After 1,5 months of development, I am proud to annouce that my application for managing items for the iPhone named [b]Loadouts[/b] is finally out on the App Store!
Thanks for the support of this amazing community, 1.0 is finally available for general public. Without your testing and feedback, this project would not happen. My deepest gratitude and I will repeat my promise: *the project will remain free and without any ad banners*. It is a honor to be among you guys and my way of saying "thanks" to both you and Bungie for creating such a great game.
[b]What is it?[/b]
Loadouts is an app for the iPhone to make moving items across characters easy. It saves you the hassle of finding where any particular item is at, and will just make the magic happen: you pick what you want to have on a character, tap Transfer and there you go! Loadouts will do the rest: it will determine what has to be transferred, unequip items before moving if needed, offload items to vault or other characters to make up space, all that [i]automagically[/i]. You can also mark items to be equipped immediately on a target character, and create loadouts (hence the app name) containing sets of your favorite armor and weapons for any game situations.
[b]Install Link[/b]
[b]Screenshots and Information[/b]
More detailed information with screenshots is available on the app website: [b][/b]
[b]What's Next?[/b]
1.0 is obviously just a beginning of a long road. I have plenty of features planned ahead and 1.1 will include "move to Vault". Overall, I read and reply to your feedback here, so depending on what you'll request on this thread, the roadmap may change. Lets make it the best iOS tool out there!
[b]Is it available for Android?[/b]
Sorry, no, it isn't. I am not good enough with Android programming as of now, and I'd rather focus on whatever I am good with. However, there are a bunch of nice tools for Android out there (in alphabetical order):
- [url=]Little Light for Destiny[/url]
- [url=]Packmule for Destiny[/url]
- [url=]Tower Ghost for Destiny[/url]
I haven't tried them personally, but I heard they are quite good.
[b]Helping the project[/b]
The project is free and banner-free (and I will keep it that way), however, I appreciate if you help the development in either of two ways:
- Tell your friends about the app!
- Donate an amount you see fit via [url=]PayPal[/url] or directly in the app via In-App Purchase.
Thank you!
I just tried this app a couple days ago. When scrolling through my inventory it was showing treasure keys in the leg armor slot. Different weird glitches.
Get it before they nerf it. App is so OP.
Bump for the update! I've convinced at least 7 people to download your app and we all love it! Now that it has the transfer to vault option I'll never have to use the companion app (except for forums). Awesome work man, definitely going to throw a donation your way soon.
Thank you very much bro! I already use the app and it's great! Can you besides the 'move to vault' feature also add an indicator for seeing which item is currently on which char? Maybe a colored frame around the items, e.g. yellow for char 1, red char 2 and green char 3. Thanks and I'm looking forward for future updates.
It's really good, but I have one suggestion for you. It lets you transfer your stuff to any of your characters, but sometimes I would just like to move something to my vault, can you make it happen? [spoiler]ps I use this app everyday it's great[/spoiler]
This app works pretty great.
Any reason why all gear not showing up? Several helms and others missing in mass inventory. Weapons all accounted for.
It's good but the loading time in the begging is killing me other than that this app is amazing.
You sir are Top.
I saw your app while searching for the Destiny LFG app. At the time, I was not interested. Seeing all the good posts in this thread convinced me to download. And after poking around in the app, I'm glad I did! :-) [spoiler]One suggestion: you might want to color the background behind each item the same color as the background of the shader on the character where that item is. (Or white, if it's in the Vault.) Or maybe draw a white line border between the inventories of each character. That could help people who want to know where stuff is.[/spoiler]
Found this app recently and tried it out, it's really good!
It's a great app I am going to make a donation.
It finally came out? Nice! I had completely forgotten about it.
This is a great app, been using it for 4 days now
Have you tested it with a completely full inventory and vault? I'll wait till I have a little breathing room, but I'll check it out.
I'm glad to see you got your app up and working. I tried to get it during the early stages never got the email though. If I could I would donate but I can't at the moment. I really can't wait to test this app out.
I was skeptical to use this app at first but the fact that the transfers run through the bungle system made me really comfortable with it and I just say that having used it I am very impressed. The fluidity of it and the time saved make this a very valuable resource. Thank you for developing such a great app.
Thank you for your hard work. The app is brilliant and I use it daily. It is amazing for free. I wouldn't even begrudge paying for it. Thanks again.
I wasn't sure about it at first but I'm gonna try it out now!
u deserve to be compensated for this
Lifechanging..... Very slick
Ive been reading the reviews on the appstore and comments on here, installing ASAP. It sounds like a legit good app
Great app. Any plans for it to be on iPad?
just got it. saw how many duplicates of bullshit I have. got sad & deleted. [spoiler]i downloaded it again. it's neat.[/spoiler]