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Edited by Aavlen: 10/5/2015 9:05:22 PM

Stop it. Just. Just stop it.

I've been quite active on the forums lately, and all I see in the 'classes' section is just over 9,000 hunters complaining about sun breakers super. Ugh. -Countering- So, I doubt any hunters know this: Shadowshot disables supers, and can one-shot a sun breaker. I've gone on my hunter, logged into the crucible, found a hammer bro, and fired my shadowshot. The guy manages to throw one hammer; misses, and suffers a brutal death by smoke grenade in my tether. So, stop complaining about how it can't be countered. -Health/shields- Apparently sun breaker has a ton of HP. I laughed at that statement as I got one-shot from Nova bombs, golden guns, shadowshot ect. That's like saying Headstrong for FoH is op. It's called a super for a reason. -Too many hammers!- OK, I guess we have like... 5 hammers or more. Nice. I guess hunters and warlocks think: 5 hammers = 5 free kills. Not really. Take those... Around 5/6/7 hammers. Now, add map movement. Now, add missing. Now, add panic throwing. So op. It's basically the same as a bladedancer. And don't say "the hammers track!" Cause I use the tracking upgrade, and see almost no difference. -hammers: NOVA BOMBS!- Really? Just... Really? It's like saying Nova bombs blast radius is op, rockets are op, shadow shot is op, grenades are op, and everything that blows up in destiny is op. Not my fault that you thought, "Faa-ting!!! Oh, lemme go try to shotgun that guy." In all, sun breakers shouldn't be nerfed. It's balanced compared to other supers, so stop whining. Hunters... Let us Titans have our moment.[spoiler]It's our time to shine.[/spoiler] --------- Yes, I know shadowshot doesn't oneshot a sb. I made an error, no need to restate this anymore.

