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Edited by Scithe: 10/24/2015 1:47:49 PM

The Legend Himself 2 manned Oryx!!!!

CommanderCuesta of The Legend Himself and A Death Card did the world for first, and 2 maned Oryx. How in the hell, its crazy. Just to note I have NOTHING to do with this, just thought I'd share the awesome video! Edit 1: there has been some confusion on The Legend Himself. This is a clan name it not just sc Slayerage, its a whole group of people who are badass at destiny. Just to clarify. Exit 2: Glad everyone been able to see so far. Edit 4: well this community can't handle people being good I guess.... Argue amongst yourselves! Go Wow 1k replies almost, you guys really like this argument that has come ari. I know my phone battery doesn't appreciate it, but thanks for spreading this vid, its pretty cool. Apparently the video isn't working for some. Go to The Legend Himself YouTube channel and you'll see it there
#Destiny #Crazy

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  • Dude has to b a robot

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  • ok. I was impressed when slayerage did the vault of glass, when he soloed crota. but this? this is cheesing! this clan used to come up with insane new strategies to do things, strategies that would work but were nearly impossible to pull off. but they pulled them off, they not only made strategies but put them into action! If they wanted to I am 100% sure they could LEGIT solo the vault of glass, even gatekeeper!!! I don't care if that seems impossible, that used to be WHAT THEY DID! to them, impossibility wasn't a barrier, but a challenge! they inspired the destiny community to reach heights never thought possible by the rest of the community. they proved us wrong, and we enjoyed it. for once in our lives, we enjoyed being wrong! that is the kind of stuff this clan used to do!!! but now, they just refer to cheesing and cheating the game to accomplish what? to gain some stupid title. name one time anyone in this clan ever mentioned on the forums they two manned vog, soloed crota? (aside from the videos they put up of course). they didn't! they didn't do it for the title, for the fame, they didn't even do it to accomplish the impossible. they did it because they cared. they cared about this game, loved this game, were willing to devote hours on end just to have a challenge, to have fun! but now, they don't do it for any of that anymore. I hate to say it guys, but this clan has become just like bungie. riding off their past success to make themselves look better. ask yourself, if they hadn't done any of the stuff they did before this, would you find this impressive? no, you would see it as two people discovering a cheese to a boss, like so many other people have done. they now do it for the fame, the fact of being able to say "hey, we did this, praise us!" like I said earlier, I used to respect and be impressed by these people. because of them, I have been trying to devise a way of soloing the vault of glass on hard mode! for how long? on December 13th for 1 year. people told me it was impossible, insane, that I was wasting my time. people told me it was inspirational, genius, that they were amazed at what I was coming up with! I didn't listen to either, didn't care what either group had to say. I was doing it for one purpose: because it was a challenge I had given myself, and I intended, and still intend, to finish that challenge! I do it because I find it fun to use all my mental powers to discover how to beat unbeatable things, prove to fate - if such a thing as fate exists - that it was not the boss of me. because guardians make their own fate. can these men call themselves guardians now? do they make their own fates as they once did? that decision is up to you, but I say they can't. I wouldn't go so far to say they are solely doing things like this now for the fame, but I can say this as a fact: they are not the same group of people that earned my respect so long ago. whether they have improved or become worse is your choice, but I leave you with this: the bungie you knew and loved became corrupt. I am certain anyone can.

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    62 Replies
    • Edited by Blank: 10/20/2015 8:03:09 PM
      Wow people, just wow... What I've learnt from the comments here is that self reviving is cheating and "breaks" game mechanics. Well ok.. The next time you die in the raid you better tell your team mate not to revive you because if he does you're all dirty cheats, oh and that goes for your team mates as well, revive them and you are "breaking game mechanics" lmao. Oh and while your dead team mate watches just remember how you were unimpressed by it being 2 manned while the majority of you struggle and start panicking the moment 1 person out of your 6 man fire team goes down.

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    • I also like how they two manned the Golgi apparatus

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      5 Replies
      • And to think [u][i]FURBALL[/i][/u] started that clan lol

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        4 Replies
        • So he 2 manned Oryx? Ok, now 2 man the entire raid, solo Oryx and the raid, I'm not impressed at all

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          9 Replies
          • Edited by Clayton85731: 10/20/2015 7:59:11 PM

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            3 Replies
            • Nice that take crazy coordination between the 2, doubt I would have the patience to try this. Thanks for the link bro.

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              1 Reply
              • anyone who calls themselves a legend is usually a colossal bellend wake me up when they 2 man oryx properly i

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                29 Replies
                • you know i feel like i should be impressed but i dont really because i kinda new this was going to happen

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                • but why though? honestly..? what was the point to prove you can do it? take 5 hours to do it? what.. 2 manning means what? not like youll get a sponsorship or money for it.. waste of time? so why do it? just to be someone on a website being the 1st 2man oryx? why though? how is that important in anyones life? oh wait its not... good job for doing it but you 2 manned oryx in 9 hours that took 6 to do now in 10 minutes.. way to go ... was it worth it? im sure they will say yes... then it becomes what did you get out of it? satisfaction? ya satisfying to waste a whole day doing it ? right lol enough said here...

