team calls themselves Wolf Pack, their captain calls himself Dakota. Is that the warlock your master seeks?" Asked Arc-21. "He could be. It has taken us too long to track down this warlock. We should bide our time and be positive this is our target, rather than return with the wrong person. My master grows impatient." The other hunter, Dormi-1, looked to Arc. This hunter had no face, only a gateway to the void which he tapped into. "What shall I do now?" Asked Arc. "Nothing! There is nothing you can do. They would know your face. You've done enough selecting a candidate, I will track them from here." Dormi watched the team. I felt something crawl across my leg. The odd sensation woke me. I sat up to see what it was. A Hive wyrm! "Oh gosh! Get off! Get off! Get off!" I jumped up and kicked the thing away. "What's going on?" Dakota woke up from my jumping. "We're in a breeding chamber!" I yelled. "Let's go! We're moving!" Yelled Dakota to the team as he gathered his sleeping bag. Blake got up and checked his radio scanner. "Sir, our communications are still jammed... Still no signs of what or who is jamming it." Blake sighed in frustration. "Hmm. Odd. How long has communications been jammed?" Asked Dakota. "When we arrived, it was distorted, but that could be from Saturn. We had no reason to use our comms for the time we have been here. So, no clear idea of when the comms were jammed." Blake checked the radio strength. "Where are we heading?" I asked as I stretched my arms. "Find Oryx. Kill him and get off this h***hole." Answered Dakota. "Well, that was straight forward." "I just want to kill him!" Yelled Morin. I looked to Morin as he put on his helmet. "You'll get your chance." "Everyone awake?" Asked Dakota. "Yes, Sir. Ready on your mark, Cap." Answered James, the last one to get up. "Alan, you've seen Oryx, haven't you?" Asked Dakota. "In a sense." I answered as I shrugged my shoulders. "'In a sense?' Did you see him or not?" Asked Blake. I turned around to Blake and started walking backwards. "Well, I doubt Oryx is black and blue." "He could be Taken..." said James thinking. "In theory. But who would he answer to?" I asked. "Duck..." warned Colt. "What?" I hit my head on a low hanging frame. "Ow!!" I fell face first in the dirt. "I warned you!" Mocked Colt. Well, I crouched down and walked through the narrow tunnel like the rest of the team did. "This place smells like s***!" Complained Colt. "Do you have an actual nose to smell the air here?" Luckily, my helmet kept most of the foul air out. "No, but-" "Quiet!... Listen." Dakota held up a fist signaling us to stop. "Help!! Help!!" In the distance we could hear faint crying and a plea for help. "Captain?" Asked James. "Go!" We marched on behind Dakota seeking the voice! The small tunnel opened into a large hallway. One way was a dead end, the other direction was a young hunter, about my age, holding a damaged ghost! "Help! Please help!" "Laurentine?!!" I cried. "Oh, s***!" Yelled Blake. We ran up to him. "Sit down! Sit down!" I yelled. "What happened?!" "Tae.. Tae Ken!.... J-J-James! He hurt James!" Laurentine held up his ghost. Dakota held the sparking ghost. He looked to T.C., anger built up in his voice. "Blake! Take care of Laurentine!" "Got it!" Blake tied another medic crate to his fist. "Hey, kid. Let me see your arm right quick. This won't hurt a bit." Laurentine, still crying in pain, lifted up his stump. "How is.. James?! Will he live?!" "Your ghost, James still has a chance..." answered Dakota. "All right, kid. This will only apply some pressure..." Blake hit Laurentine's arm, stopping the bleeding better than what already was there. "We have witnessed that Phantom's Taken genetics has some restorative properties-" "DOC! NOT NOW!!" Yelled Blake. I had crouched down beside Laurentine and held his shoulder. "Tae Ken did this?! How is your team?!" "It was Josiah that sent me... Tae Ken has torn us to shreds." Laurentine felt his arm. "Lorinski's Robotic Engineering could help with your arm once we get off this ship... But while we're here, Tae Ken hurt my friends..." I looked to Dakota. "Sir?" "In time... First, we need to make sure our patient is in good health." Dakota gave Laurentine his ghost. "Someone attempted to cauterize the wound, but it wouldn't last. I stopped the bleeding. It's all I can do until we get better medical equipment." Blake stood up and looked to Dakota. Dakota knelt down by Laurentine. "Can you lead us to your team?" "I.. I can." Laurentine tried to stop his crying. "Here, put this on." Blake helped Laurentine put on a sling. He helped Laurentine stand up. "Go that way, down the hall." Laurentine led us down the way. We started running behind him. "Watch your step here! There are plates that appear when you get close to them." "Got it." Replied James. I was not listening, my mind was set on getting to the fight! Laurentine carefully walked across the canyon, causing small bridge segments to appear. I ran across the canyon, running across the bridge. I took a bad step and fell! "S***!!" I double jumped to the other ledge! "ALAN!!" Cried Blake. "F***!" James ran to the edge as well. I reached for the ledge, but I missed! I slid down the wall, plummeting into the abyss! A rod extending from the ledge, pierced through my arm. The hadium of the rod and the steel in my arm grinded. My legs dangled over the miles down pit. My heart was jumping from my chest. "Alan! Give me your hand!" Yelled Blake as he reached over the ledge. "Blake, there's a good two yards between us!" I looked up to him, my helmet hid my fear. "Don't give some d*** numbers! Climb! Reach!" Blake tried to reach as far down as he could. I tried to climb up, but the next grip broke and I fell back to where I was. "Blake?!" "Don't you dare let go!" Blake continued to reach. "Blake, take this." Doc gave Blake Dark-drinker. Blake took the blade and lowered the handle to me. I grabbed the hilt and shifted my weight to it. "Ahh! Ow!" Cried Blake as the blade sliced through his gauntlets. James also took the blade and hoisted me up! As soon as I climbed onto the ledge, I scurried as far from the edge. I couldn't control my breathing, I placed my hand over my heart. I felt tears roll down my face. "Thank you!" Blake tied bandages around his hands after dropping the sword. "Be more careful next time, kid..." "Watch your step next time!" Yelled Colt. I propped my head on my hands and started to sob, my stupidity about got me killed! "We must hurry." Laurentine knelt down by me this time. "Y-yeah! We got to go..." I stood up and followed Laurentine. Dakota stopped me. "Alan, be more careful from here on out! I couldn't say a thing when you slipped. I can't lose another member. You here?!" "Yes, Sir..." I mumbled. Laurentine led us down a second hallway. At the end of it was Saturn, looming overhead. "Whoa! This is amazing!" We stood on the outer layer of the Dreadnought. "I WON'T GO BACK!! I HAVE THEM!! I HAVE THEM!! THEY ARE MY FEAST!!!" A cry of fury shook me from my trance. Josiah's fireteam was scattered all across the balcony. Blake rushed to a bleeding titan with a cracked visor! Blake directed us for different tasks. "The Darkness is drawing in on them!! We got to go!"

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