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originally posted in: EPIC RAP BATTLES OF DESTINY!!!!!
11/8/2015 5:22:57 AM
I am a Titan Yes you can see me We are one not all And we are deceiving. Hey hunters! Blinking and dancing For all you do it seems like prancing. Hey warlocks! I've found a match Oh wait...... You stink like ass. I am a Titan Ground is where I belong For all you blink shot gunners The sky is where you fall. Fist of havoc It will always win Stay down warlocks Your self revive will not win. Aftermath is what I do best Afk? Come over! It'll kill you like the rest. Ward of dawn Come over and try me For I've got Helm of Saint-14 There is no escapin'. Weapons of light For I will one shot My sniper bullet acting like a Bitch slap! Hey hunters and warlocks! Come over and try me I am one not all I'll kill you like the rest Hammer of sol For I have no soul I use my hammer And I will control Scorched Earth Like all the rest Igniting the world We all know it's the best Wrecking in crucible It's what we do best For all the sub-classes We have the best Need offense or defense? We dominate both Striker and Defender But Sunbreaker the most Hey warlocks You have a puny leader She doesn't have a super And looks like a squeaker Hey hunters Your leader is lame His personality It always the same The Titans Have the best leader For he is strong And is the best deceiver The speaker One to regret Is always watching And he knows we're the best Hunters Oh your raging, that's so cute Because you do it in the raid When you always get the boot. Warlocks It's always annoying When your the last guy alive And you self revive! Come on! Give me a challenge The only time we die is when Our ship doesn't fly! I see a challenge and it isn't you Hunter, warlock You guys dispute The only challenge I see is myself in the mirror. You all see I'm on a kill streak You know it's a Titan Because I'm on a 20 kill streak. Hey hey! Cheers for Titans We are very mighty And hunters and warlocks have started deciding.

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