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Discuss all things Destiny.
8/28/2015 12:55:36 PM

If you could make a weapon for Destiny....

How BADASS, ingenious or flat out grade A supremely absurd would you make it? I'm talking absurd by Gmod standards of crazy, something that Vanoss and his crew would use. I've got a few in mind for now... The BlastAway Exotic Shotgun Once used by a long missing Exo from the Golden Age, this guns recoil was said to be so godlike it propelled him into orbit on a single clip...hence why he is currently missing. Perk: BlastAway One random shell per clip will be granted absurd knock back power, sending most enemies flying across the terrain and capable of staggering majors and ultras The WarHawk Exotic Rocket launcher Remote-controlled explosive accuracy in lieu of talons Perks: WarHawk This perk grants two optional subperks to change how your rocket works when fired. Jerico: Allows the user to press square while controlling your fired rocket to release dozens of mini rockets forward of your rockets direction before collision. Spearhead: Allows for a massive speedboost that enhances damage on a single target but sacrifices blast radius and reload speed. What are your crazy weapon ideas?

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