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originally posted in: Splatoon > Any CoD game ever
6/3/2015 10:44:42 PM

The biggest things that turned me away from Splatoon were the controls, which required you to move a hunk of plastic to aim, and the lack of variety period, which people say still persists even after the testfire. 2 modes, really? Also, "C'mon!" and "Booyah!" isn't enough to tell your team "Hey guys, we need to cover this area!" or "Help, I'm surrounded!". I might buy it if it goes on sale for $30 or $40, or if it gets more modes and good local co-op (popping balloons does not sound like fun), but for now, I'll stick with other games. At least CoD has a good amount of content and replayability. Also, F*CK AMIBOS.

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