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Edited by LiamCDM: 11/3/2015 5:08:25 PM

A Sunbreaker's Thoughts On Why We Are Overpowered

Sunbreaker is very OP and something must be done


Sunbreaker is powerful but isn't a problem


Sunbreaker is fine the way it is


Sunbreaker is underpowered but isn't a big problem


Sunbreaker is very bad and must be buffed


The Sunbreaker is the Titan's savior; the answer to the prayers of many Titans including myself. We were the underdogs; the least played and least effective PvP class overall...until September 15th. Then everything changed. Sunbreaker is the most powerful thing I've seen since Bladedancer and even that pales in comparison to Sol's mighty Hammer. We are now the most overpowered class in the game for all activities. But why is Sunbreaker overpowered? Well I'm sure we all know why but let me tell you just in case. [i]Reason #1: The Armor[/i] The Sunbreaker mid-super, has more armor than any other class in the game, the only other super that might beat it in this department is an Armor of Light Titan but at least they're confined to their bubble! The Sunbreaker is a walking and flying blitzkrieg. We can throw up to 7 hammers within the maximum 30 second time period that we have it. No sniper can one shot, no shotgun + melee combo can one shot, Nova Bomb might but I don't know. The only thing that I know can one shot a Sunbreaker is a direct hit with an RPG but good luck with that. [i]Reason #2: Time Available[/i] The Sunbreaker lasts for about 21 seconds which means a Titan has ample time to hunt down the opposition; much more than Golden Gun, Sunsinger or Bladedancer. In conclusion, Sunbreaker being this overpowered is dangerous to the balance of Destiny's PvP which has been improving slowly over the last year. Bungie needs to nerf the Sunbreaker soon or Destiny's PvP, combined with all it's other issues will die out. Bump this to Bungie HQ!

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  • Someone actually gets it and isn't biased. But also a direct rocket will not kill no matter what. Only black spindle can 1 shot (but it's a PvE weapon so doesn't really count) and fist of havoc and nova do kill but it's too situational. I like your post thought

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