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6/5/2015 3:00:25 PM

Ye good ol' times

[i]long story short..[/i] I remember the time when auto rifles where the best and pulse where crap. Ahhhhh, the almighty Suros.. Everyone was complaining about RNG and Xur not selling it.. Thorn was a blast too, maybe a little too blasting for some.. Then something happened. Autorifles got balanced as well the pulse rifles. Shotguns get nerfed in range cause the complain of them getting 1shot kills at long distances. Thorn become a water pistol. After that Suros went down, and Red Death was the star. Everything was good, but the complains about shotguns continues. Thorn gets buffed, not so much like before, but again a good weapon. MEGA FIX: bungie says to us "stop using AR for everything!" And get a really good balance in PvE. Shotguns and pulse rifle start being a choise, no more sniping mode on fusion rifles and hand cannons. But PvP... PvP was something else. The community cries a lot.. "Nerf that that I don't own thanks to your sh*tty RNG", " shotguns 1 shot kill me being at 10cm of my face, pls Nerf!" "Hand cannons are too op, they're playing bad cause are unbalanced and need to fix cause I can't win!" My reflection: every game has some weapons better than others at some things. If not, we all will be playing with the same gun with no perks so no one is complaining about. Sick about thorn? Don't use it! Sick about people not wanting you for PvE cause you don't own a gjallahorn? Get another group. It's easy to complain, but you don't help doing it. Find a solution, search your feelings,you must. Bye guardians! [i]think the fallen, hive, vex and cabal forums... Full of Nerf threads... More than this...[/i]

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