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9/13/2015 9:38:04 PM
As a feminist, I'm definitely exposed to its community. And I can tell you that people often jump to very ridiculous conclusions. For instance, I heard that some women found it offensive when men held the door for them. That's not offensive. R*pe is a serious topic. Unfortunately women who falsely accuse actually hurt the chances for actual victims to see their harassers put away. Let's also not forget that in the heat of things, especially violent attacks, it can be hard to get a good look at your attacker. Regardless, hating men is NOT what feminism is about. Radical feminists and misandrists poison the community and label themselves feminists. Real feminism has to be about complete and total equality. Meaning male and female domestic violence and r*pe victims receive justice, equal pay in all fields of work and equal opportunities (men should be hired and female-dominating jobs if they want to be as well), having the draft include all genders etc. It can't be about making things easier for women. It has to be about making things completely equal, even if it doesn't necessarily provide benefit for women.

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