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11/5/2015 1:08:48 AM

Destiny: "The Game Of Grinding"

Ahh!... Destiny! The first game created by BungieVision. Why is it that some people feel like when they log out of Destiny and turn off their console, they suddenly feel like they just took their hand out of a blender that they left in there for the amount of time of their recent game session of playing Destiny... Even I myself sometimes feel this way... There's one simple answer, because it's fun and when we complete our goals we feel accomplished and can't wait to rub it in our friend's face. Lot's of people would disagree with me, and say that I'm just waisting my life on a crappy and highly repetitive game that resorted to DLC to improve the game itself (Not the Expansion I & II Packs, those were rubbish). I think that's a very bad opinion and they mostly had negativity for the Story and didn't really take the many other parts of the game into consideration. Anyway, when you think about it Destiny is just a game were you "Constantly Grind For The Best Loot" which is true in some cases if you wanted to get to 310 Light, which unfortunately takes a bit of grinding. but that's not even the full purpose of the game. Other than that I don't see much Grinding Involved, at least to make it to 190-195 Light. Other than that, make sure to comment any constructive criticism that you had in mind including you're thoughts and opinions. Thanks For Reading! :D [i]*Side Note - Lay off the toxic waste in the comments please, we are a way better community than CoD.[/i]

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