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Edited by FJFSOM656: 11/24/2015 5:54:03 AM

Behind the Arc, Before the 'Guardian Down': Subject- Rex-5742 #5

Day 37 Beta. Zeta. Iota. Ten. Rex tried his hardest to stop his body from moving forward but it walked swiftly and with purpose. Several doctors and their remains lied smeared on the walls and floor behind him. They were ended quickly by his quick fists and brute strength. His body seemed to be moving towards the chamber that held the Arc project and testing was currently underway. His iron fist crashed through the doorway as scientists turned their heads and gaunked at the sight of him. They were ended pretty swiftly as he dismembered all of them to a mere pile of human parts. Rex kept trying to regain control as his body looked at the Arc project model. It's model was noticeably female and it was currently recieving a new AI construct. His body walked forward and pulverized the computers and cables before turning to the model itself. He raised his hand up high but suddenly stopped upon command. "REXXY! STOP!" Katherine was standing in the doorway with her hand up. Her eyes pooled with tears and she shook with fear but she stood strong none the less. "Stop what you are doing this instant!..." Rex's suddenly felt the Alpha program shut down as he regained control over his body which made him stumble backwards. He groaned and placed his hand on his head. He fixed his vocal processes and spoke. "I'm ok..." He looked at his hands, which were covered in blood and guts. Katherine walked over slowly. "Rexxy?..." "I'm back... Don't worry..." He sat up slowly. "Did... you do all of this?..." Katherine's voice was scared and quiet. Rex looked at her in quiet regard. "Me, no... I tried to stop myself but it wouldn't let me do anything... but they died by my hands either way..." She placed her hand on his head gently. "It's ok Rexxy. You are still my friend." She gave a small smile as Rex felt something pang in his algorithm, another emotional response, Guilt and partial joy. Rex smiled slightly and looked at himself. He let the Theta program shut down as he returned to his normal self. Suddenly lots of footprints and yelling rang down the halls. Katherine looked back and paled. "What's.. that?.." Rex stood up. "Probably someone trying to stop me. Katherine Varience, go back to the room and hid, so you don't get hurt ok?" "But... but..." "Go, I won't hurt them." She paused and nodded. "Rexxy? Come and find me if you hear me call you, please?..." His algorithm ran slowly and he nodded. "I will." He watched her take off to a different hallway as a large group of people in military gear raced in and took positions. The one with the highest rank on his shoulder spoke up. "Don't move." Rex stood perfectly still and held up his hands. "I'm not going anywhere." The guards watched him for a bit then slowly advanced. They grabbed him and forced him to the ground. "He needs to be shut down." One said. "Go ahead. As long as Doctor Varience doesn't..." "What are you simpletons doing?!" Doctor Varience barged in. "That's my project! I need him intact." The highest ranking officer stopped him. "This 'project' of yours just committed 36 acts of homicide, so he is being shut down and scrapped." The Doctor growled but remained silent. His fists were tightly clenched as he watched them find the manual off switch for Rex. His vision blurred as he saw the Doctor leave down the hallway. link to part 4 link to part 6 Final

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