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                  13 Replies
                  • That's nuts.

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                  • For all the people saying "they are cheesing it" This is not true in any way. Bungie has never actually released a 'set in stone mechanics for oryx' we were told to find a way to beat him- they did that here. Yes- they didnt even use the relic, aura etc, but who says they have to? If they can deny something that was put into the raid to make it easier for you and they still beat him props for them. If you are a person who says "ill be impressed when they do it without self res" then im sorry to say but youll never be impressed- the game mechanics will not allow it, its impossible TL:DR dont be [i]that guy[/i] and rain on someone's parade because they can do something you can't...

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                    17 Replies
                    • Edited by POLYWELL303: 10/19/2015 9:22:40 PM
                      Can the op whine a little more ? just because youre a fanboy doesnt mean other people should fawn at your 'legend' mates if you cant handle critique, dont post!!!! the fact is , these guys have bypassed the raid mechanics and that is a cheese, the entire point and difficulty of the raid is not oryx or any of his minions, its the coordination required of the fireteam to complete the task. Sitting at the top of a tower not bothering with the relic, or the knight, or even the ogres before hitting oryx completely MISSES THE POINT of the checkpoint. Dont get me wrong, its cute n all & deserve props for an unusual solution, but saying they '2 manned it' is like saying ' i soloed crota (by pushing him off the cliff)' , making out like these guys should be praised for essentiallycheesing their way through it is a travesty and represents everything that is wrong with the current generation of gamers who want everything handed to them on a plate and made easy. So while im sure these guys are good players, they dont deserve any special recognition for this 'achievement', after all , any two fools with self-res can emulate this now & may have ruined the raid for every destiny player.

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                      9 Replies
                      • What I would find as the most impressive feat for this raid would be a flawless 4-man clear, from beginning to end, since Oryx himself takes less than 15 min. The reason why I say 4 is because that's the minimum required to complete both Deathsinger sisters and Oryx platform puzzles w/out anyone dying. [b]Then[/b] I'll be impressed.

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                        10 Replies
                        • Edited by MJCaboose_8taxes: 10/20/2015 3:57:42 PM

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                        • Edited by Blaise: 10/20/2015 3:58:01 PM
                          I'm impressed regardless of how they did it. Great coordination by them and not panicking too. EDIT: read some other comments. Kinda disappointed. That's the only way they could do it if they two-manned it. You need at least four to run the normal mechanics, so don't expect them to have someone run a relic and use the invulnerability shield. They made it harder on themselves by not doing that in fact.

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                        • Can only imagine the countless hours wasted trying to get this one time lol It's impressive to an extent, but not efficient, which is all I care about. Soooo, don't care :) hope they had fun!

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                        • Let's be honest, they are exploiting a loophole. The blast from the knight that they are not killing should wipe them. But since it doesn't take away supers like the over soul did in Crota, they can revive and keep playing. Despite that, this is still very impressive. Good job to both players!

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                          6 Replies
                          • Nice

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                          • What sniper was he using in the video?

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                            3 Replies
                            • 0
                              Josh, The Kell of Tacos
                              Josh, The Kell of Tacos

                              Josh, The Kell of Tacos - old

                              The fact that they kept having to use Rez, not impressed just cause of that. When they two man it without using Rez than I'll be impressed.

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                              15 Replies
                              • Edited by chickengoujohn93: 10/20/2015 3:08:27 PM
                                Before I watch, let me guess... The major mechanics are skipped such as the relic running, therefore there is no immunity shield. So at least one of them must be a Warlock to self res and clean up the mess after DPSing Oryx? EDIT 1: Can't watch video... EDIT 2: I went to Youtube and searched this video directly and I guessed right. However I will give them credit where it is due. I've seen 6 man fireteams struggle to stagger Oryx and barely make a dent on the Echo's health. EDIT 3: Good Strategy for teams who won't grow a pair and are too scared to run Relic. EDIT 4: Reworded some previous edits, because people were taking it the wrong way. I wasn't saying the guys who two manned this didnt have confidence running relic, I was talking for groups in general particular random groups from LFG. Whenever someone asks who wants to be relic runner an awkward silence usually ensues until I volunteer. This would be a nice strategy for groups who struggle or hate running relic. Obviously, the strat would need to be expanded upon depending on how many are in the firteam. Also, did I say it was a cheese? Nope.

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                                22 Replies
                                • He's THA TRUTH

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                                • Who cares?

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