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4/25/2015 7:12:04 PM

Raiders need Crucible marks too... "The Black Hammer" Clan is looking for helpful Experts

I myself haven't played much Crucible. But I like most want to be ready for HoW. If you're a non-elitist Pro who wants to help out, my clan would appreciate it! "The Black Hammer" clan is focused on fun and helping each other succeed. I spend most of my time helping inexperienced players with raiding, teaching people to cultivate skills that make you valuable when LFG (Relic carrying, Support, strategies, or Just knowing when to keep your head down). I am hoping to branch out into PvP, and also am looking for PvP representatives to coordinate events and rally players for things like Iron Banner, Trials of Osiris, etc. Feel free to ask any questions! Thanks!

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