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Edited by ADK197285: 9/1/2015 4:37:39 AM
More intense VOG theorizing below, click at your own risk, so much text. Credit goes to Agrogiant. [spoiler][quote]Finally, the mystery has been solved. After nearing the anniversary of the game, the Vault of Glass has been cracked. "Causal pathways converge on Atheon from every axis in the space-time bulk." - Atheon Grimoire Atheon is the conflux of every time axis in the space-time bulk. He is one of the only two constant entities in the Vault. The other being the Aegis. What's happening during the Atheon fight is every guardian to ever fight Atheon in the infinite history of time is converging on Atheon from their personal and private time line. So during Time's Vengeance, you're not doing extra damage, you're just attacking Atheon at the same point in time as every other guardian fighting him. Every bullet that hits for extra damage is the exact bullet hitting Atheon from a parallel timeline. Atheon is fighting infinite amounts of guardians at once. Now the story of Kabr states he is still alive within the Vault fighting the Vex. This was a more tricky solution but it's a paradox. Kabr is fighting Atheon with us, but he is also on his own timeline. Atheon is defeated within time, of course, we are able to beat him. But not without the help of the Aegis. If Kabr had the Aegis during his fight with Atheon he wouldn't have lost and would've came home, however he didn't. He lost, and for him to lose he would have to not have made the Aegis. However, the Aegis is still within the Vault when we converge down there. So what happened? Solution: We descend into the Vault before Kabr's fireteam did. Kabr has not existed in our timeline yet, but he does in the future. When he bends time with the Aegis it becomes a solid entity in the Vault, it becomes the counterpart to Atheon. For Atheon to exist, the Aegis must exist as well. This is why no enemy can pierce the shield, because it is made equal to Atheon. So to put it simply, we enter the Vault before Kabr. In Kabr's timeline he creates the Aegis to counter Atheon. Atheon exists in our timeline so the shield is written into existence on our timeline by Atheon so he can exist. So how is Kabr a legend in our timeline? Kabr was the only guardian truly unwritten from existence. Almost like saying he was damned to suffer the Vault for eternity. He lives on as long as Atheon does. Atheon's processors, the gorgons/oracles/templar must've written him out at some point and so he written into some eternal version of the Vault. This is why he forgot his team, his team made it out of the eternal suffering, but was either killed or locked inside until death. Kabr lives on inside the vault, and fights for his existence, which is why the shield appears in times of need, and why his armor is found in the vault. To put it into terms more or less accurate, he is a ghost inside the Vault, aiding us to defeat Atheon. If we defeat Atheon from our timeline, Atheon in every other timeline is defeated as well, including Kabr's. Which would write him into existence again. So why is Kabr still not written into existence? Because when Atheon is summoned in our personal timelines, time freezes. At that point every guardian to ever fight Atheon is frozen in time until the point in which Atheon is defeated. Okay so what about the Vex Mythoclast? The ultimate reward for DEFEATING Atheon, which I just said is impossible until the end of time, which is never. It's in the description of the gun. A causal time loop. For time to end, everything would need to end, so for time to prevent ending itself it instead restarts itself. Atheon is time. Once Atheon is gone, time is gone. Time cannot be gone. It loops itself and we revert back to our journey prior to defeating Atheon. Sorry for the long read, let me know what you think! Edit: Thank you community for all the support and opinions! A lot of you have proven that Kabr did exist before our timeline and it's completely true. So to explain this shortly and simply, Kabr's fireteam existed before us and went down into the Vault. Upon reaching their final point, Kabr was unwritten from existence by the will of Atheon to be damned to the only place he could exist, nowhere. An eternal Vault of Glass. Damned to be by himself. However this was not a quick disappearing act. The way the grimoire states being 'unwritten' from existence means it must take time to 'unwrite' him. As he was being unwritten he was losing his mind and sometimes he would see his fireteam with him, others he would not. To put it easily he was between realms. Blinking in and out of both. His fireteam's fate is unknown, all except Pahanin. He made it out of the Vault with little sanity after watching Kabr slowly go mental before completely disappearing into thin air. Scared of the same fate, he created the Super Good Advice to keep his sanity before meeting his end with Dredgen Yor. Thank you again for all the support fellow Guardians! Edit 2: Many people are asking questions along the lines of "What do you mean time freezes when we summon Atheon? What do you mean we can't defeat Atheon? End of time? What?" Well for another simple-ish explanation: When we summon Atheon time is frozen, but from our perspective we jump forward to the point in time of Atheon's defeat, when every guardian who will fight Atheon has summoned him. The point in time where Atheon fights every single guardian in existence. Once Atheon is defeated, there are two possible outcomes. We stay in the Vault, from our perspective we just defeated Atheon. But in real time the fight was won, time was broken, everything ceases to exist and we are teleported to the only place where nothing exists, the same eternal realm Kabr was cursed to. Or time resets to before we defeated Atheon. So, once defeating Atheon we are then unwritten from existence and are cursed to the same realm as Kabr, or time resets prior to your specific guardian entering the Vault. Edit 3: To everybody commenting "Where's the secret chest?!", I'm currently working on it. I was out of commission from my PS4 for three months. I just got a new one, and I'm currently catching up with all my characters and enjoying the details of the House of Wolves DLC. With each DLC released it seems theories will have to change, as 'MoonliteMatthias' stated when the Wolves entered the Vault. HOWEVER, Luke Smith made a comment in the ViDoc for Taken King: (7:30 is the time stamp) "Is there another chest in the Vault of Glass? I'll never tell." This alone leads me to believe that there's something else in there, or it means the secret chest is just a meme now. Either way, I'm leading an expedition into the Vault in search of this chest, as many have done before me. I'll be exploring once I receive the Bones of Eao for my hunter so I have the ability to explore more in depth. I'm on PS4 and I need people who have experience with exploring the Vault to come with me. You can add me through my PSN 'Agrogiant' with a message saying you want to be part of the expedition, and then I'll group message the team with a time and date. Thank you all for the comments, I greatly appreciate each and every one of you. Let's uncover every shrouded mystery the raid has to offer. [Edit 06-03] [i]... .. We must save Kabr...[/i] What would you guys like me to write about next? Or anything else you might want some insight into? Let me know![/quote][/spoiler]

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