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4/16/2016 9:33:47 AM

the infinity loop argument on res sniping

here is the infinity loop argument of res sniping if you see this (->) or this (<-) connect the sentence we will build more as we go so feel free to put up counters to learn more about this together [u]initial revive question[/u] if you kill someone who has been revived. <- has the revive actually been prevented? [u]option 1[/u] if you state yes than a person could argue that by killing a player after the revive animation is completed the argument of preventing the res is thrown out the window due to the animation being completed, thus bringing the question on if the player is actually "fully revived" [u]option 1 sub answer loop[/u] if you question what a full revive is, it simply states the recovery of a player to the play space from ghost form to guardian form but then this goes back to the initial question -> [u]option 2[/u] if you state no you did not prevent the revive other could argue killing a player before they are able to move is preventing a player from returning to play thus preventing a "full revive" which begs to question what a revive in destiny actually means... [u]option 2 sub answer loop[/u] if you question what a full revive is, it simply states the recovery of a player to the play space from ghost form to guardian form but then this goes back to the initial question ->

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