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  • Edited by Gubzs: 10/8/2015 4:29:42 PM
    Firstly, I would like to state that I have all 3 classes at 290+ light. [quote]Shadowshot disables supers, and can one-shot a sun breaker.[/quote] It hits around 110, and the tether has a 1-second activation delay. If you hit them[i] in the face[/i] with it it still usually does not turn the super off. Beyond that, the fact that our supers cancel each other out [i]does not make them equal[/i]. Let's just [i]imagine [/i]that Shadowshot did work [i]every single time[/i] at shutting down hammer of Sol. It doesn't, but let's play pretend: 1) I can't use my super because I have to save it for the titan, the titan can use his at any time. EG: He can get 3 kills before I run into him, I can't use mine at all before I run into him. 2) mine is hardly capable of getting 2-3 kills, provides no damage resist, and lasts 10 seconds. The titan's can get 4-7 kills, lasts twice as long, provides double damage resistance, and heals him with every kill he makes. 3) your super has the collision size of a friggin minivan, my super will often miss because the collision is literally the size of an arrow. I've had shots that the aim-assist for the shot actually messed-up because I was trying to lead the arrow and it angled it behind the moving target. [quote]Apparently sun breaker has a ton of HP. I laughed at that statement as I got one-shot from Nova bombs, golden guns, shadowshot ect. That's like saying Headstrong for FoH is op. It's called a super for a reason.[/quote] You mean you get one shot by abilities that hit over 400? You are actually saying to us that [i]you aren't overpowered because a 400 damage hit kills you[/i]? Stop. Please stop. Your super is the ONLY LONG-RANGED MULTI-USE SUPER that provides damage resistance. Oh, and speaking of your damage resistance, did we mention that you also restore 100% of your already doubled health every time you get a kill with it? [quote]Now, add missing. Now, add panic throwing.[/quote] You are using your own lack of skill to defend your super. That's a new one. Here, I fixed that for you: [quote] I can't aim and I press RT when I get scared. Yeah... my super is [i]so [/i]OP. [/quote] Next please... [quote]Now, add map movement. Now, add missing. Now, add panic throwing. So op. It's basically the same as a bladedancer. And don't say "the hammers track!" Cause I use the tracking upgrade, and see almost no difference. [/quote] You forgot the part where bladedancer requires melee range to be used... you can literally shotgun them in the face. Even activating it often scares off any potential targets because of how close you have to be. You also forgot the part where your hammers explode even if they're 5 feet away from the intended target. ...AND the part where your personal inability to aim does not define the power of your super. [quote]-hammers: NOVA BOMBS!- Really? Just... Really? It's like saying Nova bombs blast radius is op, rockets are op, shadow shot is op, grenades are op, and everything that blows up in destiny is op. Not my fault that you thought, "Faa-ting!!! Oh, lemme go try to shotgun that guy."[/quote] I can't make sense of that at all. I really can't. What are you even trying to say? NOBODY complains about nova bomb, NOBODY complains about Shadowshot, NOBODY complains about grenades. You're right though, running at the solar titan with a shotgun out is what kills us all, THAT'S what it is. THANK YOU for your help. [quote]In all, sun breakers shouldn't be nerfed. It's balanced compared to other supers, so stop whining. [/quote] Let's make a little super checklist: I'll award one point to each super for the following: Is it ranged? Does it last for a while? Does it provide damage resistance? Does it heal you on kills? [u]That's 4 points possible for each super, let's make a little list.[/u] Golden Gun: 1 (ranged, doesn't last long, no resistance, no heal on kill) Arc Blade: 3 (not ranged, lasts a while, damage resistance, heals on kill) Shadowshot: 1 (ranged, doesn't last long, no resistance, no heal on kill) Radiance: 2 (not ranged, lasts a while, damage resistance, no heal on kill) Nova Bomb: 2 (ranged, doesn't last long, damage resistance, no heal on kill) Stormtrance: 3 (ranged..kinda, lasts a while, damage resistance, no heal on kill) Fist of Havoc: 1 (not ranged, doesn't last long, damage resistance, no heal on kill) Ward of Dawn: 2 (not ranged, lasts a while, damage resistance, no heal on kill) [b]Hammer of Sol: 4[/b] (ranged, lasts a while, damage resistance, heals on kill) Arc blade has been called overpowered for a very long time, and it scored LOWER on this list than your -blam!-ing hammer. They are NOT BALANCED and saying they are is either denial or ignorance. You can play Sunbreaker all you'd like, people will hate you, but that's your right to do so. What bothers me is that you don't even have the balls to admit that you're taking advantage of a broken game mechanic.

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    46 Replies
    • Hunters are just used to pvp being easy mode from the first year. Their egos are bruised and they are having tantrums and won't stop until they are allowed to be on top again with little effort. Hunters new super should be the tantrum ability, fall to the ground kicking and screaming. The super effect is auto win in a pvp match.

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    • Any sunbreaker can survive a golden gun shot. Just have max armor and a solar armor buff setup.

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    • First of all. This guys a idiot. Let me explain. 1. When he said the HP wasn't good: it's a mobile super and it almost has as much as health as a fist of havoc. 2: you can get up to 7 hammers not 5. 3: it one shots another sun breaker if fired first. 4: golden gun two shots. If you have max armor. You're an idiot so I'm guessing you go full recovery in pvp. They are very broken mainly because they are mobile and ranged. But you're an idiot.

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    • Luke Smith said sun breaker is OP. Luke Smith>>>>>>>>>>>you. The end.

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    • So now you know how it feels to have other classes bitch that you are too OP in crucible, welcome to the life of year one hunters. BTW, where are you getting your numbers? 9000 hunters? Really? First, it's not just hunters bitching. Second, I doubt you counted through 9000 posts and checked each one to see if it was a hunter. I'm not saying it's op and crying for a nerf, I think it's fine where it's at. My only problem with the new sub's is storm caller being weak and lame. Just thought I would clear that up so you don't think there is 9001 hunters bitching about it.

