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Edited by Ezra Fell: 4/15/2015 1:20:32 AM

Ideas for two new pieces of Exotic Gear.

1) Warlock Chest Armor; Singularity Phoenix; "The End is not the End, but a New Beginning."; Def-TBD, Strength-70, Intellect-70, Discipline-70; Perks-Inverse Shadow, Special Weapon Ammo, Singularity Phoenix Exotic perk-using Fireborn with Radiance results in a concussive explosion like a Striker Titan's concussion grenade, damaging and disorienting nearby enemies.(This would not disorient guardians in pvp. It will provide some damage, but no disorientation.) ; Appearance-TBD (I'm not picky.) 2) Titan Gauntlets; Tempest Gates; "I shall open the Gates of My Wrath upon you; the Storm shall flow and you will be no more."; Def-TBD, Strength-108; Perks-Increased Melee Speed, Infusion of Light (picking up an orb regens health), Tempest Fist Exotic Perk- adds a 30% chance of Storm Fist resetting upon use. Appearance- TBD (Something involving Lightning I guess.) So what do you think? They probably need to be balanced and scaled back in some ways, but I like the ideas. I'm sorry I didn't come up with a Hunter one. :(

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