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    • Shadowshot doesn't do enough damage to kill a shielded guardian, all your arguments are invalid if you didn't know that.

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    • Edited by TICK TOCK47: 10/12/2015 11:56:56 PM
      The tether on a nightstalkers bow officially disables all supers. *Striker titan super ready *Runs in room,jumps and- *Didn't see her entire team tethered,gets tethered herself,and the nightstalker gets a blood bound kill😢

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    • Re: shadowshot 1) the windup time of shadow shot is such that a sunbreaker can 1HKO you as your super is activating, no matter how fast you react. That's not accounting the delay for the tether. 2) on several occasions I have directly hit a sunbreaker with my arrow only for him to shrug it off, not have his super shut down, kill me and regen any health I might've taken away. He's literally running around throwing hammers with the purple tether orb on his body at that point, no -blam!-s given. SS is a viable counter, but even then you need to catch the breaker off guard just so you have time to get it up and aim it and tether it, and a direct hit is no guarantee you will do anything at all to it besides moderate damage that he will just regen when he inevitably retaliates with a hammer. So, odds still in breaker's favour. G'day.

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    • Have you ever played as a hunter? Have you? I've played all three classes at least ten days each. Also, I deleted a warlock with a lot of time played so my current warlock is not reflective of my actual time spent on it. Check to see how much time you have total. In my opinion, hunters take the most skill to use. For example, none of our supers are panic supers. Golden gun takes skill to get kills, but in a skilled hand it can be a bit too good, I admit. Bladedancers aren't as OP as you think. I can't tell you how many times I've popped my super, ran around a corner, and got sniped right out of my super. The fact is, sunbreakers is a slightly dulled down mix of the following: nova bomb that has aim assist with the tracking hammers, that can be fired off more times than golden gun even with aclyophage symbiote, and has aftermath. Think about that. Does that sound balanced? Even if you discount tracking, it still is basically a mobile nova bomb with enough health to survive anything once.

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    • Shadow shot does not one shot a sun breaker. I've tried, but it only takes down their shields and 50% of their health. [spoiler]then their hammer hits me[/spoiler]

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    • just to let you know....golden gun doesn't one shot it "two-shots" a sun-breaking titan man do your homework.

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    • I have also been active on the forums for a bit and there are just as many people crying about hunters saying HoS is OP

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      1 Reply
      • People usually say "tank" talking about armor. For Sunbreakers it's the armor, the cannon, and the on board engineers

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      • Hail Hydra!

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      • 1
        1. the health shouldn't be reduced, just increase the damage on high impact sniper headshots and golden gun so that they ohk a HoS 2. i just realized the possibility that hunter are complaining about HoS now because they arent used to using a super that doesnt have roaming. they are trying to compare the bow to HoS when they should be comparing it to something like nove or fist of havoc

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      • Bungie supers are balenced plz nerf

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      • You say they don't have too much help and then list a bunch of supers that can kill a Sunbreaker in it's super. List what can kill everything other roaming super mid-super and a sniper headshot always does the trick. Apart from radiant skin but that doesn't one shot people.

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      • Where I completely agree with you (hunter main here) you can't gg one shot a sunbreaker. If you can it just means I've been -blam!-ed over many times by destiny cause it leaves a bit of health every time I've done it.

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      • So many things wrong in this post it gave me cancer.

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      • Lol you are acting like almost every single post wants them to be nerfed to hell. In reality, most people want it balanced, do your reasearch, go ahead, say "OMG SKRUB GIT GUD" [spoiler]I'm a warlock main btw[/spoiler] [spoiler]enjoy your crutch while you can.[/spoiler]

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      • Bumped

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      • >Be a warlock >Nerf sunbreakers >Blame Hunters >Titans blame Hunter >Warlocks laugh >Kek kek books and libraries kek

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      • Sumbeaker is op. Now I wait for Titans to defend.

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      • Also shadowshot takes forever to take effect so you can still die before it even registers

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